ZOMBIE FETTERMAN wins. Proves dems cheated massively again.

Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So how the hell does his flag end up in that case? Why does it end up in this case? Inquiring minds want to know. Please explain, preferably with some official documentations. We'll wait.

Flags that are flown over the White House, the Capitol Building, etc, are made available to the military for inclusion in shadowboxes like the one posted a photo of.

I submitted my retirement package 198 months prior to my retirement. My "sponsor" (the guy who walks you thru all of the retirement requirements) submits a request for one of those flags thru, in my case, the Navy Personnel Command in Millington, Tennessee (at least that's where it was when I retired). They review the request, which is submitted by the service member's command. Once approved, a flag is designated for a particular retiree. I don't know what determines whether or not you get a White House Flag or a Capitol Flag, and I don't know what the "official documentations" would be because I never submitted them. My sponsor did that.

Navy Personnel Command then sends the designated flag to the retiree's command, usually to the person who is the sponsor, who then sees to it that the flag is included in the shadowbox.

It ain't exactly rocket science...

Actually, the law is more straight forward https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details...2010-title10-subtitleC-partII-chap561-sec6141 What you described seems unnecessarily complicated, given it's a standard law and procedure that is easily accessible to check.

This is why no one takes you seriously....you may have some knowledge, but it's the "fill-ins" you do that lead one to doubt your authenticity. Case in point, only a complete idiot would post their identification of any type on an open forum were people are and have been openly hostile to you (ya know, identity theft and all). I do believe it's in violation of one of Damo's rules. So yeah, something ain't right about you. Carry on.

Back to basics. To date, only MAGA minions parroting a lie believe in the OP Subject Title. They can't prove it....which is just a continuation of Dump's "big lie". Agreed?
Hardly a minion of anyone, fuck-stick.

You can die, too, for all I fucking care.

Mind you, I've actually presented something which supports my position that I'm retired military. Uncle Dunce has not.

Here, this is my (redacted) retiree ID card:

View attachment 23724

I would love to ask Dunce to provide his, but it's pretty fucking clear he doesn't have one, despite his lies to the contrary.

And, if this isn't good enough for you, then you can fuck off and die...

That's the pre-age 65 one. At 65 you get an "indefinite" one instead. It's also no longer the blue one, but more like the new ones with the chip in them.

We'll be fine. My area is solid red :thumbsup:
Good...the red zones are going to be very busy continuing to bail out the blue areas for the next couple of years...Amazing what people will throw away in exchange for a what they think is a "win"...
My point wasn't about your dubious claims of military service and "retirement"...mine was and is about using a flag in your initial "proof". I've had relatives and family friends who served and retired (WWII, Korea)....they didn't get flag. So spare us all the bluff and bluster.

I didn't use the flag, dipshit, I used the shadowbox; in its entirety.

It's clear you're completely ignorant, so you should probably educate yourself before you make yourself look even more stupid...

And Yeah, you're a Trump Chump....and like your orange faced leader, you throw under the bus all of that support that is exposed as bogus and failure. You only fool the person you see in the mirror.

Yeah, I voted for the guy twice. Considering the alternative in each election, there was really no other way to go.

But I won't be voting for him a third time...
Actually, the law is more straight forward https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details...2010-title10-subtitleC-partII-chap561-sec6141 What you described seems unnecessarily complicated, given it's a standard law and procedure that is easily accessible to check.

Well, I submitted my retirement package in 1999. I know how it worked back then. I have no idea how it works now. I don't need to. The date at that link is 2011. It's safe to assume that some things about it changed in those years. Only an idiot like you would believe otherwise.

And the military's not exactly known for not being complicated.

Thank you for posting that link, though. I doubt it'll happen, but maybe Uncle Dunce will address his ignorance by reading it...

This is why no one takes you seriously....you may have some knowledge, but it's the "fill-ins" you do that lead one to doubt your authenticity.

It's clear you, like Dunce, have zero knowledge.

