Yet another neocon/teabagger myth busted!

aw gosh.... I know you tea baggers from the tea party don't LIKE to be called tea baggers... and you try to deflect and point out that it is also a term that sometimes refers to a somewhat less than ordinary sex act between two men, but we democrats love to call you tea baggers anyway.... just to get under your skin a bit... kinda like Rush likes to call us the democrat party instead of the democratic party... it's all pretty harmless fun, wouldn't you agree?

The fact remains... the demographic of the typical tea bagger is not synonymous with the formerly typical republican demographic that included country club memberships and summer homes. You tea baggers are typically a rather uneducated oafish lot... and that makes you prone to be kidding about it.

Willfully ignorant parrots like Granule love to IGNORE THE FACT that at the original astro-turf rallies sponsored by Dick Armey, Fox Noise pundits and the Koch Bros. all had Tea Party folks sporting tea bags hanging from their hats. Also, you had that famous video pic of the woman with the sign "tea bag Obama before he tea bags you".

Granule and his ilk need to get some therapy to deal with their sexual angst.
Actually if you believe this New York Times Poll from 2010 Tea Party folk are pretty well educated.

Poll Finds Tea Party Backers Wealthier and More Educated

Tea Party supporters are wealthier and more well-educated than the general public, and are no more or less afraid of falling into a lower socioeconomic class, according to the latest New York Times/CBS News poll.

Then why do they support and advocate such idiocy? Sorry, but the article I posted puts the kibosh on a major cornerstone of teabagger blarney against Obama's proposed tax hikes.
The lesser educated Tea Party members were told by the fucking Democrats that Medicare wasn't socialism. Just goes to show believing Democrats makes you look like a fucking idiot even if you are in the Tea Party. The rank and file Democrats swear Medicare isn't socialism so the Tea Party guy with that sign must have been one of the few Democrats in the Tea Party, huh?

My God, it never ceases to amaze me how willfully ignorant (and proud of it) you are. Here stupid, learn something:
Anyone that isnt totally dishonest or a total moron knows that the real numbers show without any doubts, the rich have gotten fabulously richer, the middleclass has shrunk substantially, pays for the working class have been stagnant, there are more unemployed and underemployed than most other periods and there are far more poor and homeless.

When 6 peope thats right 6 human beings can have more than the bottom 40% of all americans something is big time wrong and those 6 people are the Waltons, the ones that have employees that qualify for food stamps

Why is that wrong? Did they steal the money? Come by it dishonestly?
Why is that wrong? Did they steal the money? Come by it dishonestly?

In some cases, yes....which is why you things like anti-trust laws passed in our history....or why you had a whole lot of folk go to jail under the Shrub's administration....or at one time why investment banks and commercial banks were separate by law.

Enron, the S&L scandal, Wall St. and the mortgage debacles have obviously taught you nothing...either that or your just insipidly stubborn to acknowledging such.
Your constant talking about swallowing your boyfriends nads speaks otherwise. How do you explain that?

Man, you seriously need to grow up...seems every time you can't deal with FACTS or win an argument you start babbling this silliness. No wonder the powers that be in the GOP play you for a fool!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
the mortgage debacles have obviously taught you nothing...either that or your just insipidly stubborn to acknowledging such.

Here’s what I learned during that debacle.

All you've "learned" is to adhere to the myopic viewpoints of right wing media. They talked a good game, but here's what went down. Observe and learn:

Republican Congress Talked About Financial Reform, But Did Nothing

By Kathy GillSeptember 18, 2008

My previous statements stand valid.
Then why do they support and advocate such idiocy? Sorry, but the article I posted puts the kibosh on a major cornerstone of teabagger blarney against Obama's proposed tax hikes.

What was the argument used against the tax increases that your article refuted?
Man, you seriously need to grow up...seems every time you can't deal with FACTS or win an argument you start babbling this silliness. No wonder the powers that be in the GOP play you for a fool!
Actually, you are always the one who starts talking about this odd sexual act, sucking your boyfriend's balls, when the subject is politics. I'm simply pointing out that fact.
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Then why do they support and advocate such idiocy? Sorry, but the article I posted puts the kibosh on a major cornerstone of teabagger blarney against Obama's proposed tax hikes.

What was the argument used against the tax increases that your article refuted?

First, did you actually READ the article in it's entirety? If not, please do....then my quick references will have meaning and we won't waste time.
Actually, you are always the one who starts talking about this odd sexual act, sucking your boyfriend's balls, when the subject is politics. I'm simply pointing out that fact.

No, you're simply a frustrated neocon/teabagger stooge flailing away at facts that you can't change. No point in wasting anymore time on you. Into the IA dumpster you go. Maybe in a month or two I'll check in to see if you've grown up some.
No, you're simply a frustrated neocon/teabagger stooge flailing away at facts that you can't change. No point in wasting anymore time on you. Into the IA dumpster you go. Maybe in a month or two I'll check in to see if you've grown up some.
Later, ball sucker.