Young Liberal Women 18-40 are avoiding marriage

It tells us it's not a problem. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightening while a shark is attacking you than being killed by your spouse.

Now how much money are we throwing at this?

Fucking feminists and their puny chested man bun girly men.
1,000 reaction points that Joe has abused women. Smacked them around a little bit to show them who is boss, fucked them over in his divorce, cheated on his spouse, the usual.
It tells us it's not a problem. You have a better chance of getting struck by lightening while a shark is attacking you than being killed by your spouse.

Now how much money are we throwing at this?

Fucking feminists and their puny chested man bun girly men.

We spend money fighting it to prevent it because it is preventable. Unlike cancer or heart disease, women beaten by their significant other is pure evil. And most of the men who hit women won't do a thing if a man is present.

Not all of them die, but the women still face horrors.
Men who physically abuse women are genetically defective.
It's that simple.
Properly developed men just don't smack women around.
The predisposition to do that is a serious genetic deformity,
as is the case with most socially malignant behavior.

That's why we must humanely and painlessly euthanize criminals rather than unjustly punish them for being sick and mentally deformed.
That's why the entire biblical concept of guilt and punishment is such bullshit.
What's amazing to me is how this isn't obvious to so many people.

We need desperately to spend more on genetic research so that the birth of undesirables can be predicted
and prevented by the abortion of genetically deviant fetuses.
Men who physically abuse women are genetically defective.
It's that simple.
Properly developed men just don't smack women around.
The predisposition to do that is a serious genetic deformity,
as is the case with most socially malignant behavior.

That's why we must humanely and painlessly euthanize criminals rather than unjustly punish them for being sick and mentally deformed.
That's why the entire biblical concept of guilt and punishment is such bullshit.
What's amazing to me is how this isn't obvious to so many people.

We need desperately to spend more on genetic research so that the birth of undesirables can be predicted
and prevented by the abortion of genetically deviant fetuses.
You are one weird dude
not what I said. I said that male victims incidence of reporting is higher than you stated. The social stigma attached to men who are victims force most men to keep quiet about their abuse. I also said that more women are violent in relationships than men.

Men don't report because of social stigma.
Women don't report because of fear.

I believe both men & women have far higher rates of abuse than is reported.
Oh, and one other point to make.

If women don't want to get married, there is not a damn thing you can do about. And that is as it should be.

Of course there's nothing anyone can do to stop liberal women from avoiding marrying. The point of the
OP is to show just how the liberals view marriage as being nothing but a social drag on their (lesbian) lives.
So be it. I still insist that these young liberal women who refuse to get married and have obvious high rated
mental and depression problems comes as a result of being raised by equally mental and depressed liberal
Of course there's nothing anyone can do to stop liberal women from avoiding marrying. The point of the
OP is to show just how the liberals view marriage as being nothing but a social drag on their (lesbian) lives.
So be it. I still insist that these young liberal women who refuse to get married and have obvious high rated
mental and depression problems comes as a result of being raised by equally mental and depressed liberal
How can anyone tolerate being around you? You're an asshole.
Of course there's nothing anyone can do to stop liberal women from avoiding marrying. The point of the
OP is to show just how the liberals view marriage as being nothing but a social drag on their (lesbian) lives.
So be it. I still insist that these young liberal women who refuse to get married and have obvious high rated
mental and depression problems comes as a result of being raised by equally mental and depressed liberal
Lesbian = any woman smart enough to avoid dating a loser like Hater.
Marriage is actually an antiquated institution.

So marriage rates are dropping. Child birth rates are also dropping, but only by 3% or so.

Marriage was originally a ceremony to transfer ownership of women from their father to their husband.