T. A. Gardner
Thread Killer
Hey! You stupid ignorant leftist fuck!
The reason rent is so high is because the government wants to make more money off the property than the owners.
Like twice as much. In order to not have go into debt to rent people houses, landlords have to increase rent to meet the city/county/parish's demands.
This is all fouled up. The government does not deserve that money, but they have the power, and demand that high price, and so everybody's (and I mean every fucking body's) rent gets jacked because the government is greedy AF.
If you don't like it, say something about it. Mob the motherfuckers, they deserve it.
They are cheating every single American that pays taxes and rent. They are fucking everybody, and nobody realizes it. Did you, you leftist retard? Of course not. You're fucking braindead.
You're all good with all that, amirite?
After all, the government demands it, no matter the harm to the people. You're all good with paying $1100/mo for rent vs. $550, huh?
Actually, rents are going up because government is forcing landlords to make up for lost revenue from deadbeat renters they can't evict and who won't pay their rent by getting it from those that are paying their rent. Landlords have bills to pay too but aren't able to tell their bill collectors to fuck off, like their renters are, because the government is making it illegal to try and collect the payments due.