yes on the syrian resolution says the congressional peeps

I was right about Obama being a corporatist.

I was right that Obama follows the Bush foreign policy .. and beyond.

I was right that Obama would pass the Bush tax cuts and make them permanent.

I was right that Obama would not prosecute those responsible for the financial disaster.

I was right that Obama didn't end the war in Iraq, Bush did. In fact, Obama tried to extend that war.

I was right about Obama's failure to pass real healthcare reform.

I was right about Obama's lies to destroy Libya.

I was right that Obama lied about supporting single payer and that the sequestration idea didn't come from him.

"how many times do I have to be proven correct by following FACTS before you learn how to follow facts?"

Obama was handed an already existing policy and claiming nothing has changed does not comport with the facts.

The Bush tax cuts are NOT permanent.

Prosicutions of the banks have been done and are still being done.

Obama ended that war dude

real healthcare reform did happen

Lybia was not done on lies

bac your just wrong on the facts
House Greets Syria War Resolution With Intense Skepticism; Vote Could Go Down

WASHINGTON -- This sucker could go down. And unlike the Wall Street bailout, there is unlikely to be a do-over.

A resolution authorizing military force against Syria barely made it out of the hawkish Senate Foreign Relations Committee -- with the majority of Republicans opposing it -- and now is facing withering skepticism in Congress. While the Senate appears poised to come to some type of agreement, the "People's House," as it is known, is showing much more reluctance to approve the deeply unpopular bombing resolution. "Peace may well have a chance," said one top House GOP aide.

Public opinion surveys have been reflected in the outpouring of calls, emails and letters that have flooded House offices, running, say lawmakers, at more than 9 to 1 against intervention. The opposition spans the political spectrum.

Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah) said on Twitter that his delegation is unpersuaded and that public reaction has been fiercely opposed. Rep. Justin Amash (R-Mich.), who represents the libertarian opposition within the GOP, said that he's also seeing intense disapproval.

Discomfort with the war resolution is not just Republican. "Members on both sides [are] undecided, with most (not all) I've talked to feeling extremely uneasy and uncomfortable with this resolution," said one Democratic member. "I think if it went down today, it wouldn't pass the House. People though are truly undecided with concerns in a bipartisan way. The real question is if those who feel uncomfortable with this can be made to be comfortable with a resolution that has a much narrower scope."

Complicating the picture for advocates of intervention, at least 34 members who voted to support the Iraq war are now leaning against supporting intervention in Syria, presumably burned by experience.

one more round of stupid for this country to walk through.

Ill be there helping you all out of it as much as I can
Obama was handed an already existing policy and claiming nothing has changed does not comport with the facts.

The Bush tax cuts are NOT permanent.

Prosicutions of the banks have been done and are still being done.

Obama ended that war dude

real healthcare reform did happen

Lybia was not done on lies

bac your just wrong on the facts

I won't even bother to ONCE AGAIN show you that you don't know what you're talking about.

It would be easy .. but why bother?
I won't even bother to ONCE AGAIN show you that you don't know what you're talking about.

It would be easy .. but why bother?

dude you are dead wrong on these facts.

I know you will believe what you want instead of what is fact.

I have seen many a person do it in all the political stripes.

Facts will save us all if we let them
You're doing God's work Desh

(there are some serious delusions of grandeur on this board)

I have no delusions about who I am.

I am a regular American joette.

I am armed with the facts and a love of facts over lies.

It has served me well in life and I don't fear being in the outs because I love facts.

its very reassuring actually to KNOW what you base your thoughts on are the best information possible.

Makes all the silly insults and badgering from people who are stuck in lies mean nothing.

go ahead and abuse me.

I know you need to to get where you need going.
I have no delusions about who I am.

I am a regular American joette.

I am armed with the facts and a love of facts over lies.

It has served me well in life and I don't fear being in the outs because I love facts.

its very reassuring actually to KNOW what you base your thoughts on are the best information possible.

Makes all the silly insults and badgering from people who are stuck in lies mean nothing.

go ahead and abuse me.

I know you need to to get where you need going.

What's with this abuse stuff? How many times have you called me names? When was the last time I called you a name or was even rude to you?

If having a conversation with you or asking you questions is abuse then this board is full of it.

No you have delusions of grandeur that you think you are changing minds with your rants on here and thus are doing some service with all your posts. (yes I realize after what I first wrote this last sentence wasn't the nicest of things to say but it is the truth)
words and facts can change minds no matter how much you reflexsively hate me.

go ahead and abuse away.

why pretend I ever cried about being trashed on here.

I was just pointing out your lies about me thinking Im special are silly somethings.

