You might be a liberal if you

Yes, but there are no White English doctors in NHS hospitals - they refuse to work in them.

Otherwise, "Yes". The NHS is dangerous, but it's no laughing matter." Monty Python" could get away with it in the 1970s, but they couldn't have made that sketch in 2021.


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter

PS: I didn't think Americans would like "Monty Python's" work. The humour is quintessentially English. It's kind of dark and totally based on sarcasm and irony ,(which the the English race think is totally hilarious) I alway thought you guys ( Anglo Yanks) had a more positive/bright, "lol" sense of humour; you know, like in: "Friends", "Seinfeld", "The Big Bang Theory", etc ?

Americans love Monty Python, Benny Hill, and the lot of English humor (no 'u' we know how to spell)...

It's great to watch sots like these three blokes make complete asses of themselves...

Its of for the government to nationalize private industry. If you think its ok to kill babys 8nstead of being responsible for you sex life. If you think its ok to have a drag queen story hour for young kids in school. If you think republicans and others who didnt get vaxed should be removed from the nation but illegals with covid are welcome. If you think killing the key stone pipe line was a good thing while removing sanctions from russias was a good thing even with them hacking up and making threats of war. If you support defunding the police then complain about supported the blm riots and antifa .if you think having a over weight fat man dresses as a woman in charge of childrens physical and mental health was a good thing. If you think funding iran who hate us was a good thing. If you think uncle blow hole was right that hunter is the smartest man he knows. If you think joe bidens touching kids and smelling their hair and whispering in their ears is not perverted .
One is a CONservative or repuke when they sell out to the GQP/tRump anti vax/max agenda that has already resulted in over 600,000 deaths, and with repuke led areas leading the covid pestilence in terms of covid infections and deaths.
You definitely are a Leftist if you have no sense of humor...

EXACTLY. Pretentious, pietitios Lefties like : "I've-got-a -post -graduate-degree" Martin, always look like they have a carrot stuck right up their ass. I think It must be all the "serious books" that Martin and his latte -Leftie comrades have read ! Like "White Fragility", the "1619 Project","Das Kapital" and the collected works of Ibrim X. DarKie, and lots other very, heavy shit, like this.

Also, being a puritanical, snobby leftie, like Martin, is very serious business, I mean , you have to keep up appearances ! You can't be seen to be a chuckle-head, and, in any case, you don't have any time at all for fun and laughter when it your job to save all of suffering humanity. Life's not a giggle, you know, when YOU are a member of that wise, brilliant, heroic, noble, elite - that tiny handful of God-like individuals who know what everyone else must do to save the Earth... one of the "Chosen Few" who knows what is best for everyone in the whole, wide world - man, that's a hard Cross to bear, and as Martin will confirm for us - it is VERY serious shit, indeed.


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
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That should be wear a suicidal MAGAT hat.

Yea it must be really important to democrats to make sure everyone is vaxed . I guess they dont mind all the illegals crossing the boarder who are not and many who are positive be bused around the nation spreading it. And Im sure all democrats are vaxed 100 percent right.
Yea it must be really important to democrats to make sure everyone is vaxed . I guess they dont mind all the illegals crossing the boarder who are not and many who are positive be bused around the nation spreading it. And Im sure all democrats are vaxed 100 percent right.

Well as a tRumpster and basically a slave of Putin, you must really be proud of this at being as un American as can be, and you can pin the blame of all of this on that former lawlessly hacked in tRump gutter insurgency:

Missouri, Florida, Texas account for 40% of all COVID-19 cases this week
On Thursday, Missouri reported 3,346 COVID-19 cases — the first day with more than 3,000 cases since January.

WASHINGTON — Amid a rise in infections and hospitalizations from the surging delta variant of COVID-19, the Biden administration is boosting money and other assistance to the hardest-hit areas of the country.

This week, just three states with lower vaccination rates — Missouri, Florida and Texas — accounted for 40 percent of all cases nationwide. One in five cases occurred in Florida alone.

On Thursday, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services reported 3,346 COVID-19 cases — the first day with more than 3,000 cases since January. The seven-day average of reported cases was 2,211 per day, up 24.7 percent in seven days and 223 percent since June 22.

Positive cases were reported in 113 of 117 local health jurisdictions, the most since Jan. 9.

Federal public health officials on Thursday announced $1.6 billion in money from the pandemic relief package approved earlier this year will be used to increase testing and mitigation in high-risk group settings, like homeless shelters, substance abuse treatment centers and prisons."
Americans love Monty Python, Benny Hill, and the lot of English humor (no 'u' we know how to spell)...

It's great to watch sots like these three blokes make complete asses of themselves...

My favourite childhood memories are watching the "Benny Hill Show" at home on Friday evenings at 7:30 pm.

Benny was funny because he was so totally POLITICALLY INCORRECT.

