yes on the syrian resolution says the congressional peeps

True. I never dreamed Darla and BAC would rise above politics and turn out to be principled and non-partisan on an issue. I stand corrected.

Darla is a hypocrite of the highest order.

I guess it's fine to "follow desh all over the board" and "bully" her when you're Darla.
Personally, I don't see people who support military action as necessarily "war pigs" or anything like that. There is a pretty long tradition of left-wing support for the use of military intervention for humanitarian ends. It's not where I fall, but I don't think everyone who supports military action are bad people who love war for the sake of war.

I agree, Dungheap. There are definitely reasons to be in favor of military intervention; Assad is a horrible leader and has killed 100,000 and more of his own people. Morally, it seems necessary to go get him.

But I just don't see how us interfering will help. The situation in Syria is horrible, and will stay horrible even if Assad is overthrown (and I do hope he is overthrown). I don't kid myself that things will be all fixed by his removal.

But I do understand why Desh wants to do something to the horrible man, especially if he has used chemical weapons. I just don't know that we can do anything effective and useful.
I'm not necessarily speaking about desh. Maybe she's a war pig. I'm not going to offer an opinion on that matter. I'm just saying that there are liberals that are torn between competing values (hating war and supporting humanitarian goals) and who come down differently from you and me on the issue. I don't think those people are war pigs. Your opinion may differ.
If you live in a competitive House district writing your Congress person could have an effect.
Ironically, I live in one of the most anti-war cities in America and our rep (Pelosi) supports the war effort.

Was it Feinstein or Pelosi who profited from the war in Iraq? I seem to recall one of their husbands owned a lot of URS shares.
I'm not necessarily speaking about desh. Maybe she's a war pig. I'm not going to offer an opinion on that matter. I'm just saying that there are liberals that are torn between competing values (hating war and supporting humanitarian goals) and who come down differently from you and me on the issue. I don't think those people are war pigs. Your opinion may differ.

To m e, a war pig is someone who profits from the war. I speak of the MIC who own our politicians. Not Desh. I am saying they serve the warpigs, not that they are warpigs.

I am sure you know the other term for it. I believe Stalin coined it.

I also believe that some liberals are pretty pretty good at fooling themselves into believing it's "for humanitarian" reasons when a Dem is doing it. It's very interesting because some of the things they say are nearly verbatim what Repugs said during Iraq! So are they hypocrites, or do they truly believe deep down that Democrats are inherently good and so only ascribe good motives to them, and that Repubs are inherently bad and only ascribe evil motives to them? I think for many of them, it's the latter.

But, makes no never mind to the dead civilians.
I did, and basically echoed my concerns about it. I'm in the "undecided" column at the moment, leaning toward not doing anything. Below is my email to Pres. Obama; the ones to Feinstein/Boxer were similar. I have not emailed my congressional representative as he has already come out against it. But I may send him something similar. I think he's just against it based on costs.

Cawacko, despite Pelosi being for it, I think you should still write her to ensure she knows that people in her district feel differently.

TK, Pelosi knows how people feel here. She wins re-election here with close to 80% of the vote. No Republican will ever win in this district and she is far too powerful to have another Democrat try and primary her (even though there have been rumblings of trying to get someone more liberal to run against her). She's in a position where she can do as she pleases.
TK, Pelosi knows how people feel here. She wins re-election here with close to 80% of the vote. No Republican will ever win in this district and she is far too powerful to have another Democrat try and primary her (even though there have been rumblings of trying to get someone more liberal to run against her). She's in a position where she can do as she pleases.

Please let's remember that this is the same Pelosi who came out for chained CPI ( a clear ss cut), when Obama told her to.

I worship no one. Pelosi was full of horseshit on that, and she's full of horseshit on this.
To m e, a war pig is someone who profits from the war. I speak of the MIC who own our politicians. Not Desh. I am saying they serve the warpigs, not that they are warpigs.

I am sure you know the other term for it. I believe Stalin coined it.

I also believe that some liberals are pretty pretty good at fooling themselves into believing it's "for humanitarian" reasons when a Dem is doing it. It's very interesting because some of the things they say are nearly verbatim what Repugs said during Iraq! So are they hypocrites, or do they truly believe deep down that Democrats are inherently good and so only ascribe good motives to them, and that Repubs are inherently bad and only ascribe evil motives to them? I think for many of them, it's the latter.

But, makes no never mind to the dead civilians.

The Republican effort to paint the Iraq War as a humanitarian effort was horseshit from jumpstart, was an after-the-fact justitifaction for an unnecessary war and was designed to make those liberals that support humanitrain military intervention as hypocrites.
Please let's remember that this is the same Pelosi who came out for chained CPI ( a clear ss cut), when Obama told her to.

I worship no one. Pelosi was full of horseshit on that, and she's full of horseshit on this.

So principled! You're the Marlboro Woman!
TK, Pelosi knows how people feel here. She wins re-election here with close to 80% of the vote. No Republican will ever win in this district and she is far too powerful to have another Democrat try and primary her (even though there have been rumblings of trying to get someone more liberal to run against her). She's in a position where she can do as she pleases.

Yeah, I know the feeling, from the other side - I live in a "safe" Repub district; no dem will ever win it, unless maybe the repub is in a very major scandal too close to the election to have someone else run..... even then, he might win.

In most cases, since he's a tea partier, it means he doesn't agree with my perspective on any issue.

He's against Syria, but really just because he's against Obama - he didn't even bother attending the briefing, he already had his mind made up.
To m e, a war pig is someone who profits from the war. I speak of the MIC who own our politicians. Not Desh. I am saying they serve the warpigs, not that they are warpigs.

I am sure you know the other term for it. I believe Stalin coined it.

I also believe that some liberals are pretty pretty good at fooling themselves into believing it's "for humanitarian" reasons when a Dem is doing it. It's very interesting because some of the things they say are nearly verbatim what Repugs said during Iraq! So are they hypocrites, or do they truly believe deep down that Democrats are inherently good and so only ascribe good motives to them, and that Repubs are inherently bad and only ascribe evil motives to them? I think for many of them, it's the latter.

But, makes no never mind to the dead civilians.

It's amazing how strong of a motivator that is and it runs the reverse on the Republican side just the same.
Just because someone doesn't "stand for" the same thing you do, doesn't mean they don't' stand for anything.

For instance I stand for not bombing people.

And you really should take a chill pill because posting 100 times a minute? Not helping your case.
why are you bullying Desh again?
Desh honestly you're full of shit. You agree with anything and everything any Democrat does, and you always have. You have no moral center. You are free to warmonger all you want on here Desh, but can the moral high ground bullshit because you ain't standing on it.

so harsh... will the bullying never end?
You either think this chem attack on civilians is important or you don't.

that is pretty clear here.