clearly, the Gallup data proves the point of the OP.
No it does not.
From discussions with my children, some of the major factors that are driving young people away from the GOP are social versus economic. Acceptance of gays and minorities among young people is widespread. Do you think they will suddenly become anti-gay or racist after they reach middle age?
Another moronic claim; that as people grow older and become more conservative, they suddenly must also become anti-gay or racist or that being Republican means you are anti-gay or racist.
Once again we see a clueless twit bound by the idiot talking points of the left.
I believe as they grow older they will suddenly see what idiots they have been by believing in BIG Government solutions and following the path of their daddy.
As long as the GOP continues to use social wedge issues to gain votes among older demographic groups, they further alienate youth with those same issues.
The GOP doesn’t use social wedge issues; that is the tactic of the DNC who uses such moronic talking points to dupe ignorant low information voting dunces into believing that preaching moral responsibility and independence from BIG Government is somehow anti-Gay and racist.
Once again, the only ones being alienated from the truth are liberal dunces who fall for such asinine talking points in a vacuum of reality or the facts.
FACT; youth have never been very “conservative” until they reach later adulthood and start their own families. Then, most do what we call, “growing up” and realize that BIG Government is not the answer. Some, like you, never grow up and foolishly/naively believe that Government can be trusted and is the ONLY path to social welfare and prosperity. History has proven that idea false and stupid.
I believe that as Obamacare continues to fail and prove very costly for that generation and many others to come, these youth will realize the folly of BIG Government solutions. But that only comes with experience, time and education; things apparently you haven’t discovered as of yet.
You still dimwittedly believe in BIG Government; but ironically and hypocritically, only when YOUR guys are in charge. The problem with such naïve foolish idealistic views contrary to this nation’s foundation is that YOUR guys will never be the ONLY ones in charge.
ANYONE who still thinks that Government is the answer can only be naïve, uneducated, a professional politician or an outright fool.