yes on the syrian resolution says the congressional peeps

True. I never dreamed Darla and BAC would rise above politics and turn out to be principled and non-partisan on an issue. I stand corrected.

Darla doesn't need me to speak for her, but I'm always principled. They may not be your principles, but well-founded principles they are.

I don't give a damn about either corporate-owned party, I don't give a damn about partisan thought.

I'm a self-described African-American socialist who knows that we/America did 9/11.

:0) .. and I can support and defend all that with facts and intellect. I speak truth as I see it, not as someone else wants to hear it.

'The principled life is the only life worth living.'
turning a blind eye to gassed civilians is not my moral code

again I ask you... perhaps you will answer this time...

If civilians are killed by the regime, why are you so pissed about the 2k killed by gas and NOT the 100k killed by conventional bombs and bullets?
You either think this chem attack on civilians is important or you don't.

that is pretty clear here.

I don't think you will find one person on here that doesn't think the chem attacks are abhorrent.

Your problem is that anyone who disagrees with how YOU think we should respond either hates Obama or simply doesn't care, etc...

You seem to also be under the delusion that we can bomb the delivery systems without civilian deaths.
To m e, a war pig is someone who profits from the war. I speak of the MIC who own our politicians. Not Desh. I am saying they serve the warpigs, not that they are warpigs.

I am sure you know the other term for it. I believe Stalin coined it.

I also believe that some liberals are pretty pretty good at fooling themselves into believing it's "for humanitarian" reasons when a Dem is doing it. It's very interesting because some of the things they say are nearly verbatim what Repugs said during Iraq! So are they hypocrites, or do they truly believe deep down that Democrats are inherently good and so only ascribe good motives to them, and that Repubs are inherently bad and only ascribe evil motives to them? I think for many of them, it's the latter.

But, makes no never mind to the dead civilians.

No truer words ever spoken.

To be honest, I find it disgusting and truly sickening. We're talking about human life .. innocent human life. We're talking about mothers, children, and babies. It requires me to maintain control of my blood pressure. I'm serious.

I have to alleviate the pressure with frequent walks with my dog, weekly visits to the zoo, weights, sex, swimming, activism, and lots of children whenever I get the chance.

Democrats who screamed at Bush but applaud Obama for doing the same thing are disgusting to me. Sorry if that offends people I have liked, but there is human life involved.

It's pretty clear that Obama set his artificial 'red line' knowing that sarin was being smuggled into Syria .. giving him his opening for a war in which he uses AL Qaeda as his 'troops on the ground' .. exactly as he did in Libya.

No truer words ever spoken.

To be honest, I find it disgusting and truly sickening. We're talking about human life .. innocent human life. We're talking about mothers, children, and babies. It requires me to maintain control of my blood pressure. I'm serious.

I have to alleviate the pressure with frequent walks with my dog, weekly visits to the zoo, weights, sex, swimming, activism, and lots of children whenever I get the chance.

Democrats who screamed at Bush but applaud Obama for doing the same thing are disgusting to me. Sorry if that offends people I have liked, but there is human life involved.

It's pretty clear that Obama set his artificial 'red line' knowing that sarin was being smuggled into Syria .. giving him his opening for a war in which he uses AL Qaeda as his 'troops on the ground' .. exactly as he did in Libya.


because the CiC has a (D) after his name. The media will not attack him and most Dems are like Desh... following along in lockstep. You and Darla and those that stick to your guns are the minorities. (puns intended)
because the CiC has a (D) after his name. The media will not attack him and most Dems are like Desh... following along in lockstep. You and Darla and those that stick to your guns are the minorities. (puns intended)

look at the pols you fucking lying asshole.

Im in the minority yet again.

being right is sometimes like that
Darla doesn't need me to speak for her, but I'm always principled. They may not be your principles, but well-founded principles they are. I don't give a damn about either corporate-owned party, I don't give a damn about partisan thought. I'm a self-described African-American socialist who knows that we/America did 9/11.
:0) .. and I can support and defend all that with facts and intellect. I speak truth as I see it, not as someone else wants to hear it. 'The principled life is the only life worth living.'

I agree. We may not see eye-to-eye on some questions, but I apologize to you for my failure to acknowledge your moral center in the past. Will you forgive me?
it will tell the evil there are MORE perameters to consider when you want to gas your civilains to death.

You may lose your expensive weapons systems.

Not doing anything and saying "Im tired of bombs and evil so lets just go on vacation instead of acting"

"Lets just close our eyes and tell the world we wont bomb evil guys we will only bomb when our president lies to us"