"You did good Joe,.....You answered all the questions"

Elder abuse, that's a laugh. The RNC's really upped its game since the reagan years. Biden is no more being abused than he's a pedo.
Than WHY is your own TRUSTED left wing media saying that he is mentally unfit and should step aside? If you put a mentally unfit person in a position of power to be used only as a pawn then THAT is abuse.. The question remains,....WHY is the left wing media saying he should drop out? Is it because they think he is sharp as a razor? :thinking: I'll understand if you dont want to answer it... ;)
Go back and read about Ronnie before making a such dumb claim. The Iran-Contra screw up happened under reagan's watch and he claimed he had no knowledge of it. When he testified he said "I don't remember" about everything. Was he lying or was it dementia?

"President Reagan appeared before the Tower Commission on 2 December 1986, to answer questions regarding his involvement in the affair. When asked about his role in authorizing the arms deals, he first stated that he had; later, he appeared to contradict himself by stating that he had no recollection of doing so.[88] In his 1990 autobiography, An American Life, Reagan acknowledges authorizing the shipments to Israel."
What does that have to do with Joe Bidens OBVIOUS mental decline?
Than WHY is your own TRUSTED left wing media saying that he is mentally unfit and should step aside? If you put a mentally unfit person in a position of power to be used only as a pawn then THAT is abuse.. The question remains,....WHY is the left wing media saying he should drop out? Is it because they think he is sharp as a razor? :thinking:
I don't know why. It's crazy IMO. He had a bad debate, then the very next day he bounced back at a rally in NC. I posted his speech in several threads.

I think the LW media was wrong in jumping the gun like they did, and I'm a little suspicious of their motives.
I don't know why. It's crazy IMO. He had a bad debate, then the very next day he bounced back at a rally in NC. I posted his speech in several threads.

I think the LW media was wrong in jumping the gun like they did, and I'm a little suspicious of their motives.
So the LW media not only exists now instead of just being a figment of the R Wings imagination,....but also cant be trusted. Hmmmmmmmmmmmm....... :)
reagan's mental decline was obvious and he got a pass, that's what.

President Reagan didn’t have Alzheimer’s while in office​

There is not a single mention from a White House staff person, a credible book author, or physician that President Reagan experienced even a single day where he was mentally incapacitated or unable to serve.

Same cant be said for Biden....most of the MEDIA and 77% of the country say Biden unfit to serve
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Genocide Joe is getting his just rewards. So will Desperate Don. Natural justice will see off both of these wizards of woe in the short term.
