You Turkeys

Get woke

Because imma gonna spoke

So, made my first turkey from scratch. Pain in the.... Anyway hours and hours later was going to use the Treager, but it was pouring rain sideways, baked it on the oven for approximately 3 hours after massaging, seasoning and some cuddling....

It turned out perfect!

I even laughed because it tasted so good! Everyone loved It! I put the carving knife in their face and said:

Tell me the truth, did you love it?

Each if them nodded emphatically yes!

I am the Thanksgiving King.
just three of us for Thanksgiving this year, son went to inlaws.......decided to just get a turkey breast......screwed up and didn't notice the "Cajun seasoning" message on the label......
I ruined Thanksgiving for the GF and myself. Took garbage out to garage in the morning and when putting bag into larger bag, knocked snow shovel over and "bumped" the corner into shin. Went back into house and while standing in the kitchen when GF came out, she let out a ear piercing scream. Looked down to see a large puddle of blood on floor. Pulled up (navy blue) sweat pant leg to see blood squirting out of my leg like a squirt gun. Must have somehow hit a vein. Pant leg, sock and moccasin was soaked with blood. I never felt it at all. Took almost half an hour to get bleeding stopped. Ruined two throw rugs too. I told her to go to her sister's for dinner but she refused, saying what would I do if it started bleeding again. Fortunately, it hasn't bled since.
I ruined Thanksgiving for the GF and myself. Took garbage out to garage in the morning and when putting bag into larger bag, knocked snow shovel over and "bumped" the corner into shin. Went back into house and while standing in the kitchen when GF came out, she let out a ear piercing scream. Looked down to see a large puddle of blood on floor. Pulled up (navy blue) sweat pant leg to see blood squirting out of my leg like a squirt gun. Must have somehow hit a vein. Pant leg, sock and moccasin was soaked with blood. I never felt it at all. Took almost half an hour to get bleeding stopped. Ruined two throw rugs too. I told her to go to her sister's for dinner but she refused, saying what would I do if it started bleeding again. Fortunately, it hasn't bled since.

YIKES! NOT a fun Turkey Day for you. Glad to hear the bleeding stopped.
I ruined Thanksgiving for the GF and myself. Took garbage out to garage in the morning and when putting bag into larger bag, knocked snow shovel over and "bumped" the corner into shin. Went back into house and while standing in the kitchen when GF came out, she let out a ear piercing scream. Looked down to see a large puddle of blood on floor. Pulled up (navy blue) sweat pant leg to see blood squirting out of my leg like a squirt gun. Must have somehow hit a vein. Pant leg, sock and moccasin was soaked with blood. I never felt it at all. Took almost half an hour to get bleeding stopped. Ruined two throw rugs too. I told her to go to her sister's for dinner but she refused, saying what would I do if it started bleeding again. Fortunately, it hasn't bled since.

Probably wouldn't have happened if you were less of a simpering pussy.
You're welcome. It's amazing you didn't even feel it. That was incredibly nice of your GF to stay with you. I believe you've got a keeper!

Other than the little bump on the shin, I didn't feel a thing. The "hole" wasn't any bigger than 1/32 of an inch, if even that big.
Yeah, after 13+ years, I'll hang on to her. She's a Democrat, but you wouldn't believe it. She's pro gun, said the circus the dems made of the Kavanaugh nomination was ridiculous, this present shitshow they're making with these impeachment hearings has become annoying and global warming is way overblown. She really laughed about them complaining about cow farts!
I ruined Thanksgiving for the GF and myself. Took garbage out to garage in the morning and when putting bag into larger bag, knocked snow shovel over and "bumped" the corner into shin. Went back into house and while standing in the kitchen when GF came out, she let out a ear piercing scream. Looked down to see a large puddle of blood on floor. Pulled up (navy blue) sweat pant leg to see blood squirting out of my leg like a squirt gun. Must have somehow hit a vein. Pant leg, sock and moccasin was soaked with blood. I never felt it at all. Took almost half an hour to get bleeding stopped. Ruined two throw rugs too. I told her to go to her sister's for dinner but she refused, saying what would I do if it started bleeding again. Fortunately, it hasn't bled since.

Oh geezy peaches, RB! You might be over-anticoagulated, did you talk to your doc yet about this? Thank goodness you didn't knock your noggin. :~(
Other than the little bump on the shin, I didn't feel a thing. The "hole" wasn't any bigger than 1/32 of an inch, if even that big.
Yeah, after 13+ years, I'll hang on to her. She's a Democrat, but you wouldn't believe it. She's pro gun, said the circus the dems made of the Kavanaugh nomination was ridiculous, this present shitshow they're making with these impeachment hearings has become annoying and global warming is way overblown. She really laughed about them complaining about cow farts!

I'm glad you don't hate all liberals- You must have something in common with liberals or you wouldn't have one for a friend.

This was refreshing news. Thanks for sharing and get well soon!
Get woke

Because imma gonna spoke

So, made my first turkey from scratch. Pain in the.... Anyway hours and hours later was going to use the Treager, but it was pouring rain sideways, baked it on the oven for approximately 3 hours after massaging, seasoning and some cuddling....

It turned out perfect!

I even laughed because it tasted so good! Everyone loved It! I put the carving knife in their face and said:

Tell me the truth, did you love it?

Each if them nodded emphatically yes!

I am the Thanksgiving King.

My oldest sister keeps my grandmother's tradition of cooking it at low temperature for a very long time. Requires getting it in the oven well before the sun rises.

I've been cooking mine on a Weber gas grill for at least ten years. It has three burners, so you turn off the center and use the two sides to keep the heat in the closed grill, basically an oven, at the desired temperature. For me that is between 325 and 350F, and takes about 3 hours, sometimes a little longer.

This year I passed the torch to my daughter and her BF, and their Weber. Turned out perfectly.