Yurt lost the bet

Yurt lost the bet

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Tom's a teacher?

Only in his own ego-clouded mind. The bloviating, pompous, asshole believes he has the authority and right to school everyone on what he believes is the correct manner to respond, while conveniently throwing out his own shite at will and to whomever he deems appropriate.

If this were a comment I made about Yurt, or Grind who has recently earned his disdain for pointing out Tom's penchant for posting old and tired shite, there would be nary a peep from the pastey baztard. He gives all that his personal seal of approval, because well it's different for him.

I make no bones about poking people. I poke those who I do not particularily like. Is it fair that I don't poke the ones that do the same thing and are people I like? No it isn't, but that's the way the ball bounces in this little message board game, and pretty much the ones who scream loudest: "UNFAIR!" are the very same hypocrites doing it as well.
Sour grapes. The way I read it was that USF had the right insight and knew to ask about you two. From what I've read, he's been the best player in the game. He had your dumb ass pegged, and Yurt. He picked two of you in 3 nights.

Remember, the object of the game is to WIN. And you lost and now you're pissed. Whiner.

actually....USF said he was shocked i was a wolf...that means he really didn't think i was a wolf and i wasn't on anyone high spot on their lists....more importantly --> his second post of the game he lynched me for no other reason that he hates me....

he picked me solely due to his personal beef...he is not a good player
Tom, when will you ever learn to call someone who gives a shit what you think of me?

Now go back to schooling the other people. You've run this tired, apoplectic teacher crapola for going on 10 years and dude, you've milked it dry.

No go piss up a rope.

I just pointed out that you were wrong, if you don't like it then who cares?