You People

actually your such a dork, I doubt you ever did anything beside community college. Your mind is a steel trap. Nothing gets in.

Ah, my ego! How will I ever be able to recover from a stranger on the internet (a stranger, I might add, that is unable to form even the most basic of coherent, properly constructed sentences with all words spelled correctly) attacking my RL level of education.

EDIT: Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't you supposed to have a degree in economics? Are economics majors not required to ever write anything, or even learn how?
Ah, my ego! How will I ever be able to recover from a stranger on the internet (a stranger, I might add, that is unable to form even the most basic of coherent, properly constructed sentences with all words spelled correctly) attacking my RL level of education.

EDIT: Correct me if I am wrong, but aren't you supposed to have a degree in economics? Are economics majors not required to ever write anything, or even learn how?

He claims to be an MBA.

But most people that haven't even graduated to Junior High can communicate far better than him.

It is strange that a guy who claims a high degree of education would say this:

Really when GW form charter captain on the river denial admits to serious global warming problem.
I am telling ya Gonzo---don't bother worring about it. They remind me of insecure insane women that constantly twist the facts to support their insane, anti American idealisms. They don't belong in this country. Way to many great people died to give us freedom that these socialist/soft commies are currantly taking away from us. They try to divert your thoughts by calling you twisted names--don't let it work. Hold your integrity. They are insane. They are the ones on all the anti depressents, and have all the theropists. They live in la la land. They are decendants from the stoner hippies from haight/ashberry street. Gonzo--I kind of admire the thought of a perfect society--but it did not work on Haigth/ashberry streets---and it isn't going to work on any of ours.

Who are these messed up libs? Where do they live? They live in rich safe white neighborhoods---and they really don't care what free people they hold down to get it. Any lib that is poor is just a sucker to the rich messed up libs BS.


Never ever give in to that BS!

The education thing is BS also--because they learned from markists professors, and I bet there is a painting, picture or scupture of old Carl himself somewhere in their universities.

My friggen intuition trumps thier higher education. Every damn one of them. And I am not kidding. They have aboslutly no common sense or real life experiences--just thourghly conditioned and regurgating BS that they learned in commie college!
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Gonzos gonna like the post above.

Now I have to go work my butt off, like a good little slave for communism so the commie libs will not feel guilty about living in their rich safe white neighborhoods.
I must admit all the emo and quotes from everyone else made me curious so I've taken you off IA for a short time.

Now folks for the next installment of my favorite JPP game>> "The Why do they call me racist game?!"

Racist jokes about other posters>>

"He should have told her to drink some Bacardi and smoke some menthols. Lol. I'm just kidding, Tiana."

Misc racist remarks:
"If blacks (they are less from Africa than I am from Europe) were smart enough to vote, more Democrats would win. "
"And then the black tribe will open up a liquor store/gun store across from the Asian's store, and then blame the white people for "keeping them down". "

Gonzo on blacks and crack

"Secondly, they also smoke crack and won't get off their *&&% because they know they have no responsibility--you have lifted their responsibility from their shoulders and they will keep you in power to continue being slobs. If they had to accept responsibility for their own actions instead of always been babied by dumb*&^ liberals and dumb*&%conservatives, they would be just as well off as anyone else. "

From what I can recall that was the tip of the iceburg. This is why I think you are a right winged racist and have kept you on IA since the birth of Damo's site and will continue to do so.
Despite the fact that those quotes are taken out of context (and you had to go to the other site to find them), that still doesn't have me pegged as a right-winger.

And you are welcome to continue keeping me on IA...frankly I could give a shit if you can only win an argument by ignoring those that disagree with you.
I must admit all the emo and quotes from everyone else made me curious so I've taken you off IA for a short time.

Now folks for the next installment of my favorite JPP game>> "The Why do they call me racist game?!"

Racist jokes about other posters>>

"He should have told her to drink some Bacardi and smoke some menthols. Lol. I'm just kidding, Tiana."
Said after Grind had also made a similar joke, and responding to you calling someone a racist seemingly at random.

Misc racist remarks:
"If blacks (they are less from Africa than I am from Europe) were smart enough to vote, more Democrats would win. "
From a thread that seemed more about Mel Gibson and Chuck Norris than blacks, but mostly about the low voter turn-out for that demographic. Said tongue in cheek, although I should probably have been more clear.
"And then the black tribe will open up a liquor store/gun store across from the Asian's store, and then blame the white people for "keeping them down". "
Said in a thread about "race" Survivor, and was not the only person making jokes in that thread.

Gonzo on blacks and crack

"Secondly, they also smoke crack and won't get off their *&&% because they know they have no responsibility--you have lifted their responsibility from their shoulders and they will keep you in power to continue being slobs. If they had to accept responsibility for their own actions instead of always been babied by dumb*&^ liberals and dumb*&%conservatives, they would be just as well off as anyone else. "
Should be called "Gonzo on welfare and anyone who smokes crack", since the thread is about Desh attempting to take away the personal responsibility of people who refuse to assimilate to society, instead providing them (regardless of race) with a welfare crutch that keeps them from ever leaving a state of poverty. Good job with your misdirection, though, Tiana.

From what I can recall that was the tip of the iceburg. This is why I think you are a right winged racist and have kept you on IA since the birth of Damo's site and will continue to do so.

You are ridiculous.