
lol. appreciate the mods, it is a thankless task - I came from an unmoderated board ( where my posts where primarily before)
that descended into chaotic gossip, and downright useless bashing.

Be careful what you ask for, as the saying goes - this place has a nice balance
Because he can't stop reporting posts for frivolous reasons apparently.

I reported a grand total of TWO WHOLE POSTS in the last three weeks.

I did so because the posts appeared to be spam posted by one of our more annoying posters who has been known to spam the board before and I was just determining if they were indeed spam..

I merely called the potentially offending post to their attention and they used it as a reason to ban me.

Talk about a bunch of petty douchebags.
I'm going to have to start reporting that dumbfuck's posts.

Do it.

It will only further highlight Grind's two-faced attitude towards posters who he doesn't like.

You sure as hell won't get banned like I did for reporting a couple of posts.
If you see a post that violates the rules, you would report it; moderators have a lot of people on ignore, so they may not see the offending post.

Of course, their interpretation of the rules is pretty lax; but they will take action if personal info is revealed by someone other than the person whose info it is or any references to sex with kids. (hope that doesn't get me banned)

General trollishness has to be really bad before it's considered a rules violation.

This was my point entirely!

I merely pointed out to Grind a post I felt violated the rules...and I got BANNED for it.

Grind is a spiteful, two-faced douchebag who hasn't like me and has been out to get even with me ever since I highlighted his lack of familial empathy regarding a relative of his who came to him asking for help. The self absorbed little turd couldn't even be bothered to spend a few precious HOURS with his relative to help comfort her.
While if you only reported two posts in three weeks, the banning seems excessive, I do think you were too harsh on grind re his relative.

But that was ages ago and should be over and done with.
This was my point entirely!

I merely pointed out to Grind a post I felt violated the rules...and I got BANNED for it.

Grind is a spiteful, two-faced douchebag who hasn't like me and has been out to get even with me ever since I highlighted his lack of familial empathy regarding a relative of his who came to him asking for help. The self absorbed little turd couldn't even be bothered to spend a few precious HOURS with his relative to help comfort her.

i would be more than happy to share all the bullshit reasons you have reported posts for in the past.

as for this whole "family thing" LOL. holllly shit. why don't you understand I don't care about this person at all? SHE IS NOT A FAMILY MEMBER. SHE'S NOT RELATED. I have never met her in my life. SHe is also a pathological liar that has stolen from a church collection plate, purposefully killed a dog, lied about being suicidal to multiple family members to get money out of them only to recant later, and lied to a nun that she had cancer, not just on a one time thing, but over the course of months...

You are grasping for straws when you keep bringing that up. The fact that you think I care about you talking about that is hilarious. You are an internet moron that doesn't know anything about my family or personal life so why would I give you any credibility on those matters.
While if you only reported two posts in three weeks, the banning seems excessive, I do think you were too harsh on grind re his relative.

But that was ages ago and should be over and done with.

it was 4 in 3 weeks, but it's not about the quantity, it's the fact that he is always reporting posts for bullshit reasons. And was warned in the past to stop doing it, to which his response was basically "fuck off" and "i'll do what I want"
ask zappas what the first thing he said to me in pm when he came back yesterday about his demeanor going forward.
SHe is also a pathological liar that has stolen from a church collection plate, purposefully killed a dog, lied about being suicidal to multiple family members to get money out of them only to recant later, and lied to a nun that she had cancer, not just on a one time thing, but over the course of months

And in her hour of need, when she came to you for help, you couldn't be bothered.

Shame on you, my friend.
ask zappas what the first thing he said to me in pm when he came back yesterday about his demeanor going forward.

So what?

You banned me for a bullshit reason and you know it.

You think I'm going to THANK you for being a douchebag towards me?
zappas you were warned many times to not report posts for bullshit reasons. We gave you warnings, you told us to get lost. I have a dossier of posts that there is no way you should have even had the slightest thought they were against the rules. you are not allowed to abuse our report function.

be mature and move on, and report things that actually break our rules from now on. thank you.
This was my point entirely!

I merely pointed out to Grind a post I felt violated the rules...and I got BANNED for it.

Grind is a spiteful, two-faced douchebag who hasn't like me and has been out to get even with me ever since I highlighted his lack of familial empathy regarding a relative of his who came to him asking for help. The self absorbed little turd couldn't even be bothered to spend a few precious HOURS with his relative to help comfort her.

Bullshit. Grind is a prick and it is no secret he is no fan of mine, but I have to say he performs his mod duties in an objective and fair manner.

You are just a typical whiny lib