Shaken, not stirred!
Quote Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
Interesting that a corpse was essentially put on trial for causing his own death at the hands of a wanna-be cop acting on a "suspicion". Oh well, Freedumb is happy, so that's all that matters.
Gee; I don't remember Trayvon being on trial and the chronology of the posts will show that your assertion is a falsehood, bunky.
You need to stop and think beyond just having a gain saying to whatever I state, my intellectually impotent Freedumb. The defense continually pushed the idea/image that Martin was the aggressor and Zimmerman was well within his rights under Florida law to act as he did....although they came up short to explain just why an INNOCENT guy being followed by some creep in a car didn't have the right to confront him and "stand his ground". But Martin is dead, and could not testify.
You don't have the brains to mock me, Freedumb...but that's all you've got rather than try to honestly and rationally discuss the matter. Carry on.