After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest.when you admit to having sex with house pets, then I'll quit telling people how you PM'ed me asking me for a date with my dog.
After meeting you, I've decided I am in favor of abortion in cases of incest.when you admit to having sex with house pets, then I'll quit telling people how you PM'ed me asking me for a date with my dog.
..... But here are some facts about how the rich are doing:
1) Income for the rich is way up.
Income for the top 1% grew an estimated 31.4% from 2009 to 2012. The bottom 99% saw a gain of 0.4%.
2) The stock market is way up
The Dow has roughly doubled since January 2009. The middle class benefit somewhat from the gains, but it's the rich that benefit the most.
3) Tax rates on the rich are not way up
Households with income above $250,000 will pay a 0.9% surtax for Medicare and some of their deductions have been reduced.
Households making above $400,000 ($450,000 if married) now pay a top income tax rate of 39.6%, up from 35% under Bush, but the same as during the Clinton years.
Those same high earners have to pay 20% on dividends and capital gains, up from 15%. And the exemption on the federal estate tax stands at a generous $5 million per person.
but that's it.... the Koch Bros. and a few other puppet masters and then the rest of the unwashed hoards are morons with teabags tied to their hats carrying around stupid signs like, "Keep your socialist hands off my medicare".
It's always amusing to see uninformed low information dunces pointing their fingers at others thinking they are dumb.
They don't come dumber than dunces like you Comrade. LMAO
the rich Koch assholes also help the republican party CHEAT the people out of their votes in elections.
they should be put in front of a firing squad for that traitorous act
I'm curious. Do you have any other schtick, or is calling people dumb really just about the sum total of your act?
It is SO repetitive after a while, you really should try to work in some more stuff.
an entire post.... not one bit of substantive content... entirely insults.
Shit... a moron with Aspergers can called Stephen Hawking an idiot repeatedly... the repetition does not make the claim any more credible.
All you ever do is call people idiots while adding ZERO to the conversation beyond that.
You've met Zappa then...
so... YOU'VE met truth deflector then?
how many boards have you been banned from because of your obsession with me?
You've met Zappa then...
it is somewhat creepy, ain't it?
yurt is old news for me.... far back in the rear view mirror of my life.... but for him, it seems, he just can't quit me.
Oh great...and now we're all going to get another dose of the YurTard's insanity as he attempts to dig back into nonsense that's been over and done with for YEARS now.
The REAL question should be, just how obsessed with mm is the YurTard, that he IMMEDIATELY hunts mm down on the forums and starts attacking him over shit no one remembers?