You guys gotta chill


on indefiniate mod break
some of you are waaaaaaay to on edge.

I can tell.

just fucking relax.

it's going to be okay

it's so absurd you have grudges with people on this message board and spend all your time hating each other.

Now do I think there are some retards on this site? Of course. No one would deny that. But when I argue with the retards, I'm not taking it personally. I'm not angry. I don't think I have ever been angry at an individual on this site. Maybe I thought someone said something dumb, but again, never personal. This fact is proven out in that I am one of the few jpp members that is pretty extreme in their views but still gets along with people on both sides. weaksauce moderate fencesitters can do that, but extremists like me? Nearly impossible unless you have the maximum chill level that I have.

Contrary to the above, many of you are really personally twisted up in some weird shit. It's mentally unhealthy how some of you act on here. Be the best version of yourself.

and if you wanna just flame people and dick around that's cool too. I don't judge you for that. However in that case at the very least, try to have some self awareness about it. Jack for example does a good job of that. He def acts like a retard but I think he grasps the absurdities.
some of you are waaaaaaay to on edge.

I can tell.

just fucking relax.

it's going to be okay

it's so absurd you have grudges with people on this message board and spend all your time hating each other.

Now do I think there are some retards on this site? Of course. No one would deny that. But when I argue with the retards, I'm not taking it personally. I'm not angry. I don't think I have ever been angry at an individual on this site. Maybe I thought someone said something dumb, but again, never personal. This fact is proven out in that I am one of the few jpp members that is pretty extreme in their views but still gets along with people on both sides. weaksauce moderate fencesitters can do that, but extremists like me? Nearly impossible unless you have the maximum chill level that I have.

Contrary to the above, many of you are really personally twisted up in some weird shit. It's mentally unhealthy how some of you act on here. Be the best version of yourself.

and if you wanna just flame people and dick around that's cool too. I don't judge you for that. However in that case at the very least, try to have some self awareness about it. Jack for example does a good job of that. He def acts like a retard but I think he grasps the absurdities.

I thought this thread was going to be about chili.
I like good quality crackers in mine.
Saltines are ok,but not the real cheap ones!
some of you are waaaaaaay to on edge.

I can tell.

just fucking relax.

it's going to be okay

it's so absurd you have grudges with people on this message board and spend all your time hating each other.

Now do I think there are some retards on this site? Of course. No one would deny that. But when I argue with the retards, I'm not taking it personally. I'm not angry. I don't think I have ever been angry at an individual on this site. Maybe I thought someone said something dumb, but again, never personal. This fact is proven out in that I am one of the few jpp members that is pretty extreme in their views but still gets along with people on both sides. weaksauce moderate fencesitters can do that, but extremists like me? Nearly impossible unless you have the maximum chill level that I have.

Contrary to the above, many of you are really personally twisted up in some weird shit. It's mentally unhealthy how some of you act on here. Be the best version of yourself.

and if you wanna just flame people and dick around that's cool too. I don't judge you for that. However in that case at the very least, try to have some self awareness about it. Jack for example does a good job of that. He def acts like a retard but I think he grasps the absurdities.

I have noticed the same thing. I have my theories about why.

Regardless, some take this place way to seriously.
Now if Ritz are available,I really like those in my chili!
I like to use about three kinds of beans.
What I do is make the whole pot.
Put it in the refrigerator over night,that way
the grease comes to the Top,then scrap it off.
Reheat it,and ready to serve!
Now if Ritz are available,I really like those in my chili!
I like to use about three kinds of beans.
What I do is make the whole pot.
Put it in the refrigerator over night,that way
the grease comes to the Top,then scrap it off.
Reheat it,and ready to serve!

Sick, sick, sick!
some of you are waaaaaaay to on edge.

I can tell.

just fucking relax.

it's going to be okay

it's so absurd you have grudges with people on this message board and spend all your time hating each other.

Now do I think there are some retards on this site? Of course. No one would deny that. But when I argue with the retards, I'm not taking it personally. I'm not angry. I don't think I have ever been angry at an individual on this site. Maybe I thought someone said something dumb, but again, never personal. This fact is proven out in that I am one of the few jpp members that is pretty extreme in their views but still gets along with people on both sides. weaksauce moderate fencesitters can do that, but extremists like me? Nearly impossible unless you have the maximum chill level that I have.

Contrary to the above, many of you are really personally twisted up in some weird shit. It's mentally unhealthy how some of you act on here. Be the best version of yourself.

and if you wanna just flame people and dick around that's cool too. I don't judge you for that. However in that case at the very least, try to have some self awareness about it. Jack for example does a good job of that. He def acts like a retard but I think he grasps the absurdities.

Oh chill out Grind. You think they’re hypersensitive here? Try working at or with any customer support group for any corporation. It’s like going back to Junior High School. The members here are all chill people singing Kumbiya by comparison. You’re just being lazy. Learn from Rana and see her post where she told us all to go fuck off she’s busy. Now that’s how to be chill.
Oh chill out Grind. You think they’re hypersensitive here? Try working at or with any customer support group for any corporation. It’s like going back to Junior High School. The members here are all chill people singing Kumbiya by comparison. You’re just being lazy. Learn from Rana and see her post where she told us all to go fuck off she’s busy. Now that’s how to be chill.

not a high bar you are setting
"Jack for example does a good job of that. He def acts like a retard but I think he grasps the absurdities."
Gee, (scratching butt crack) is that suppose to be a compliment?
some of you are waaaaaaay to on edge.

I can tell.

just fucking relax.

it's going to be okay

it's so absurd you have grudges with people on this message board and spend all your time hating each other.

Now do I think there are some retards on this site? Of course. No one would deny that. But when I argue with the retards, I'm not taking it personally. I'm not angry. I don't think I have ever been angry at an individual on this site. Maybe I thought someone said something dumb, but again, never personal. This fact is proven out in that I am one of the few jpp members that is pretty extreme in their views but still gets along with people on both sides. weaksauce moderate fencesitters can do that, but extremists like me? Nearly impossible unless you have the maximum chill level that I have.

Contrary to the above, many of you are really personally twisted up in some weird shit. It's mentally unhealthy how some of you act on here. Be the best version of yourself.

and if you wanna just flame people and dick around that's cool too. I don't judge you for that. However in that case at the very least, try to have some self awareness about it. Jack for example does a good job of that. He def acts like a retard but I think he grasps the absurdities.

I'm glad you realize this was directed ay YOU.

I see you're back to projecting, again; because I was never mentioned.
