"You did good Joe,.....You answered all the questions"


Well-known member
That REALLY was super cringey. It no doubt elder abuse at this point. When she made the remark to him he just kind of looked at her,...you know THAT look,...like someone who's not all there. Almost like a baby or small toddler. It was pitiful. I feel bad for him now,...I really do. He is being totally USED by those around him including his wife with no regard whatsoever for his personal well being. These people are SICK!

It's all Jill now. Joke is lucky to know it's noon on any particular day...
Which is why I have been calling her Bidens Brain for awhile now.

The story is that she is the problem, she does not want to go, she likes having so much power and does not want to give it up.

I am now completely confused on this point, it might be that she/they are following the script they have been handed by the people who run America perfectly.
Everything that is happening now must be understood in the context that the people who run America from the shadows dont want to come out in the open yet....they want to keep the con that Old America is still alive for a bit longer....which requires work.
Larry Johnson said the other day that it was well known in elite circles in 2015 that Biden had a dementia diagnosis...

That REALLY was super cringey. It no doubt elder abuse at this point. When she made the remark to him he just kind of looked at her,...you know THAT look,...like someone who's not all there. Almost like a baby or small toddler. It was pitiful. I feel bad for him now,...I really do. He is being totally USED by those around him including his wife with no regard whatsoever for his personal well being. These people are SICK!

I bet you feel good that the poor debate means trump has a 100% chance of winning the election.
That REALLY was super cringey. It no doubt elder abuse at this point. When she made the remark to him he just kind of looked at her,...you know THAT look,...like someone who's not all there. Almost like a baby or small toddler. It was pitiful. I feel bad for him now,...I really do. He is being totally USED by those around him including his wife with no regard whatsoever for his personal well being. These people are SICK!

I bet you feel good that the poor debate means trump has a 100% chance of winning the election.
No. I feel bad that Joe's own loved ones and supporters care so little for his health and well being that they are more than willing to let this abuse go on just so they can continue to run things from behind the scenes in the shadows. Quite frankly its disgusting. I wouldnt treat anyone like that. To say nothing of all the damage this is doing to our country on the world stage. Awful,....just awful.
No. I feel bad that Joe's own loved ones and supporters care so little for his health and well being that they are more than willing to let this abuse go on just so they can continue to run things from behind the scenes in the shadows. Quite frankly its disgusting. I wouldnt treat anyone like that. To say nothing of all the damage this is doing to our country on the world stage. Awful,....just awful.
Elder abuse, that's a laugh. The RNC's really upped its game since the reagan years. Biden is no more being abused than he's a pedo.
Ronnie was never as bad as Joe while he was President. He was about like Biden was 3 years ago. Stage 3-4 dementia. Biden is stage 5 now.
Go back and read about Ronnie before making a such dumb claim. The Iran-Contra screw up happened under reagan's watch and he claimed he had no knowledge of it. When he testified he said "I don't remember" about everything. Was he lying or was it dementia?

"President Reagan appeared before the Tower Commission on 2 December 1986, to answer questions regarding his involvement in the affair. When asked about his role in authorizing the arms deals, he first stated that he had; later, he appeared to contradict himself by stating that he had no recollection of doing so.[88] In his 1990 autobiography, An American Life, Reagan acknowledges authorizing the shipments to Israel."