You might be a liberal if you

I simply do not know what you are referring to.

The widespread use of health insurance came about because FDR during WW 2 imposed wage and price controls on US industry and business. Industries and businesses that needed workers who would normally pay a higher wage to obtain them, found ways around that by giving what might be called "wages in kind" to attract those workers. These companies did things like offer free health insurance (some like Kaiser shipbuilding even set up their own clinics and hospitals), free meals at a cafeteria (helping workers make rationed food go further), allowances for work uniforms / clothing, etc. Since these weren't wages they were exempt from the wage controls the government imposed.
After the war ended, companies found that they couldn't simply stop providing these sorts of benefits their workers had grown accustomed to. So, they continued to offer some or all. Other companies followed because they had to compete for workers. Thus, the US ended up paying for most healthcare by employer insurance.

That resulted in healthcare costs climbing much faster than inflation due to the cost of the middleman (insurance company) and the indirect payment of bills through those companies.

The National Labor Relations Act would required management to bargain with labor over “wages and conditions” and became the catalyst for employer-based health benefits.
Wartime (1939-1945) government wage freezes would increase the demand for group health care, as, unable by law to attract workers by paying more, employers focused on improving benefit packages.

Private health insurance grew rapidly during the 1940s and 1950s, but obtaining accurate measures of the extent of coverage is difficult. Exhibit 1.2 shows the percentage of the US population with some sort of health insurance coverage from 1940 through 1985. Only 9 percent of the population had insurance on the eve of World War II. That percentage had more than doubled to nearly 23 percent by the end of the war. It more than doubled again by 1950 and was close to 70 percent by 1960.

Three reasons are usually given for this rapid growth. The first is the imposition of wage and price controls during World War II
The widespread use of health insurance came about because FDR during WW 2 imposed wage and price controls on US industry and business. Industries and businesses that needed workers who would normally pay a higher wage to obtain them, found ways around that by giving what might be called "wages in kind" to attract those workers. These companies did things like offer free health insurance (some like Kaiser shipbuilding even set up their own clinics and hospitals), free meals at a cafeteria (helping workers make rationed food go further), allowances for work uniforms / clothing, etc. Since these weren't wages they were exempt from the wage controls the government imposed.
After the war ended, companies found that they couldn't simply stop providing these sorts of benefits their workers had grown accustomed to. So, they continued to offer some or all. Other companies followed because they had to compete for workers. Thus, the US ended up paying for most healthcare by employer insurance.

That resulted in healthcare costs climbing much faster than inflation due to the cost of the middleman (insurance company) and the indirect payment of bills through those companies.

Rest of world figured out how to eliminate the parasites who take profit from health care providers. The US is mostly alone in rejected some form of universal care.
No, appeal to the empirical.

Not at all. Both Cuba and Mexico have universal "free" healthcare. In both nations their level of care sucks. In Mexico there is a private system also in place for those with enough money to use it. Much of Europe is the same way. England's (the UK) system the NHS is a creaking, expensive, and bloated system that delivers very erratic levels of care from very good to awful depending on where you happen to live. Canada's system is much the same.

Want good, inexpensive dental care? Do what Canadians and Americans who do want that do...


You go to Mexico and pay cash in their private dental practices.
…if you read serious books, got a graduate degree, cared about your fellow man, had a good sense of humor.

Poor Martin,

He's a "useful idiot", but he doesn't know it.

When the Globalist elite in the US eventually succeed in turning America into a one-party, Marxist (socialist) state, guess who the government's boogey men will come for first ?

I'll tell you...

(1) People who read serious books.

(2) People who have a graduate degree.

(3) People who care about their fellow man. (Awwww, Martin, that's really sweet - you big Palooka !!)

(4) People who have a good sense of humour.

Mmmm... good sense of humour? That's very commendable indeed. Unfortunately, you won't find it a laughing matter, Martin, when they line you, and all of the other "useful idiots", up against the cemetary walls and blow your Pollyanna brains out with their AK-47s.

Happens every time, Martin.

Just sayin'


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter
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You state that the purpose of government is to ensure the good of the people. Government can't do that if they don't have control over the people. Now, if government's purpose is to give the people the opportunity to do good on their own, then government doesn't have to exert control over the people but rather just create conditions where people can do good.

Hes has not got a clue
Poor Martin,

He's a "useful idiot", but he doesn't know it.

When the Globalist elite in the US eventually succeed in turning America into a one-party, Marxist (socialist) state, guess who the government's boogey men will come for first ?

I'll tell you...

(1) People who read serious books.

(2) People who have a graduate degree.

(3) People who care about their fellow man. (Awwww, Martin, that's really sweet - you big Palooka !!)

