You have to have a fight to the death. Choose your weapon. Baseball bat or Knife.

┐(´-`)┌;519709 said:
you use your body to block the knife arm sir. you thrown your whole body into him, he's not going to knock your ass out.

Ever practice the martial arts?

Things just do not always work out as planned.

Training with the short staff might help you understand how formidable they can be.
The baseball bat has reach. It would be difficult to strike with the knife when you have to get so up close and personal. If it were a choice between a baseball bat and something sharp WITH reach...
┐(´-`)┌;519709 said:
you use your body to block the knife arm sir. you thrown your whole body into him, he's not going to knock your ass out.
They don't have to. They just need to stand outside of arm length and beat up on you. There's so many ways you can use the bat. The knife is limited to slash and stab.
┐(´-`)┌;519709 said:
you use your body to block the knife arm sir. you thrown your whole body into him, he's not going to knock your ass out.

Yeah, you do realize that you're just assuming how it's going to plan out, don't you? Operating on just assumptions, a human being will almost always find his plan to be brilliant and perfectly workable. Humans don't have very good physics processors in their head.

That's why the obese man sitting on the couch eating pork rinds screams and calls an idiot the football player who fumbled. They vastly underestimate the physical difficulty of doing things they want done - be it stabbing, "throwing their whole body" into a man wielding a FUCKING BASEBALL BAT, or running to a painted line.

Even unarmed I don't think killing someone with a knife would be as easy as with a baseball bat, unless the person were unaware at the beginning.
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┐(´-`)┌;519652 said:
my logic is, as long as you protect your head and get low, that you'll be charging in. They will likely not knock you out first hit, and you'll be able to get a good stab. Then you back off, watch them bleed and go into shock and you are good to go.

They might not knock you out with the first blow, but they would certainly stun you or knock you off balance. If they do that and press the attack, you are screwed.
Yeah, you do realize that you're just assuming how it's going to plan out, don't you? Operating on just assumptions, a human being will almost always find his plan to be brilliant and perfectly workable. Humans don't have very good physics processors in their head.

That's why the obese man sitting on the couch eating pork rinds screams and calls an idiot the football player who fumbled. They vastly underestimate the physical difficulty of doing things they want done - be it stabbing, "throwing their whole body" into a man wielding a FUCKING BASEBALL BAT, or running to a painted line.

Even unarmed I don't think killing someone with a knife would be as easy as with a baseball bat, unless the person were unaware at the beginning.

ever think you are underestimating how hard it would be to make sure you don't end up getting stabbed? or does underestimating only apply to people that you disagree with, fucking moron?
I'll take my trusty Buck Woodsman sheath knife over a bat any day.

Just use your arm to block his first blow then stab him in the chest between two ribs- game over.
I'll take my trusty Buck Woodsman sheath knife over a bat any day.

Just use your arm to block his first blow then stab him in the chest between two ribs- game over.

That only works if he is swinging it like a bat.

If he were, like Damo said, using it as a short staff, you wouldn't stand a chance.

The best move with a bat would be a straight jab. If blocked, spin the bat and crack the arm. That could be done quicker than you could stab, and from out or reach of your knife.

A baseball bat is 42" in length. A Buck Woodsman is less than 8 inches long. That gives the bat weilder 36 inches more reach.

Just one added detail. If a man of decent size did swing hard at you, blocking it would only serve to get your arm broken and would probably not stop the swing totally. So you get a knock on the head or body and now have a broken arm. Dodging the swing would be your best bet, if they were swinging it like a bat.
Use your forearm to move the staff out of the way and come in for the jab and wiggle, severing causing massive internal bleeding and deflating one lung.
Just out of interest, is the topic of this thread related in any way to Damo's constant search for a solution to the incessant flame wars between certain irascible posters?
┐(´-`)┌;519846 said:
ever think you are underestimating how hard it would be to make sure you don't end up getting stabbed? or does underestimating only apply to people that you disagree with, fucking moron?

It only applies to morons like you.
Use your forearm to move the staff out of the way and come in for the jab and wiggle, severing causing massive internal bleeding and deflating one lung.

After you had "used your forearm to move the staff out of the way", you would be rendered incapable of thinking about the knife in your other arm.
Use your forearm to move the staff out of the way and come in for the jab and wiggle, severing causing massive internal bleeding and deflating one lung.

The one weilding the bat has a reach that is 3 feet greater.

He can allow a foot of wood to lay against you and still have an extra 2 feet. If you block the bat aside, you still have to move fast enough to gain 2 feet back while he steps back and knocks you again.

The straight jab in with the bat would do wonders. Even if they block it, you could pull back faster than they could cover the extra ground to get close. And in trying to get close they would have to extend their arm. That leaves them open for a pop with the bat that would disable them.

SM, you talk about blocking the bat, but if you are coming straight in, that is as easy to block as any move.
After you had "used your forearm to move the staff out of the way", you would be rendered incapable of thinking about the knife in your other arm.
That assumes that the batter has time to reposition- unlikely with a knife entering between two ribs. A simply twist will generate enough pain to render the batter incapable of thinking much at all.
The one weilding the bat has a reach that is 3 feet greater.

He can allow a foot of wood to lay against you and still have an extra 2 feet. If you block the bat aside, you still have to move fast enough to gain 2 feet back while he steps back and knocks you again.

The straight jab in with the bat would do wonders. Even if they block it, you could pull back faster than they could cover the extra ground to get close. And in trying to get close they would have to extend their arm. That leaves them open for a pop with the bat that would disable them.

SM, you talk about blocking the bat, but if you are coming straight in, that is as easy to block as any move.

You forgot this:

┐(´-`)┌;518570 said:
...we are going to assume equal skill. i guess we could say "it depends if you have a jetpack or not" but lets have some common sense.
That assumes that the batter has time to reposition- unlikely with a knife entering between two ribs. A simply twist will generate enough pain to render the batter incapable of thinking much at all.

Two points of dispute for that statement.

First, you are discounting the pain in the arm of the knife wielder.

Two, you are assuming that the knife wielder can get to the bat wielder's ribs. Remember, the bat gives him 3 feet more reach. So he can remain out of reach of a quick jab while still making contact.

Ok, did some quick measurements.

With a 42" baseball bat in my hand, from my armpit to the end of the bat is 5'8". The Buck Woodsman has a 4.5" blade. From my armpit to the tip of the blade would be 2'10.5".

Your lunge to stab would have to cover the extra distance without the bat wielder moving at all.