You Just Lived Through Earth's Hottest Year on Record. Again

"on record". Our global temperature records date back to the 1970s. That's it. That's all that means 'hottest year in 50 years'.

They date back to the mid-1800s in most long-settled urban areas. Here, they date back to the late 1800s. You don't need a thermometer to tell that the climate has changed from even just 50 years ago. You only have to be able to have observed bird, plant, and animal changes and ranges in that time period, which spans most of your life and mine too.
They date back to the mid-1800s in most long-settled urban areas. Here, they date back to the late 1800s. You don't need a thermometer to tell that the climate has changed from even just 50 years ago. You only have to be able to have observed bird, plant, and animal changes and ranges in that time period, which spans most of your life and mine too.
That's not global. That's the literal opposite.
They date back to the mid-1800s in most long-settled urban areas. Here, they date back to the late 1800s. You don't need a thermometer to tell that the climate has changed from even just 50 years ago. You only have to be able to have observed bird, plant, and animal changes and ranges in that time period, which spans most of your life and mine too.
Why hasn’t there been a Köppen reclassification of any region of the planet since?
Hey you do understand! Now let's do the average!
Good idea!
So we take the sum of all temperature measurements on earth and divide that by ♾️ and voila! We get an average.
Now how can you possibly assign a value of ♾️ ?
How do you sum an infinite number of temperatures?
The equation would always have to be ♾️ ➗ ♾️ = 1. So the “global temperature would always have to have a value of 1 .
Good idea!
So we take the sum of all temperature measurements on earth and divide that by ♾️ and voila! We get an average.
Now how can you possibly assign a value of ♾️ ?
How do you sum an infinite number of temperatures?
The equation would have to be ♾️ ➗ ♾️ = 1. So the “global temperature would have to have a value of 1 .
You're acting like Into the Night and gfm. Dismissed. Let me know when you get serious.

They date back to the mid-1800s in most long-settled urban areas. Here, they date back to the late 1800s. You don't need a thermometer to tell that the climate has changed from even just 50 years ago. You only have to be able to have observed bird, plant, and animal changes and ranges in that time period, which spans most of your life and mine too.
I saw Alaska go through extreme changes. Portage Glacier! Right outside Anchorage.
So sad.
"on record". Our global temperature records date back to the 1970s. That's it. That's all that means 'hottest year in 50 years'.
What Can True Christians™ Do to Help Speed Up Global Warming So Jesus Comes Back Quicker?
Anyone who has read the Bible and believes every word will agree that worrying about our environment and trying to conserve energy (among other things) is an act of defiance against the Living God. Friends, the Lord will take care of everything. God made the Earth and the Heavens and if He wants to destroy it all, He will! In fact, one of the things that makes folks True Christians™ in the first place is that we are PRAYING for the destruction of this planet. You see, God actually wants us to use up all the resources, because when everything is gone, it will signal the return of sweet Jesus to come kill all the Muslims, Catholics, Mormons, Hindus and Tree-Hugger-know-it-alls. If we don't end the world, God will just end it Himself. We've got to do our duty to speed up the process. The Bible says that God has given the world and everything in it for man to use. God wants us to do with it whatever we please! From Genesis, Chapter 1:26 we learn that God has given us dominion over "every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth!" So much for endangered species! That's why we have an Endangered Species Dinner each year here at Landover! To celebrate God's love for wild game hunters! And show that God has given us any species or plant we want to eat, even if it happens to be the last of its kind! Amen? In Genesis Chapter 1:29, the Lord continues letting us know that he has given us "every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth." And we just learned recently that plants create the air we breathe. God is telling us then, that we can use up the air in any way we see fit! Once the air is gone, it just means that Jesus will come back, so the more pollution, the better! Glory! In verse 30 of the same chapter, He affirms the fact that we have dominion over "every single living thing on earth," and our environment is a living thing! Folks, that means we can do whatever we want with anything we like! If we use it all up, we have to have faith that the Lord will return and provide for us again. If you follow God's rules, supply and demand doesn't mean a lick. I think I speak for the Lord here, when I say, "use it or lose it." Oh, ye of little faith! Don't you know that God can simply sweep his robe across the clouds and create clean air again, if He wills it?
You applied infinity to what is a simple average. The Earth's temperature can be measured.
Because there is an infinite number of temperatures. The sum of an infinite number of data points is always infinity. There is no logical way to argue against that
You think there's infinite number of data points on Earth.
The no. of data points is finite and random . For practical purposes there’s an infinite number of temperatures .
I’ll concede the avg. of fixed data points has shown an increase of their average but there is no “climate change” unless you reclassify climate classifications which no one has done
“Climate change” is a misnomers buzzword scare tactic used by the left to implement authoritarian control.
Actually climate change in various regions of the world takes thousands of years. Not 50.
What Can True Christians™ Do to Help Speed Up Global Warming So Jesus Comes Back Quicker?
Anyone who has read the Bible and believes every word will agree that worrying about our environment and trying to conserve energy (among other things) is an act of defiance against the Living God. Friends, the Lord will take care of everything. God made the Earth and the Heavens and if He wants to destroy it all, He will! In fact, one of the things that makes folks True Christians™ in the first place is that we are PRAYING for the destruction of this planet. You see, God actually wants us to use up all the resources, because when everything is gone, it will signal the return of sweet Jesus to come kill all the Muslims, Catholics, Mormons, Hindus and Tree-Hugger-know-it-alls. If we don't end the world, God will just end it Himself. We've got to do our duty to speed up the process. The Bible says that God has given the world and everything in it for man to use. God wants us to do with it whatever we please! From Genesis, Chapter 1:26 we learn that God has given us dominion over "every creeping thing that creepeth upon the earth!" So much for endangered species! That's why we have an Endangered Species Dinner each year here at Landover! To celebrate God's love for wild game hunters! And show that God has given us any species or plant we want to eat, even if it happens to be the last of its kind! Amen? In Genesis Chapter 1:29, the Lord continues letting us know that he has given us "every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of the earth." And we just learned recently that plants create the air we breathe. God is telling us then, that we can use up the air in any way we see fit! Once the air is gone, it just means that Jesus will come back, so the more pollution, the better! Glory! In verse 30 of the same chapter, He affirms the fact that we have dominion over "every single living thing on earth," and our environment is a living thing! Folks, that means we can do whatever we want with anything we like! If we use it all up, we have to have faith that the Lord will return and provide for us again. If you follow God's rules, supply and demand doesn't mean a lick. I think I speak for the Lord here, when I say, "use it or lose it." Oh, ye of little faith! Don't you know that God can simply sweep his robe across the clouds and create clean air again, if He wills it?