(4) People who have a good sense of humour.

Mmmm... good sense of humour? That's very commendable indeed. Unfortunately, you won't find it a laughing matter, Martin, when they line you, and all of the other "useful idiots", up against the cemetary walls and blow your Pollyanna brains out with their AK-47s.

Happens every time, Martin.

Just sayin'


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter
Yep the chinese russians cubans etc all did just that.
Poor Martin,

He's a "useful idiot", but he doesn't know it.

When the Globalist elite in the US eventually succeed in turning America into a one-party, Marxist (socialist) state, guess who the government's boogey men will come for first ?

I'll tell you...

(1) People who read serious books.

(2) People who have a graduate degree.

(3) People who care about their fellow man. (Awwww, Martin, that's really sweet - you big Palooka !!)

(4) People who have a good sense of humour.

Mmmm... good sense of humour? That's very commendable indeed. Unfortunately, you won't find it a laughing matter, Martin, when they line you, and all of the other "useful idiots", up against the cemetary walls and blow your Pollyanna brains out with their AK-47s.

Happens every time, Martin.

Just sayin'


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter

“Just sayin’,” you just say. And just a posturing ass.
You might be a liberal if you support perverts .

You might be a liberal if you think a 3 year old can pick their preferred gender.
If you think joe biden didnt know what hunter was doing.
If you think bill clinton did ride on the pervert express
Not at all. Both Cuba and Mexico have universal "free" healthcare. In both nations their level of care sucks. In Mexico there is a private system also in place for those with enough money to use it. Much of Europe is the same way. England's (the UK) system the NHS is a creaking, expensive, and bloated system that delivers very erratic levels of care from very good to awful depending on where you happen to live. Canada's system is much the same.

Want good, inexpensive dental care? Do what Canadians and Americans who do want that do...


You go to Mexico and pay cash in their private dental practices.

You need to be careful about that T.A.G. To become a qualified medical or dental practioner in the Angloshere, say, the US, UK or Australia, you have to be a very bright kid, just to get into the courses. Then the courses themselves are very rigourous and set high academic standards. In Australia, it takes 6 years of demanding full- time study just to get your basic medical degree, and when you get it, you're an "absolute beginner" - a rookie at the very bottom of the pecking order. It takes years more study and experience even to be allowed to set yourself up as a General Practititioner in the community.

In the Third World -, places like Mexico, the Phillipines, Indonesia, etc, - the standards set for qualifying as a medical doctor/dentist and for maintaing registration as a practicing doctor/dentist are nowhere near as high as they are in the Western Anglosphere.

I remember there was a time in Australia when women were jetting off by the 1000's to have cosmetic surgery done in the Phillipines: boob jobs, nose jobs, maxillo-facial surgery (like filing/shaving the lower jaw/chiselling cheek bones, "face lifts", lip recontouring/augmentation) butt re-shaping - everything you can imagine (NB Women are so VAIN, and NARCISSISTIC aren't they ? ??!!). Why ? Because they could not afford to have it done in Australia, but in the Phillipines having any kind of cosmetic surgery "(boob jobs" were the big thing, then done was relatively cheap.

So all these Aussie women fly off to Manilla to get themselves "boob jobs" or whatever. Then, not long after they get back home lots of them found their sexy, new pair of boobs turned "pear-shaped" (pardon the pun). Inflammation, infection, pain, the shape/proportioning/contouring of their boobs turning odd, and a range of other complications. Why? Because when you have 3rd -rate surgeons performing operations you're at much higher risk for post-op complications. So, these Australian women who thought they were saving heaps of money by getting cosmetic/plastic surgery done in the Phillipines, ended up having to pay a fortune back in Australia to get to get their botched surgery corrected. In many cases, these women were left with permanently disfiguring facial, breast, etc, scars and/or abnormal breat/buttock/facial morphology.

You're right about the NHS in the UK. If I remember correctly. Clement Attlee's Labour Party won the British General Election in 1945, and Atlee appointed Aneuran Bevan as his Health Minister. Bevan, like all Welshmen was a full-blooded socialist, and in 1948 he launched the NHS.

I'm a traditionalist conservative, but I'm also the first to admit that the British NHS, WAS BRILLIANT. Any country that calls itself civilized must ensure hasit top quality health care is available to ALL, in particular, those who are unable to afford the cost of private treatment. For years after its inception, the NHS worked the way that it was intended to work. Those Brits from the less affluent or struggling sectors of society no longer had to worry about to being able afford good quality health care for themselves or for member of their family should it be necessary. The sevice provided by the NHS doctors and nurses was top- knotch, NHS hospitals were equipped with all the best and latest medical technology and NHS hospitals were clean and comfortable.

