You know it's true

Let the record show the burden of proof rests on those who dispute the facts.

Had I disputed a fact, you'd have a point.

Since I didn't, you don't.

I asked you why you believe that Lincoln and Hitler are similar, remember?

Interestingly enough, Hitler got close to the same number of votes as Lincoln did, and in a similar political environment. Both ended up killing a lot of their own people. Both shared close to the same ideology re economics and govt. spending programs.
Percentage wise they got around 35%. Both favored big giant govt. projects, both conducted military pogroms against their political opposition.

Any basis for these assertions?
Had I disputed a fact, you'd have a point.

Since I didn't, you don't.

Trying to dissemble.

I asked you why you believe that Lincoln and Hitler are similar, remember?

Yes; do you?

Any basis for these assertions?

Yes, the historical record. You want a novel, read Gone With The Wind, and get back to us with a full report, complete with footnotes, on every chapter, at least 300 pages each.