Im a smoe like everyone else on here.

I have a good record of being correct ONLY because I insist on facts being my base.

that is not special and every one of you can do it.

I hope you stick to facts and kick my ass in being correct even more than me.

that would in FACT be very awesome for me.

the more of you who are so fact based you can teach me shit would be heaven to me.

do you understand that?
dude you are dead wrong on these facts.

I know you will believe what you want instead of what is fact.

I have seen many a person do it in all the political stripes.

Facts will save us all if we let them

You keep talking about FACTS .. and you don't have any.

How many times do I have to keep demonstrating that you don't have a clue?

The Bush tax cuts are NOT permanent.

Why did Obama make the Bush tax cuts permanent?

Prosicutions of the banks have been done and are still being done.

Obama on Bank Prosecutions: They Did Nothing Illegal, Only Found Loopholes That We Worked to Close

For perhaps the first time, President Barack Obama was forced to explain why there have been no prosecutions of Wall Street executives for their fraudulent actions during the run-up to the financial crisis. Asked by Jake Tapper to explain this behavior, Obama basically suggested that most of the actions on Wall Street weren’t illegal but just immoral, and that his Administration worked to re-regulate the financial sector with the Dodd-Frank reform legislation.

“Banks are in the business of making money, and they find loopholes,” the President said. Apparently forging and fabricating documents to prove ownership of homes that are subsequently stolen from borrowers is now a loophole.


Obama ended that war dude

The Status of Forces Agreement ended the Iraq war, and that agreement was signed by George Bush. Obama tried to force the Iraqis to KEEP US forces in Iraq.

United States ignores Iraqi officials, Obama pushing to have U.S. troops stay in Iraq

real healthcare reform did happen

Really? The American people don't think so.

CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want Obamacare repealed
July 24, 2013

(CBS News) A new CBS News poll finds more Americans than ever want the Affordable Care Act repealed.

According to the poll, 36 percent of Americans want Congress to expand or keep the health care law while 39 percent want Congress to repeal it - the highest percentage seen in CBS News polls. The poll also found a majority of Americans - 54 percent - disapprove of the health care law, 36 percent of Americans approve of it and 10 percent said they don't know about it

Lybia was not done on lies

One word is all it takes .. VIAGRA

You don't know what the hell you're talking about. You are truly uninformed.

The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012[edit source]

On January 1, 2013, the Bush Tax Cuts expired. However, on January 2, 2013, President Obama signed the American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012, which reinstated many of the tax cuts, effective retroactively to January 1. The 2012 Act did not repeal the increase in the highest marginal income tax rate (from 35% to 39.6%) which had been imposed on January 1 as a result of the expiration of the Bush Tax Cuts.

they are not the same huh

American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012

An act to extend certain tax relief provisions enacted in 2001 and 2003, and to provide for expedited consideration of a bill providing for comprehensive tax reform, and for other purposes.

Colloquial acronym(s)

Enacted by the
112th United States Congress

January 1, 2013


Public Law
Public Law 112-240

126 Stat. 2313

Legislative history

Introduced in the House as the "Job Protection and Recession Prevention Act of 2012" (H.R. 8) by Dave Camp (R–MI) on July 24, 2012
Committee consideration by: Ways and Means
Passed the House on August 1, 2012 (256–171)
Passed the Senate as the "American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012" on January 1, 2013 (89–8) with amendment
House agreed to Senate amendment on January 1, 2013 (257–167)
Signed into law by President Barack Obama on January 2, 2013


The American Taxpayer Relief Act of 2012 Pub.L. 112–240, H.R. 8, 126 Stat. 2313, enacted January 2, 2013) was passed by the United States Congress on January 1, 2013, and was signed into law by President Barack Obama the next day.

The Act centers on a partial resolution to the United States fiscal cliff by addressing the expiration of certain provisions of the Economic Growth and Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2001 and the Jobs and Growth Tax Relief Reconciliation Act of 2003 (known together as the "Bush tax cuts"), which had been temporarily extended by the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010. The Act also addressed the activation of the budget sequestration provisions of the Budget Control Act of 2011.

A compromise measure, the Act gives permanence to the lower rate of much of the Bush tax cuts, while retaining the higher tax rate at upper income levels that became effective on January 1 as a result of the expiration of the Bush tax cuts. The Act also establishes caps on tax deductions and credits for those at upper income levels. It does not tackle federal spending levels to any great extent, instead leaving that for further negotiations and legislation. The American Taxpayer Relief Act passed by a wide majority in the Senate, with both Democrats and Republicans supporting it, while a majority of Republicans in the House opposed it.