Zelensky, are you stupid?

Yes, Putin offered two possible ends to the conflict. Either complete surrender, or suicide. They were similar offers made by Al Qaeda to the USA.

That does not mean they will just surrender and die.

The Ukrainians are dictating how they are going to behave.
Instead of Russia’s Orthodox Church rootin’ tootin’ Putin genocide pogrom as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & Y2K George Washington has University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam pseudoscience in “serve the Pope or die” thieving absentee voting ballots arsonists as there was only Nixon to fill Eisenhower’s “Never Again” shoes like Trumpanzees Trumpanazis Trumpamengele voting Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom enforcement for Ukraine…..
I’m hoping he’s doing a rope a dope for further negotiations.
Doubtful. Trump has kowtowed to Putin and other "strong men" since his first presidency.

Remember this when he threw all 17 US intelligence groups under the bus to protect Vlad?
TRUMP: So let me just say that we have two thoughts. You have groups that are wondering why the FBI never took the server. Why haven’t they taken the server? Why was the FBI told to leave the office of the democratic national committee? I’ve been wondering that. I’ve been asking that for months and months and I’ve been tweeting it out and calling it out on social media. Where is the server? I want to know, where is the server and what is the server saying? With that being said, all I can do is ask the question. My people came to me, Dan Coats came to me and some others and said they think it’s Russia.

I have President Putin. He just said it’s not Russia. I will say this. I don’t see any reason why it would be, but I really do want to see the server. But I have confidence in both parties. I really believe that this will probably go on for a while, but I don’t think it can go on without finding out what happened to the server. What happened to the servers of the Pakistani gentleman that worked on the DNC? Where are those servers? They’re missing. Where are they? What happened to Hillary Clinton’s emails? 33,000 emails gone — just gone. I think in Russia they wouldn’t be gone so easily. I think it’s a disgrace that we can’t get Hillary Clinton’s 33,000 emails. So I have great confidence in my intelligence people, but I will tell you that president Putin was extremely strong and powerful in his denial today. And what he did is an incredible offer. He offered to have the people working on the case come and work with their investigators, with respect to the 12 people. I think that’s an incredible offer. Okay thank you.
So you think it's okay for a large nation to invade a smaller one, kill thousands of its citizens, and that smaller nation should have no say in peace negotiations? Fuck that noise. If two of your neighbors are fighting over where the boundary between their yards should be, do you feel you have the right to butt in and parlay with one of them, and leave the other out because you don't like him?

You mean like England attacking the Colonies?

Instead of Russia’s Orthodox Church rootin’ tootin’ Putin genocide pogrom as Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist Fourth Reich July Bicentennial & Y2K George Washington has University Hospital Washington, D.C. born USA citizens are Islam pseudoscience in “serve the Pope or die” thieving absentee voting ballots arsonists as there was only Nixon to fill Eisenhower’s “Never Again” shoes like Trumpanzees Trumpanazis Trumpamengele voting Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom enforcement for Ukraine…..
One thing that was different about German fascism is the two religions. Most countries had fascism that believed one people, one religion. There was no diversity in that religion allowed. Germany was divided between the Catholics, and various Protestants, so could never quite bring themselves to force one religion. Hitler was nominally a Catholic, but many of the other Nazis were nominally Protestant.

They chose to have two religions for Germany. A "good" Nazi could be a Catholic, or a Protestant church that the Nazis were trying to unify. They did not want diversity in the Protestant churches.
One thing that was different about German fascism is the two religions. Most countries had fascism that believed one people, one religion. There was no diversity in that religion allowed. Germany was divided between the Catholics, and various Protestants, so could never quite bring themselves to force one religion. Hitler was nominally a Catholic, but many of the other Nazis were nominally Protestant.

They chose to have two religions for Germany. A "good" Nazi could be a Catholic, or a Protestant church that the Nazis were trying to unify. They did not want diversity in the Protestant churches.
Seems as those “serve the Pope or die” Christiananality pedophilia and those “man is God” Byrd KKK West Nazi Germany thieving US Constitution Bill of Rights - old glory’s - old testaments - absentee voting ballots arsonists as Nixon wasn’t worthy of filling Eisenhower’s “Never Again” shoes……
We offer him to end the conflict, we say directly that we will no longer support the war. He is trying to dictate to us the conditions of how we should behave and how much more money we should give? Trump said that he is a dictator, it is time for him to calm down.
It's time for him to go. He successfully threw a generation or two into the meatgrinder. He's now clamoring for more....... more graft that he can strip off the top. He is a dictator. He declared martial law and suspended the elections and has thrown opposition party people into jail. He is a tyrant.
It's time for him to go. He successfully threw a generation or two into the meatgrinder. He's now clamoring for more....... more graft that he can strip off the top. He is a dictator. He declared martial law and suspended the elections and has thrown opposition party people into jail. He is a tyrant.
...and now you're supporting a dictatorship of the United States, Brazilian Boy.
DJT and Putin can make all the "peace" deals they want. If they don't get Ukraine on board the fighting continues.

