Poor old triggered hillbilly jackass.
Wants everyone to tell him how great he thinks he is but only one or two of his fellow MAGA-MORONS will humor him.
With a little bit of training any idiot could set up a lathe and I personally can read blueprints upside down. Outside of the drawings themselves, there's nothing much else on them but a lot of dimensions, angles, technical notes and materials lists.
It might look complicated to someone who hasn't had a little bit of training, but once you know what you're looking at it's no big deal.
You make it sound like rocket science but anyone with an education knows better.
And btw, I was a draftsman myself for many years including at a shop that did metal fab.
Lots of angles and arcs and curves and ID and OD pipe specs and welding specs and yadda yadda yadda.
So whoopee shit for you, redneck.