Yet more reason to set a maximum voting age of 45


at least take away women's right to vote. that was a fucking disaster. Can anyone imagine how awesome our country would be if women didn't vote? Taxes would be so low, we wouldn't be ruled by feels for the poor. I can't believe we gave you women that right. Complete fuck up. couldn't be helped. Once we gave them shoes it became inevitable.
Iolo, did the Leavers have a plan on the chance they won? You have an increasingly fractured situation, and I don't see any of them even attempting to lead? But I don't live there. Have they been seen lately?
Just a gang of liars and crooks, who never expected to win. I think they are as shocked as anyone: all they wanted to do was advance their slimy careers.
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Just a gang of liars and crooks, who never expected to win. I think they are as shocked as anyone: all they wanted to do was advance their slimy careers.

Bullshit, even your old mate George Galloway was for Brexit as indeed was Wales. If the young were so fucking bothered about remaining then how come only a third of the under 25s bothered to vote? Answer that Taffy!! Corbyn was always known as leaver until he became the leader of the Labour party and the fact that he is toast is due entirely to his pathetic showing in the referendum campaign.
It seems some British young are still complaining that the older generation has robbed them of a future in Europe. Well fair enough, everyone is entitled to an opinion. I've added two photos. The first is a group of British kids around 20, who feel robbed of their futures in Europe (Ibiza). The second is a couple of British 20 year old's who were also robbed of a future so that the young of today could have that vote. Tell me again how hard done by you feel?

