You guys gotta chill

I like Wendy's chili,it never gives me issues,and they always ask if you want crackers!

Well Wendy's chili probably doesn't even register as a spicy chili, so it shouldn't give much issue. I can't eat my spicy stuff anymore.:(
Well Wendy's chili probably doesn't even register as a spicy chili, so it shouldn't give much issue. I can't eat my spicy stuff anymore.:(

I'm not a fan of crazy spicy chili,I can't handle that heat either anymore.
Taking aspirin everyday for the heart makes my stomach touchy!
Grind will be happy to know that I've been able to determine the sex of two of my three special holy herb plants. Of course the largest, most robust one is a guy. Go figure.

Can still be use for selective breeding, but must be isolated quickly. When they go to pollen, it's very fast, and they produce clouds of the stuff. But, you probably knew that. :D
That's what they say, all right. OTOH seeds would be nice. Well, going to wait to see what sex #3 turns out to be. They are in huge pots, half of a 55-gallon drum, so it's not easy to move them around. I might just bag the male so he doesn't pollinate.

You can cut a few branches an put them in a flower vase in a dark closet under a small flourescent light. Set the lamp on a timer for ten hours on, fourteen hours off, and make sure you don't interrupt the dark period with any light whatsoever. If you place the vase on a paper plate, it will catch some of the pollen and make less of a mess. When the flowers start to produce copious amounts of pollen, gently shake the stalks onto the paper plate. Be careful not to get the pollen wet, because you'll want to keep it very dry for short term storage. Once you have gathered the pollen on the paper plate, fold it gently like a taco, and dump the pollen into a small Tupperware, or storage container of your choice. You can later use this pollen, and a small artist brush to "paint" a few flowers (buds) on your females, to produce some seeds for later. You don't want to keep inbreeding the same plants over and over, but once or twice is usually okay.
You can cut a few branches an put them in a flower vase in a dark closet under a small flourescent light. Set the lamp on a timer for ten hours on, fourteen hours off, and make sure you don't interrupt the dark period with any light whatsoever. If you place the vase on a paper plate, it will catch some of the pollen and make less of a mess. When the flowers start to produce copious amounts of pollen, gently shake the stalks onto the paper plate. Be careful not to get the pollen wet, because you'll want to keep it very dry for short term storage. Once you have gathered the pollen on the paper plate, fold it gently like a taco, and dump the pollen into a small Tupperware, or storage container of your choice. You can later use this pollen, and a small artist brush to "paint" a few flowers (buds) on your females, to produce some seeds for later. You don't want to keep inbreeding the same plants over and over, but once or twice is usually okay.

Nice info.... thanks!
You're welcome. It's been many years since I did any growing, but I still remember many of the techniques. Feel free to grill me for info.

You're so awesome! I will, and thanks.

The plantlings are in the hoop house right now, in containers too large to move. Do you think if I pick off the pollen-makers that will be enough?
I'm not sure what you mean. Can you elaborate a bit?

The little green "capsules" on the male plant that contain the pollen. His nutsacks, if you will. lol

The little green "capsules" on the male plant that contain the pollen. His nutsacks, if you will. lol


It would be difficult to keep up with picking those off, plus, there's no real reason to try and keep the plant, other than eye pleasing aesthetics. They don't really produce any usable THC.
It would be difficult to keep up with picking those off, plus, there's no real reason to try and keep the plant, other than eye pleasing aesthetics. They don't really produce any usable THC.

I think I will dig him up from the pot he's in and plant him outside in one of the raised beds away from the hoop house. Do you think that would work?