Yeah, I don;t know every single rule and regulation and procedure. I didn't have to...

Case in point, only a complete idiot would post their identification of any type on an open forum were people are and have been openly hostile to you (ya know, identity theft and all). I do believe it's in violation of one of Damo's rules. So yeah, something ain't right about you. Carry on.

Gee whiz, what does it give you? My first name? Wow, yeah, probably not too many people running around with the name "Steve", huh?

You do know what the word "redacted" means, don't you?

There's no information in that photo which anyone can do anything with. If it's a violation of a rule to post your own photo and your own first name, I would invite the mods to remove it.

Let's see if Dunce has the balls to post the same. I've get a buck that says he doesn't, because he's nothing but a cowardly pussy...

Back to basics. To date, only MAGA minions parroting a lie believe in the OP Subject Title. They can't prove it....which is just a continuation of Dump's "big lie". Agreed?

I've never said democrats cheated and Fetterman's election is proof.

I have said, however, that democrats are fucking stupid, and Fetterman's election is proof...
That's the pre-age 65 one. At 65 you get an "indefinite" one instead. It's also no longer the blue one, but more like the new ones with the chip in them.

I went to the commissary at NAS Jacksonville one day, and as the gate guard was scanning the bar code on the back of my ID he commented that he's seeing fewer and fewer of them.

I probably do need to go up there and get a new one at some point. While it says "INDEF" on the front of the ID, on the back is an expiration date of June 2027...
I did, you ignorant coward.

Once. Why aren't you following him around the forum reminding him about it?

Conversely, you and I can focus on the fact that Trumpism and authoritarianism, regardless of party, is bad for America.
Unlike you, I don't let idiots anonymous people on the Internet upset me.

A true veteran would be made of sterner stuff than you are displaying here, son.

Well, I'm proud of my service, and I take umbrage when some pussy coward like you demeans it.

Also, a "true Veteran" wouldn't invite people to his local police station to kick his ass.

Having found that other thread, it's pretty clear that you have a long history of being a whiny little bitch here on JPP. I'll admit, for a while, I was considering whether or not I'd legitimately crossed some line with you. Having read that other thread, though, I'm absolutely confident that I have not.

You're just a little cunt...
Well, I'm proud of my service, and I take umbrage when some pussy coward like you demeans it.

Also, a "true Veteran" wouldn't invite people to his local police station to kick his ass.

Having found that other thread, it's pretty clear that you have a long history of being a whiny little bitch here on JPP. I'll admit, for a while, I was considering whether or not I'd legitimately crossed some line with you. Having read that other thread, though, I'm absolutely confident that I have not.

You're just a little cunt...

You demean yourself and the US Navy with your conduct, PO1 Glider.
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“Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, but brains saves both.”

“Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning. ”

“I would rather be the hammer than the anvil.”

“Be an example to your men, in your duty and in private life. Avoid excessive sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.”

"One cannot permit unique opportunities to slip by for the sake of trifles."

"A risk is a chance you take; if it fails you can recover. A gamble is a chance taken; if it fails, recovery is impossible."

― Erwin Rommel (born today in 1891)
“Sweat saves blood, blood saves lives, but brains saves both.”

“Don't fight a battle if you don't gain anything by winning. ”

“I would rather be the hammer than the anvil.”

“Be an example to your men, in your duty and in private life. Avoid excessive sharpness or harshness of voice, which usually indicates the man who has shortcomings of his own to hide.”

"One cannot permit unique opportunities to slip by for the sake of trifles."

"A risk is a chance you take; if it fails you can recover. A gamble is a chance taken; if it fails, recovery is impossible."

― Erwin Rommel (born today in 1891)

"We're going to have to come up with another way to steal future elections" - All Republicans.
^What does this even mean? Fetterman's the lieutenant-governor and will be until he's sworn into the Senate. The current governor and the newly-elected governor are both Dems.

It means I believe that Fetterneck will resign to heal and be replaced by the governor. I don't think that was difficult to figure out.