Yet more reason to set a maximum voting age of 45

What are you waffling about now, the FTSE 100 ended the week higher than the start and the pound is crrently at 1.37 when it was around 1.42 the week before last!! The bookies and hedge fund managers took a soaking, fuck 'em!

dear lying shit heel,

you groaned all over yourself when I told you it would cause an econ omic mess

you have no set morals
With the plunge, the pound is now worth less relative to the U.S. dollar since at any point since 1985. It is the pound's worst day on record, according to Bloomberg, with the second-worst being in 1992 when the currency fell 4.1 percent.

Ever notice how internet boasters always reap huge profits, have kids who get highly-paid job offers, etc.?
They write about how wonderful they are doing.
Their fantasies are really all they have.

What is your real life like TrollCat? Legion thinks male nurses are gay, which is bigoted. You and "he" always bash on other people's jobs but you strangely never say what you do for a living, other than post on JPP.
What is your real life like TrollCat? Legion thinks male nurses are gay, which is bigoted. You and "he" always bash on other people's jobs but you strangely never say what you do for a living, other than post on JPP.

Well if you can believe anything Leon says, he is 62 and retired.
You don't want to go back to the 50's you want to go back to the 1700's, why don't we just make it white, male landowners!

at least take away women's right to vote. that was a fucking disaster. Can anyone imagine how awesome our country would be if women didn't vote? Taxes would be so low, we wouldn't be ruled by feels for the poor. I can't believe we gave you women that right. Complete fuck up.
the right doesnt believe in democracy anymore

Given that you are a firm believer in democracy, may I take this comment as your endorsement for brexit given that it was a pure democratic decision and democracy is awesome?
at least take away women's right to vote. that was a fucking disaster. Can anyone imagine how awesome our country would be if women didn't vote? Taxes would be so low, we wouldn't be ruled by feels for the poor. I can't believe we gave you women that right. Complete fuck up.

I would deny the vote to white feminazis, especially those living in New York and Texas.


The difficulty is that those who swung this vote won't, most of them, have to live with the consequences. They ARE, however, living with the consequences of bully-boy-capitalism, and this was, essentially,m a protest vote against that. I don't know what the answer might be, but abolishing democracy isn't it.
Unlike you, who sabotage it as a matter of course.

Iolo, did the Leavers have a plan on the chance they won? You have an increasingly fractured situation, and I don't see any of them even attempting to lead? But I don't live there. Have they been seen lately?
You could literally control who votes by changing the tax laws. This is the dumbest thing I've ever heard in my life. People who say things like this shouldn't be allowed to vote, you're too stupid to cast a ballot.

yeah, we realize lazy fucks like yourself would hate it when we put your stupid asses to work
You don't want to go back to the 50's you want to go back to the 1700's, why don't we just make it white, male landowners!

So you are saying no one but white land owners pay taxes? Care to prove that stupid ass statement? LOL