Today, however, I would not enter an English NHS hospital for treatment except at fucking gun- point, and I mean that. The last time I did was in 1996 after I fell off a motorcycle in Hertforshire and broke my leg (femur). A guy (car driver) who saw me fall off, stopped and rang an ambulance for me. The ambulance took me to the Prince Alexandria NHS Trust Hospital in the town of Harlow. There were no white doctors in the hospital - I mean literally ZERO - they were mostly Indian, Pakistani, Bangladeshi, Arab, African, whatever. The doctor who treated me could not speak good english - I mean, I could understand what he was saying, but I had to concentrate hard. My broken leg was put in a brace and I was put on a ward for two days to treat a nasty cut on the leg that I broke. When I got to the ward, the initial injection of morphine I received in Emergency had worn off and I was in a world of pain. I collared a nurse and said "I need something for pain". This nurse was semi-literate as well, and could only speak in a kind of broken English patois. So I mimed the symptoms of severe pain and pointed to my mouth (tablets), etc. Eventually, she returned with two 500mg paracetamol ("Tylenol") tablets, and I thought "you're fucking joking." I told her to get a doctor immediately. Half an hour later, an Indian doctor arrives, and I said to him " I'm in huge pain, I need a strong painkeller now - my leg is broken." He didn't say anything (some of the Blacks in England are very rude and uppity, I'm afraid), just automatically scribbled out a script, said "OK", gave it to a nurse and left. An hour later, a nurse arrives with my pain-killers, they're a drug called "Co-proxamol." Co-proxamol is a pain-killer used to treat moderate level pain, it's not suitable for treating acute/severe pain. I'm a pharmacist, so I knew about drugs, so I said to this girl "NO !, NO !, NO ! - this is no good - get the doctor back here NOW !! ( I was shouting because I was starting to really lose my temper). In another hour, a different doctor arrives, a Pakistani, and I said to him " Look, I have a broken leg, I am in a lot of pain and I need a decent painkiller, Co-Proxamol is too weak. I need some MST (morphine). Then he says to me: "MST, Ooooh, Sir, we are being very careful about being giving the MST, this is being very addictive drug, Sir. - very dangerous drug, Sir" The combination of pain and frustration made me lose my temper so I said slowly, and loudly, punctuating each word "GET... ME... A... WHITE.... ENGLISH.... DOCTOR, NOW - NOW ! Two hours later an English Doctor arrived, I told him what had happened and he said "I know, I know" and apologized. He immediately wrote me up for 4-hourly Pethine 100mg injections.

On the second day I was on the ward, by the evening, the leg I had broken had begun turning a pinky- red colour and was starting to swell up. I though "Fucking great, what now ?" I managed to get a doctor to have a look at it and he said, "Mmmmm, let's give it a night, I be back to have look at it tomorrow morning". The next morning, my whole leg has swollen up, it's bright red and tender to the touch. When the doctor arrived to examine it, he said , " It's cellulitis- we'll need to get you on some antibiotics staight away, I'll get it all written up now now." Like I mentioned, I'm a pharmacist, so I knew what cellulitis was. Basically, if you get cellulitis in a hospital, it means you've been infected with MRSA (Methycillin- Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus), this is a bad-ass bacterium that very tough and hard to kill with antibiotics. Over-crowded and unsanatary public hospitasl - like the one I was in are perfect breeding grounds for it. I thought : "Fucking great , now I could be in this shit-hole for weeks." (because an MRSA infection can take time to eliminate) The next time I saw a doctor - sanother darkie - (they change all the time, BTW, you never see the same one twice in an NHS hospital), I said to him: " I want you to hit this infection hard with the maximum dose of fluxcloxacillin, and I want it monitored every four hours, if not, and my symptoms start worsening (MRSA infection can be potentially lethal, if not prperly managed), I am going to report YOU to the GMC (General Medical Council)!. The general public in England do not have a clue what the GMC is, but being a pharmacist, I did, so I played the "GMC-card".... Just the mention of the GMC scares the shit out of doctor in the UK; basically the GMC is a bad-ass government Medical regulator,y authority. If you are a doctor you do NOT ever want to cross swords with the GMC; you do not want to have a formal complaint made against you to the GMC, because the GMC are MAJOR ASS-HOLES, they are just like a medical GESTAPO. If reported to them, you will be interrogated by a panel of medical experts in black suits (like the bad dudes in the movie "Reservoir Dogs") and if they find the teensiest irregularity or oversight in what you have done, then you will be in a shit-load of real trouble. Also, the GMC have a memory like elephants do, once your name comes to their attention, and you are in their data-base, you are a marked man for the rest of your medical career. If you happen to be reported to them again, even for something trivial, they will make your life a nightmare. They are like the Ayatollah Komeini who became the Grand Supreme Leader of Iran in 1979. He once famously stated that Islam is not intended to be fun or enjoable - that Islam has absolutely no sense of humour, because Islam is not a laughing matter (That was the same year he banned US Disco music in Iran, so if you were caught puttin' on your "boogie shoes" while playing a" KC and The Sunshine Band" vinyl or getting down and getting funky to the "Jackson 5", you would receive a serious public lashing)

