Shaken, not stirred!
Originally Posted by Taichiliberal View Post
So how the hell does his flag end up in that case? Why does it end up in this case? Inquiring minds want to know. Please explain, preferably with some official documentations. We'll wait.
Flags that are flown over the White House, the Capitol Building, etc, are made available to the military for inclusion in shadowboxes like the one posted a photo of.
I submitted my retirement package 198 months prior to my retirement. My "sponsor" (the guy who walks you thru all of the retirement requirements) submits a request for one of those flags thru, in my case, the Navy Personnel Command in Millington, Tennessee (at least that's where it was when I retired). They review the request, which is submitted by the service member's command. Once approved, a flag is designated for a particular retiree. I don't know what determines whether or not you get a White House Flag or a Capitol Flag, and I don't know what the "official documentations" would be because I never submitted them. My sponsor did that.
Navy Personnel Command then sends the designated flag to the retiree's command, usually to the person who is the sponsor, who then sees to it that the flag is included in the shadowbox.
It ain't exactly rocket science...
Actually, the law is more straight forward https://www.govinfo.gov/app/details...2010-title10-subtitleC-partII-chap561-sec6141 What you described seems unnecessarily complicated, given it's a standard law and procedure that is easily accessible to check.
This is why no one takes you seriously....you may have some knowledge, but it's the "fill-ins" you do that lead one to doubt your authenticity. Case in point, only a complete idiot would post their identification of any type on an open forum were people are and have been openly hostile to you (ya know, identity theft and all). I do believe it's in violation of one of Damo's rules. So yeah, something ain't right about you. Carry on.
Back to basics. To date, only MAGA minions parroting a lie believe in the OP Subject Title. They can't prove it....which is just a continuation of Dump's "big lie". Agreed?