You have to have a fight to the death. Choose your weapon. Baseball bat or Knife.

I did not forget anything. You are assuming that the knife wielder can block but the bat wielder cannot?

With equal skills, the difference in reach will make the fight.
When the batter reaches, his attacker can grab the bat and use it to bring the batter closer and stab him while holding the bat from being used. Game over.
I choose the staff! - Damo

When the batter reaches, his attacker can grab the bat and use it to bring the batter closer and stab him while holding the bat from being used. Game over.

The term "reach" was used to describe the additional range. Not that he would actually be reaching.

But that would work well against the knife attack. Grab the writ, twist, then insert the big end of the bat in his mouth.
┐(´-`)┌;518570 said:
jesus christ you idiots. we are going to assume equal skill. i guess we could say "it depends if you have a jetpack or not" but lets have some common sense.
Excellent, since we'll both have jet packs and titanic robots with tickle power, I'll take the pink one.
The one weilding the bat has a reach that is 3 feet greater.

He can allow a foot of wood to lay against you and still have an extra 2 feet. If you block the bat aside, you still have to move fast enough to gain 2 feet back while he steps back and knocks you again.

The straight jab in with the bat would do wonders. Even if they block it, you could pull back faster than they could cover the extra ground to get close. And in trying to get close they would have to extend their arm. That leaves them open for a pop with the bat that would disable them.

SM, you talk about blocking the bat, but if you are coming straight in, that is as easy to block as any move.
That or you tap them just above the elbow. They'll drop what ever they are holding. That's a fairly common method cops are taught to use with a night stick or a PR24.