Bullshit. Russia and the US have long been more allies than enemies. The brief interlude of the Leftist Communist government notwithstanding. The US and Russia have never fought a war. Russia and the US have everything to gain from a solid trade situation, and friendly relations. It was only with the period of radical Leftist dictatorship under Communist rule that Russia and the US were at odds. Even then, the two didn't have a war.
You seem to think the Cold War and a Communist dictatorship in Russia are still going on. That is utter stupidity. It's the kind of idiocy that got us into the Korea and Vietnam wars.
The world order is changing. The US and China are now the two superpowers on the planet. Russia is a second fiddle. The second-tier powers will align to one or the other superpower. The US should be doing everything they can to get those second-tier powers on their side. China certainly is trying to do exactly that.
That isn't a Trump thing, that's a reality whoever is president. Biden was just his typical moron self on foreign policy and fucked things up just like he did his whole political career when it comes to foreign policy.
Why is the president so consistently wrong on major foreign-policy matters?
President Joe Biden was scheduled to deliver his first major speech on foreign policy today. Instead, it was postponed “due to inclement weather.” Apparently, the two inches of snow that fell on the capital this weekend made travel too risky.
The U.S. military’s collapsed pier in Gaza is symbolic of a much bigger issue.
First Read is your briefing from the NBC News Political Unit on the day’s most important political stories and why they matter.
Everybody...EVERYBODY... says Biden was a foreign policy disaster. That's not new, it's been Biden's MO since he first took office. Obama was an amateur and even he was better.
The US gains from a strong relationship on positive grounds with Russia. It gets little to nothing backing Ukraine. Putin is nothing special, and is in most ways just the same sort of dictator Zelensky is. There's really nothing to choose between the two other than Zelensky runs a country that doesn't offer much of anything to anyone.