You might be a liberal if you


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Its of for the government to nationalize private industry. If you think its ok to kill babys 8nstead of being responsible for you sex life. If you think its ok to have a drag queen story hour for young kids in school. If you think republicans and others who didnt get vaxed should be removed from the nation but illegals with covid are welcome. If you think killing the key stone pipe line was a good thing while removing sanctions from russias was a good thing even with them hacking up and making threats of war. If you support defunding the police then complain about supported the blm riots and antifa .if you think having a over weight fat man dresses as a woman in charge of childrens physical and mental health was a good thing. If you think funding iran who hate us was a good thing. If you think uncle blow hole was right that hunter is the smartest man he knows. If you think joe bidens touching kids and smelling their hair and whispering in their ears is not perverted .
…if you read serious books, got a graduate degree, cared about your fellow man, had a good sense of humor.
…if you read serious books, got a graduate degree, cared about your fellow man, had a good sense of humor.

Well my my lots of republicans do that along with independents. If you care so much about your fellow human why do democrats think its of to kill babys riot let illegals in with covid and fund terrorist
Well my my lots of republicans do that along with independents. If you care so much about your fellow human why do democrats think its of to kill babys riot let illegals in with covid and fund terrorist

I should have added, "write in coherent, grammatically correct, sentences".
Its of for the government to nationalize private industry. If you think its ok to kill babys 8nstead of being responsible for you sex life. If you think its ok to have a drag queen story hour for young kids in school. If you think republicans and others who didnt get vaxed should be removed from the nation but illegals with covid are welcome. If you think killing the key stone pipe line was a good thing while removing sanctions from russias was a good thing even with them hacking up and making threats of war. If you support defunding the police then complain about supported the blm riots and antifa .if you think having a over weight fat man dresses as a woman in charge of childrens physical and mental health was a good thing. If you think funding iran who hate us was a good thing. If you think uncle blow hole was right that hunter is the smartest man he knows. If you think joe bidens touching kids and smelling their hair and whispering in their ears is not perverted .

You should stop telling liberals what we believe and listen to liberals state what we believe.
Then, by all means, tell us what Progressives like you believe.

Sure. I believe in democracy, that the purpose of government is to ensure the good of the people.

I believe universal voting rights need to be enforced by the federal government.

I believe universal health care is necessary and for profit insurance is parasitic on the health care system.
Sure. I believe in democracy, that the purpose of government is to ensure the good of the people.

I believe universal voting rights need to be enforced by the federal government.

I believe universal health care is necessary and for profit insurance is parasitic on the health care system.

So, totalitarianism, dictatorship, Socialism, and oppression hum--when taken to their logical conclusions--

If the purpose of government is to ensure the "good of the people" then they'd have to do that by instituting laws, regulations, and government enforcement of those with increasing regularity. Can't have people doing good on their own, you need government for that according to you. That would mean an increasingly totalitarian society.

Where as, I see this as government is there to ensure the people can do good and better themselves without its overt interference in their daily lives.

Why does voting require federal enforcement? Certainly right now the push by the Left within the Democrat party is to destroy the institution of voting rights passing things like HR 1.

So, you believe that the only solution to good health care is to socialize it under the control of government do you? You do know that the only reason in the US health care is so dependent on insurance to pay for it was because of meddling by the government in the market to begin with don't you?
If the purpose of government is to ensure the "good of the people" then they'd have to do that by instituting laws, regulations, and government enforcement of those with increasing regularity. Can't have people doing good on their own, you need government for that according to you.

I said nothing of the kind. Nothing I said implied that you "Can't have people doing good on their own."
I said nothing of the kind. Nothing I said implied that you "Can't have people doing good on their own."

You state that the purpose of government is to ensure the good of the people. Government can't do that if they don't have control over the people. Now, if government's purpose is to give the people the opportunity to do good on their own, then government doesn't have to exert control over the people but rather just create conditions where people can do good.