You Turkeys

If you're going to use a grill or Traeger to cook a Turkey or Chicken try spatchcocking the bird. And before you start worrying that I've abandoned sheep for fowl, spatchcocking is where you use some heavy sheers or clippers and cut out the spine of the bird, spread it open bone side down and press down on top of the breast until the keel bone breaks. You then grill it (or Traeger) bone side down at about 350 deg F heat till desired internal temp is reached. The advantage of this method is it cooks the bird more evenly.

Way too much work. And messy as all heck.
Way too much work. And messy as all heck.

I found it to be neither. A good pair of clippers or heavy sheers will cut out the back bone in less than a minute and if you put the damned bird on a pan before you put it on the grill/Traeger there won't be much of a mess and you'll save all those wonderful drippings.
I found it to be neither. A good pair of clippers or heavy sheers will cut out the back bone in less than a minute and if you put the damned bird on a pan before you put it on the grill/Traeger there won't be much of a mess and you'll save all those wonderful drippings.

Nasty. Reminds me of the episode of Vikings where Ragnar cut the back ribs out of a guy with a hatchet.