When I got out of hospital, I thought to my self never, ever again. Because, when I was younger, and working as a locum pharmacist, a motorcycle was the most efficient and economical way to run my business, I continued to ride them. They are dangerous, of course, and about a year after the incident above, I was knocked off my bike by a dickhead on a big round-about who "cut me up" (strayed sharply out of his lane). I ended up with two broken ribs, and if you ask anyone who has broken a rib, they will tell you that it hurts like FUCKING HELL. Luckily a guy stopped to help me get my bike off the round-about. I was in pain, but I could still walk,(with broken ribs the REAL pain hits in about 24 hours), I rang my wife and told her to come and collect me. When she arrived, she was extremely pissed off (because she hates motorcycles), I told her "Can you take me to see Henry, asap" Henry was my private GP. When I got to his surgery, I said "Henry, I think I've broken a couple of ribs." He examined me and said, "Yes, there's two broken." I said, "Henry there no way I want to go into the Princess Alexandra (the NHE Trust), you take your life in your own fucking hands going into that shit-hole." (I could speak frankly with Henry, because he was also a motorcycle enthusiast who restored old English bikes). He said. "I totally agree, you're much safer at home." So what he did was prescribe all the medications and other stuff I would need to treat myself at home, and arranged to call in to see me twice a week at my home, to briefly check everything was ok.

OK, so what destroyed the British NHS ?

That's easy-peasy.

The answer is mass, third- world immigration. When the British Empire ended (basically, around 1950), the Pomms believed that they had a (moral) obligation - (the native English have a thing about "fair play", for example, if you're playing week-end cricket on the loca,l village green in England, the most important aspect of the game is "fair play") to allow individuals from the former British colonies to immigrate to good old Blighty and reside in Britain permanently if they so chose. And they did. In consequence, the national population surged. This put the NHS under increasing pressure, and eventually it started to unravel due to being overwhelmed by the numbers of persons seeking NHS treatment.

That's a lesson the left in America needs to learn. Having an NHS sounds great, and it IS great under certain circumstances. If the Democrats tried to implement a comprehensive, universal, free, healthcare system , like the British NHS or "Medicare" in Australia, it would not work. Why? Because there are 330,000,000 Yanks in America, running an "American NHS" that provided top- notch medical care for all Americans would be possible in theory. HOWEVER, the cost of such an "American NHS" would be ABSOLUTELY MIND-BLOWING, I couldn't even hazard a guess, it would be TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS AND TRILLIONS of Yankee dolars. You can forget about it - it ain't gonna happen.

Finally' in Australia, we have a perfect, very high-quality, universal, free "NHS" system called "MEDICARE". It works because we have a population of 25 million people - that's tiny compared to the US and UK. (And that's the only reason it works so well). Imagine a University medical school in England. Let's say 220 white English kids finsh their Medical degree. They all go to their gratuation cermenoy on a Saturaday night. Guess where they are on Tuesday ?

I 'll tell you. They're in a 747 headed for Australia, because they've already got jobs there waiting for them. They sorted out these jobs 2 years ago, because there was no fucking way they were ever going to work in the NHS (seriously)


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter !
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The best ones in Algodones--the dentistry capitol of Mexico--depend on their reputation and word of mouth for success. They want happy gringos be they Americans or Canadians. They built their business on that. The less expensive and known ones can be risky. But the best are a fraction of what you'd pay in the US for equal work. A lot of the best ones will even show you that they graduated from top notch dental schools.

Yes, but there are no White English doctors in NHS hospitals - they refuse to work in them.

Otherwise, "Yes". The NHS is dangerous, but it's no laughing matter." Monty Python" could get away with it in the 1970s, but they couldn't have made that sketch in 2021.


DLM...Dachshund Lives Matter

PS: I didn't think Americans would like "Monty Python's" work. The humour is quintessentially English. It's kind of dark and totally based on sarcasm and irony ,(which the the English race think is totally hilarious) I alway thought you guys ( Anglo Yanks) had a more positive/bright, "lol" sense of humour; you know, like in: "Friends", "Seinfeld", "The Big Bang Theory", etc ?
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