You can't live on $7.25 an hour anywhere in America?

I'm rereading Jim Hightower's "Thieves in High Places" from the early 2000s ... read thru the section on WalMart. Wow. The way they would have workers clock out and then keep working. The way when they come in to a town so many local businesses end up closing because WalMart will sell below cost to drive out the competition. And they'll replace 3 of those local decently paid jobs with 2 low paid jobs. And of course how they drive their suppliers to go to the same low cost model which hurts their suppliers' workers.

All for a few more pennies when they have billions.

He quotes in there - can't remember who - but a high muckety muck at a car factory was taking a labor union leader around a factory. The high muckety muck points at the various robots on the factory line and says "good luck getting them to pay union dues!" The labor leader replies "well, good luck getting them to buy cars."

I know posters here will say people need WalMart's low prices....but if we had a decent minimum wage; if companies like WalMart paid decently; if other companies weren't driven to lower their labor rates - well, they might not need prices quite that low.

But it's another buck for the Walton family...
I'm rereading Jim Hightower's "Thieves in High Places" from the early 2000s ... read thru the section on WalMart. Wow. The way they would have workers clock out and then keep working. The way when they come in to a town so many local businesses end up closing because WalMart will sell below cost to drive out the competition. And they'll replace 3 of those local decently paid jobs with 2 low paid jobs. And of course how they drive their suppliers to go to the same low cost model which hurts their suppliers' workers.

All for a few more pennies when they have billions.

He quotes in there - can't remember who - but a high muckety muck at a car factory was taking a labor union leader around a factory. The high muckety muck points at the various robots on the factory line and says "good luck getting them to pay union dues!" The labor leader replies "well, good luck getting them to buy cars."

I know posters here will say people need WalMart's low prices....but if we had a decent minimum wage; if companies like WalMart paid decently; if other companies weren't driven to lower their labor rates - well, they might not need prices quite that low.

But it's another buck for the Walton family...

And the worst part is....we subsidize them and businesses like them with our tax stamps, WIC, Medicaid.....if you look at the big picture, cheap Chinese goods aren't all that cheap after all.
so let's end welfare, obamacare and foodstamps to stick it to the corps.

Who says they'll get stuck? No, I'd much rather the workforce rise up and stand together. Save enough for two or three weeks of food and necessities...those that don't have the cash, hit up food banks, etc....then pick a date and go on strike...everyone in the private sector.....go back to work and when those conditions are ripe again...strike again. They have the money....the people have the numbers.
Who says they'll get stuck? No, I'd much rather the workforce rise up and stand together. Save enough for two or three weeks of food and necessities...those that don't have the cash, hit up food banks, etc....then pick a date and go on strike...everyone in the private sector.....go back to work and when those conditions are ripe again...strike again. They have the money....the people have the numbers.

You had your chance to do that with the Occupy Protests.
Who says they'll get stuck? No, I'd much rather the workforce rise up and stand together. Save enough for two or three weeks of food and necessities...those that don't have the cash, hit up food banks, etc....then pick a date and go on strike...everyone in the private sector.....go back to work and when those conditions are ripe again...strike again. They have the money....the people have the numbers.

let me know how that works out
let me know how that works out won' least not in the near term. Right now....people are too scared...but let it get bad fast food workers making minimum wage in an expensive NYC...if it gets that bad on a large scale, something will happen.

Heck...take it further...squat in your homes, don't pay your bills. Let them.know it will continue until things change...there aren't enough law enforcement to take every one down. In fact...many of them may be in a similar situation and could empathize with the squatters....they themselves can't strike, nor can any essential.public employee. But they can lose paperwork, take their time and.other little things., won' least not in the near term. Right now....people are too scared...but let it get bad fast food workers making minimum wage in an expensive NYC...if it gets that bad on a large scale, something will happen. Heck...take it further...squat in your homes, don't pay your bills. Let them.know it will continue until things change...there aren't enough law enforcement to take every one down. In fact...many of them may be in a similar situation and could empathize with the squatters....they themselves can't strike, nor can any essential.public employee. But they can lose paperwork, take their time and.other little things.,


Perhaps PmP the liar should quit getting his info from the Heritage Foundation.

????....its not a lie.....this may come as a surprise, but approximately half of all high school students are females.....

by the way, from your link above.....
It’s interesting to note, however, that people earning the minimum wage account for a very small percentage of people working -- in this case, 2.6 percent of working women.

now, I wonder how many of those 2.6% are students?......
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Here's the problem. Leftist scum like Tekky, Steal, and Howey think McDonald's workers should be starting out at $15/hr with full ride bennies.