so now you're an honor graduate? who knew?
and being an "honor graduate" from an auto mechanic school is really not all that much to brag about....
certainly not enough to let you legitimately claim to be smarter than West Point's 1966 valedictorian, that's for damn sure.
you remind me of this yahoo I ran into once while I was working for the Maine Senate Democrats.... he was griping that his worker's comp claim had been screwed up... he came in and said that his job was "The Dean of Admissions at the Maine Academy". I hadn't heard of that school so I did some checking around and found out he was talking about The Maine Academy of Hair Design. I'll bet he was an "honor graduate" as well!
And... as for this thread... I've got three children.... all three college graduates.... one with his master's in choral conducting, another getting ready to graduate (#8 in her class) from Law School, and the third, a software engineer in NYC...
all three are democrats... all three have shown no tendencies to switch their party affiliations as they move up the socio-economic ladder.
morons who have a tough time stringing words together - or knowing the meanings of words - often resort to posting stupid little videos in lieu of taxing their tiny brains by having to actually compose cogent thoughts.
that would be YOU, TD.
And I showed evidence from MY family that your assertion that people become more conservative as they become older and more educated is far from universal.
Wrong again dumbass; you provided anecdotal claims that are not supported by any REAL facts. Something you seem to do often without the slightest clue how stupid you look doing so.
Read and get a clue so you can become less of a moron:
your data does not show a shift towards conservatism in gen-x or millennials...if anything, democrats have gained over time in those groups. Your data does show that more people are identifying as independents, but that certainly does not directly correlate to being less liberal or more conservative.
Your data does show that, regardless of party affiliation, the population's overall political identification - liberal, moderate, conservative - has remained unchanged for quite some time.
And my own assertion as to my own children's political affiliation is a real fact, sorry.
why do you spend over half your post talking about the silent generation, when the topic of the thread is young adults?
Oh wait... I know why... because you are losing the argument. That makes sense.
and again... "losing" the generation to independents means nothing if, on election day, those independents vote for the democrat. Which, in the last two elections, they have done.... and, when the democrats have a woman at the top of their ticket, the women independents, and the moderate republican woman and every single democratic woman vote for her, who gives a fuck what percent of the electorate is independent or not?