You People

LOL, good catch, I plumb misread that word, but I would not call all of your posts inane. I will just take the insane ones if you want to donate them to the cause. that would be about half of yours.

Oh good, now comes the part where (again) I ask for some evidence, and you guys continue to ignore it.
As much fun as you two are having in this thread, I'm serious. I feel like my posts (and therefore my credibility) is dismissed because of things that I am not, even though there is no evidence to support the impression that some of you (especially the commies) have of me.

Sounds like a racist takling.
Somehow have the impression that I am some right-wing racist nut...

I would appreciate if someone could tell me what evidence there is of these accusations.

Liberials allways do that. They are like little girls in mens bodies.
Nothing you can do about it--accept send them to rehab.
2n semester algerba??? Again!!!

No Algebra (I'm assuming that is what you were trying to type, retard) for me. I am quite content not being a 7th year sophomore in my third major, but you are welcome to picture me in whatever way makes you feel more intelligent.
actually your such a dork, I doubt you ever did anything beside community college. Your mind is a steel trap. Nothing gets in.