Can you imagine the sketch below being aired on any national TV channels in America ? (The Left would have a collective heart attack !!:):)


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
Well as a tRumpster and basically a slave of Putin, you must really be proud of this at being as un American as can be, and you can pin the blame of all of this on that former lawlessly hacked in tRump gutter insurgency:

Missouri, Florida, Texas account for 40% of all COVID-19 cases this week
On Thursday, Missouri reported 3,346 COVID-19 cases — the first day with more than 3,000 cases since January.

WASHINGTON — Amid a rise in infections and hospitalizations from the surging delta variant of COVID-19, the Biden administration is boosting money and other assistance to the hardest-hit areas of the country.

This week, just three states with lower vaccination rates — Missouri, Florida and Texas — accounted for 40 percent of all cases nationwide. One in five cases occurred in Florida alone.

On Thursday, the Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services reported 3,346 COVID-19 cases — the first day with more than 3,000 cases since January. The seven-day average of reported cases was 2,211 per day, up 24.7 percent in seven days and 223 percent since June 22.

Positive cases were reported in 113 of 117 local health jurisdictions, the most since Jan. 9.

Federal public health officials on Thursday announced $1.6 billion in money from the pandemic relief package approved earlier this year will be used to increase testing and mitigation in high-risk group settings, like homeless shelters, substance abuse treatment centers and prisons."

Actually it looks like biden is a slave of putin.
If you recall trump put sanctions on russias pipe line . this was to keep them from having billions more to spend on spreading terror and having huge influance or all of europe expanding their military. And hacking us hacking punishment etc
I think of was blow hole biden who removed the sanctions . lol whos really putins bitch. I think ot was blow hole who was just talking about military revenge aginst russia for hacking us after he removed sanctions lol. What a fucking idiot. Biden had a. 3 aces to play and he threw it away and ended up with a pair of duces like the fool he is.
You might be a liberal if you think every one with more money then you should have theirs taken away so you can have it.

You might be a liberal if you supported blm rioting killing and looting assaulting old people and disabled burning down businesses in your own town assaulting cops destroying private and personal property .but never said one word aginst it for all the MONTHS it went on but lost you mind and cried for months about jan 6 th one day riot
EXACTLY. Pretentious, pietitios Lefties like : "I've-got-a -post -graduate-degree" Martin, always look like they have a carrot stuck right up their ass. I think It must be all the "serious books" that Martin and his latte -Leftie comrades have read ! Like "White Fragility", the "1619 Project","Das Kapital" and the collected works of Ibrim X. DarKie, and lots other very, heavy shit, like this.

Also, being a puritanical, snobby leftie, like Martin, is very serious business, I mean , you have to keep up appearances ! You can't be seen to be a chuckle-head, and, in any case, you don't have any time at all for fun and laughter when it your job to save all of suffering humanity. Life's not a giggle, you know, when YOU are a member of that wise, brilliant, heroic, noble, elite - that tiny handful of God-like individuals who know what everyone else must do to save the Earth... one of the "Chosen Few" who knows what is best for everyone in the whole, wide world - man, that's a hard Cross to bear, and as Martin will confirm for us - it is VERY serious shit, indeed.


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !

Actually it looks like biden is a slave of putin.
If you recall trump put sanctions on russias pipe line . this was to keep them from having billions more to spend on spreading terror and having huge influance or all of europe expanding their military. And hacking us hacking punishment etc
I think of was blow hole biden who removed the sanctions . lol whos really putins bitch. I think ot was blow hole who was just talking about military revenge aginst russia for hacking us after he removed sanctions lol. What a fucking idiot. Biden had a. 3 aces to play and he threw it away and ended up with a pair of duces like the fool he is.

You're the fucking, idiot, just like your dear leader.

Dotard put "sanctions" on Russia pipeline in 2019.

What happened?

The Russians continued their work on the pipeline for the next two years.

Dotard did NOTHING.

Biden removed the "sanctions" in May.

The pipeline was completed in June.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013

Putin's bitch.
You're the fucking, idiot, just like your dear leader.

Dotard put "sanctions" on Russia pipeline in 2019.

What happened?

The Russians continued their work on the pipeline for the next two years.

Dotard did NOTHING.

Biden removed the "sanctions" in May.

The pipeline was completed in June.

Do you think Putin will be going to The Miss Universe Pageant in November in Moscow - if so, will he become my new best friend?

- Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 19, 2013

Putin's bitch.

Sorry hes bide s bitch he helped putin a lot o bung hoke to . lol
You might be a liberal if you support perverts .

You might be a liberal if you think a 3 year old can pick their preferred gender.
If you think joe biden didnt know what hunter was doing.
If you think bill clinton did ride on the pervert express

Does Bullettbob realize that he and his fellow dummies owe to liberals their right to sound off as they do in the public sphere? Little chance of it.
Does Bullettbob realize that he and his fellow dummies owe to liberals their right to sound off as they do in the public sphere? Little chance of it.

no we owe our forefathers who founded this nation who picked up guns and went to war with the socialist British
England was a right wing monarchy, Bob. Socialism hadn’t yet been invented. Did you go to school?

england was a socialist nation at one time but your right and I was wrong . regardless we picked up guns something liberals hate and fought for our freedom something liberals today don't beilve in unless it involves looting and arson