They are not going to force Ukraine to stop fighting for their land and their people. Ukraine is fine without US money.

Americans who care are ashamed of our current government.
Ukraine is defending itself. If Russia goes home, the war ends.
Trump says Ukraine started the war! Would Trump lie?
No doubt Trumpanzees will do their Trumpanazis Trumpamengele propaganda of Ukraine started the war in that Russia Orthodox Church rootin’ tootin’ Putin genocide pogrom tradition of the Czar of Russia renaming citizens coffee, tea, sugar or just killing them.
Ukraine is defending itself. If Russia goes home, the war ends.
Exactly. And nobody who is aware and well informed even buys this DJT BS for a second that "Ukraine started the war." What a blatant lie. The whole world watched as Putin ordered the massive buildup of forces on the border. It grew and grew. The potential for a conflict grew daily the more troops Putin piled up on the border. It was the Russian army that invaded Ukraine. Russia prepared for, and started the war, no question.
Exactly. And nobody who is aware and well informed even buys this DJT BS for a second that "Ukraine started the war." What a blatant lie. The whole world watched as Putin ordered the massive buildup of forces on the border. It grew and grew. The potential for a conflict grew daily the more troops Putin piled up on the border. It was the Russian army that invaded Ukraine. Russia prepared for, and started the war, no question.
Russia did not have the military needed to take Ukraine.....not even close....maybe a tenth of what was needed....remember that NATO had built Ukraine up to being a very strong military since 2014.

What Russia wanted was a deal.....and they almost got it......the Americans and Europe got the Ukrainians to walk away from a deal.

Once Russia knew this was going go be a thing they withdrew from some areas, and doubled their army.

Now they have won, they are going to keep taking Ukraine and killing Ukrainians till America and Europe capitulate, that is agree finally to a deal.
Ukraine has nowhere to go, they are defending their homes, homeland and families. If they drop their weapons, Putin takes over the country. If Russia does, the war ends.
While Trump & Vance make America great again letting Russia’s rootin’ tootin’ Putin ethnic cleansing genocide pogrom of Ukraine continue as those burning Bush’s & Christian Nation SCOTUS more perfect union with flaming flying chariot Islamidiotocracy “what is 9/11 ?”
Exactly. And nobody who is aware and well informed even buys this DJT BS for a second that "Ukraine started the war." What a blatant lie. The whole world watched as Putin ordered the massive buildup of forces on the border. It grew and grew. The potential for a conflict grew daily the more troops Putin piled up on the border. It was the Russian army that invaded Ukraine. Russia prepared for, and started the war, no question.
It’s good to see you back.
We offer him to end the conflict, we say directly that we will no longer support the war. He is trying to dictate to us the conditions of how we should behave and how much more money we should give? Trump said that he is a dictator, it is time for him to calm down.

Zelenskyy is not obligated to surrender Ukrainian territory to Russia on terms favorable to the Kremlin, just so Trump can supposedly win the Nobel Prize

Why would you trust Putin to stick to the terms of any agreement? The fact that you and Trump are threatening to stop all military assistance to Ukraine just gives incentive to Putin to continue his war, because he can see all out victory and the capture of Kyiv if America betrays Ukraine.
Zelenskyy is not obligated to surrender Ukrainian territory to Russia on terms favorable to the Kremlin, just so Trump can supposedly win the Nobel Prize

Why would you trust Putin to stick to the terms of any agreement? The fact that you and Trump are threatening to stop all military assistance to Ukraine just gives incentive to Putin to continue his war, because he can see all out victory and the capture of Kyiv if America betrays Ukraine.
Having Trump & Vance let Russia’s Orthodox Church rootin’ tootin’ Putin continue his war is just like those burning Bush’s Federal Lynching KKK churchstate of hate drug trafficking fiefdom enforcement having Christian Nation SCOTUS Rehnquist continue “what is 9/11 ?”……
Zelenskyy is not obligated to surrender Ukrainian territory to Russia on terms favorable to the Kremlin, just so Trump can supposedly win the Nobel Prize

Why would you trust Putin to stick to the terms of any agreement? The fact that you and Trump are threatening to stop all military assistance to Ukraine just gives incentive to Putin to continue his war, because he can see all out victory and the capture of Kyiv if America betrays Ukraine.
Ukraine has become a rump due to their demand for military confrontation with a superior force rather than doing a deal where they stop abusing Russian speakers and stop being a battering ram against Russia for the Imperial Empire.
So you think it's okay for a large nation to invade a smaller one, kill thousands of its citizens, and that smaller nation should have no say in peace negotiations? Fuck that noise. If two of your neighbors are fighting over where the boundary between their yards should be, do you feel you have the right to butt in and parlay with one of them, and leave the other out because you don't like him?
I struggle with whether to try or not with Fowl. It's like trying to explain calculus to a toddler, is there any point at all? No, no matter how clear and detailed you make it, the little tike will just give you a dumb look. LOL It's not the toddler's fault, he's just not capable.