Yurt lost the bet

Yurt lost the bet

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are there people that actually think a bet in a game that it is about deception is an actual bet....


i have property for you that is worth one billion dollars, but for you....only one dollar, i swear, fingers crossed and all....
I have to commend your objectiveness considering the history you have with USF. I wonder if he will be as conciliatory?
He did thank me. I can be reasonable, when I want to be! he he!

I always comment on a job well done! Thanks for noticing. I have never gone after him, like he comes after me, but I know it is in defense of his friends, and I am like that, also.

I have a feeling if things were different, he would almost like me! ;)
Rana: Ignore Watermark, he just has sour grapes that the Seer outed him, and two wolves are dead, meaning the Village will probably win.

The Seer is a member of the Villagers, despite its title. Once it has seen enough, or suspects its life is in danger, the Seer will generally out itself and divulge the identity of everyone it has seen. USF peeked Watermark and Yurt in the night while the wolves were attacking Villagers, and learned they were both wolves. Rather than risk going a third day, and either getting eaten or lynched, he decided to play it safe and stop there, outing himself and revealing what he knew so far.
Rana: Ignore Watermark, he just has sour grapes that the Seer outed him, and two wolves are dead, meaning the Village will probably win.

The Seer is a member of the Villagers, despite its title. Once it has seen enough, or suspects its life is in danger, the Seer will generally out itself and divulge the identity of everyone it has seen. USF peeked Watermark and Yurt in the night while the wolves were attacking Villagers, and learned they were both wolves. Rather than risk going a third day, and either getting eaten or lynched, he decided to play it safe and stop there, outing himself and revealing what he knew so far.
Thanks so much.
I'm so playing next time. Just for the dynamic of the people who are normally on IA being forced to deal with each other. Hilarious.
As an aside, I don't know why so many people positively detest Yurt. The guy's totally harmless. He couldn't hurt a fly with a swatter.
I guess I don't understand the game then, Free outed two wolves in one day, that seems like a good thing to me, but you know me, dumb Rana!! Exclamation point to infinity!

What you call being a good seer? I need pointers for future games.

Not picking people based solely on who you don't like personally, perhaps?

If I played a million games as seer and peaked based mostly on who I thought was likely to be the wolf, and played a million games as seer and peaked mostly on who I didn't liked personally, which set of a million games do you think would be most likely to have a higher percentage of villager wins?
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Not picking people based solely on who you don't like personally, perhaps?

If I played a million games as seer and peaked based mostly on who I thought was likely to be the wolf, and played a million games as seer and peaked mostly on who I didn't liked personally, which set of a million games do you think would be most likely to have a higher percentage of villager wins?

Sour grapes. The way I read it was that USF had the right insight and knew to ask about you two. From what I've read, he's been the best player in the game. He had your dumb ass pegged, and Yurt. He picked two of you in 3 nights.

Remember, the object of the game is to WIN. And you lost and now you're pissed. Whiner.
Sour grapes. The way I read it was that USF had the right insight and knew to ask about you two. From what I've read, he's been the best player in the game. He had your dumb ass pegged, and Yurt. He picked two of you in 3 nights.

Remember, the object of the game is to WIN. And you lost and now you're pissed. Whiner.

I wonder if he would be complaining as much if I had seen that he or Yurt was a villager and I defended them like I did in a previous game, when everyone wanted to lynch Yurt.
look watermark is going to spaz. people have been calling him a spaz for 7 years. it's unavoidable.
Sour grapes. The way I read it was that USF had the right insight and knew to ask about you two. From what I've read, he's been the best player in the game. He had your dumb ass pegged, and Yurt. He picked two of you in 3 nights.

Remember, the object of the game is to WIN. And you lost and now you're pissed. Whiner.

I never have sour grapes. I always examine things from a rational perspective. I am God. You are apparently of the opinion that USF calmly sat down and rationally went through the list of perspective peaking candidates and just happened to pick two people who he had a personal vendetta against. There is one, amongst many, many, many problems with your theory. And that is that USF is an idiot.

The outcome of a single game is irrelevant, just as the outcome of a single poker game is irrelevant. It's the long run that matters. In the long run USF is a shitty player.

And I have not lost.
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Who could possibly not like you, Cervix Crusher?

Certainly, when compared to hardcore douchebags like SM and Grind, you are likable, but then, Grind is a cool dude, so douchebaggery need not be an excluding factor.
I never have sour grapes. I always examine things from a rational perspective. I am God. You are apparently of the opinion that USF calmly sat down and rationally went through the list of perspective peaking candidates and just happened to pick two people who he had a personal vendetta against. There is one, amongst many, many, many problems with your theory. And that is that USF is an idiot.

The outcome of a single game is irrelevant, just as the outcome of a single poker game is irrelevant. It's the long run that matters. In the long run USF is a shitty player.

And I have not lost. :yurt: :blowup: :yurt:

Fixed that for you. :good4u:
Do you understand how foolish this makes you look? Frog was actually siding with USF. You need to stop your tendency to kneejerk reactions.

Tom, when will you ever learn to call someone who gives a shit what you think of me?

Now go back to schooling the other people. You've run this tired, apoplectic teacher crapola for going on 10 years and dude, you've milked it dry.

No go piss up a rope.
I never have sour grapes. I always examine things from a rational perspective. I am God. You are apparently of the opinion that USF calmly sat down and rationally went through the list of perspective peaking candidates and just happened to pick two people who he had a personal vendetta against. There is one, amongst many, many, many problems with your theory. And that is that USF is an idiot.

The outcome of a single game is irrelevant, just as the outcome of a single poker game is irrelevant. It's the long run that matters. In the long run USF is a shitty player.

And I have not lost.
:yurt: :yurt:

Fixed that for you. :good4u: