Zelenskyy now says he will sign the deal...

He kept demanding "security guarantees"

That wasn't the time or place, but he chose to do it now the offer is off the table. But don't worry, Europe stands with him. Good it is their fight to fight. Not ours.

What is the strategic interest for us to support Ukraine? Why do you care? Is it just your hatred of all things Trump?
So when JD asked him why he refused to sigh, what was he to say in the pubic oval office meeting?

He had already told them why...
He seems to think that Zelenskyy needs to be more grateful for the aid we've given... I think if Zelenskyy had been a bit less entitled he may have gotten the result he wanted. One thing I am sure of, the time to litigate that was not at the signing ceremony.
Do you think it's appropriate for the sitting US president (sort of) to throw a temper tantrum on global live television to scold a war president and ally about "gratitude" for aid that that same president had absolutely no role whatsoever in providing to the ally after that same war president has spent years saying thank you? Trump is a fat toddler and a galactic embarrassment to the US. He should have gotten his ass beaten when he was younger so that he could understand gratitude himself -- along with humility, decency, and how to form a sentence in English.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAMn0xrc95s
All because Putin lied to him and told him he was smart. It’s all about the false flattery. Trump eats it up. I bet what Putin says in private is a lot different.
The funny part is that Putin did not call him smart. It was a mistranslation.

Putin called trump "bright", as in interesting and catching attention. It was mistranslated to be "bright" as smart. It should have been translated as "colorful."
The funny part is that Putin did not call him smart. It was a mistranslation.

Putin called trump "bright", as in interesting and catching attention. It was mistranslated to be "bright" as smart. It should have been translated as "colorful."
Thanks! I didn’t know that.
Do you think it's appropriate for the sitting US president (sort of) to throw a temper tantrum on global live television to scold a war president and ally about "gratitude" for aid that that same president had absolutely no role whatsoever in providing to the ally after that same war president has spent years saying thank you? Trump is a fat toddler and a galactic embarrassment to the US. He should have gotten his ass beaten when he was younger so that he could understand gratitude himself -- along with humility, decency, and how to form a sentence in English.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XAMn0xrc95s
I do not. Hence my discomfort. Did you bother reading the OP?
Only if you ignore the interests.

Let's follow that rabbit down the hole. US interest in rare earth elements would ensure US participation, US participation would ensure Russia would not once again invade... because the US would be there... if Russia will not invade because they do not want to bring on the wrath of US. All of this added together equals security for Ukraine.

Barack Obama sent Susan Rice, Alexander Vindman, and Anthony Blinken over to Ukraine to conduct his foreign policy and thwart this deal,

Could it be that Obama wants the rare earth minerals going to someone else?

Bullshit. Russia and the US have long been more allies than enemies. The brief interlude of the Leftist Communist government notwithstanding. The US and Russia have never fought a war. Russia and the US have everything to gain from a solid trade situation, and friendly relations. It was only with the period of radical Leftist dictatorship under Communist rule that Russia and the US were at odds. Even then, the two didn't have a war.

You seem to think the Cold War and a Communist dictatorship in Russia are still going on. That is utter stupidity. It's the kind of idiocy that got us into the Korea and Vietnam wars.

The world order is changing. The US and China are now the two superpowers on the planet. Russia is a second fiddle. The second-tier powers will align to one or the other superpower. The US should be doing everything they can to get those second-tier powers on their side. China certainly is trying to do exactly that.

That isn't a Trump thing, that's a reality whoever is president. Biden was just his typical moron self on foreign policy and fucked things up just like he did his whole political career when it comes to foreign policy.

Everybody...EVERYBODY... says Biden was a foreign policy disaster. That's not new, it's been Biden's MO since he first took office. Obama was an amateur and even he was better.

The US gains from a strong relationship on positive grounds with Russia. It gets little to nothing backing Ukraine. Putin is nothing special, and is in most ways just the same sort of dictator Zelensky is. There's really nothing to choose between the two other than Zelensky runs a country that doesn't offer much of anything to anyone.

To cut to the chase, the democrats serve China. This deal would hurt the efforts of China to corner the market on rare earth minerals. So Obama has his troops out making sure the deal is scuttled.

But you won't hear the board Stalinists invoking the Logan Act.
At some point it was decided the way to get rid of him was to put him before cameras and confront him for his nonexistent ingratitude, perhaps arranging ahead of time for a right wing "journalist" to mock him for his clothes to help unnerve him going in. If not that, what was it?

@Nomad is going to be a racist scumbag and meltdown if a black man expresses opinions in opposition to the party...
I will give you the benefit of the doubt, and say this is partly caused by you failing to read carefully what I wrote. I wrote "Germany did declare war on the USA", and you responded "False - Germany absolutely did declare war against the U.S." So you confirmed what I said, but also claimed it was false, and made up.

But it is also part of a pattern by the alt right to try to disrupt debate.

Yep, I misread and thought your were claiming Germany did not.
At some point it was decided the way to get rid of him was to put him before cameras and confront him for his nonexistent ingratitude, perhaps arranging ahead of time for a right wing "journalist" to mock him for his clothes to help unnerve him going in. If not that, what was it?
They claim Z started it, and decided to air his grievances during the public meeting... I did not see that.

Its all they got, so I guess they feel they have to claim it.
LOL. He simply responded to the man who was trying to litigate it, and from a position of entitlement. Even Europe understands that if the US is not involved this will not work.

I think we provided a deal that would prevent Putin from regrouping and invading again in two years. Last time Obama capitulated let him have the Crimean peninsula and did not seek to guarantee American interests like this deal did.
Furthermore the left didnt say a damn thing when obama capitulated
I don’t agree, Europe is moving on without the United States. They can no longer rely on us and they are taking steps to formulate a peace agreement.

We are losing our position in the world. They are moving on without us.
Nope. Dont be silly
Yep, I misread and thought your were claiming Germany did not.
During the Iraq War, some Neo-Cons defended preemptively attacking Iraq, by claiming we preemptively attacked Germany. They would make claims that "Germany did not declare war on the USA, the USA declared war on Germany."

After Pearl Harbor, FDR had a problem. FDR had promised Churchill that in an event of war with Germany and Japan, the USA would go after Germany first. The problem was technically, there was a war with only Japan. Conveniently, Germany declared war on the USA three days after Pearl Harbor. Even more conveniently, almost immediately Germany attacked our shipping, not just in the middle of the Atlantic, but along our coasts. Americans from the beach could watch German submarines sink American ships.

Why did Hitler do this? No one knows for sure, but it appears who thought that if he declared war on the USA, Japan would declare war on the USSR. Japan did not do this. Hitler, like trump, liked to make deals in his head, and then was shocked when others refused to follow the deals they had never heard of.