Well, he kind of does, all the cookie-cutter "libtard" men - are all just carbon copies of each other, required by liberal law to think, act, and bleat the same tune. Deviate from the groupthink even a smidge, and you're toast - CANCELLED faster than a bad sitcom. And the ladies? They're just as programmed, though they get a slightly different set of outrage cards to play with.
This whole setup? It's less of a political movement and more like a cult, funded by plenty of radical libtard Billionaires, with masterminds I call the "Hive Masters." They had their world domination strategy all mapped out until Trump bulldozed through, messing up their decades-long game plan.
This, my friends, is what we call a "thought." Shocking, I know, but it came from this little activity called "thinking."
Now, I recognize that my enlightened fellow thinkers might have their own takes on the depth or the deviousness of this liberal strategy, and that's cool.
I'm laying this out not just for you, but also for
@Hume - just so he can get a glimpse of what a thought looks like, bless his heart.