Zombie plans


Uwaa OmO
What's yours? My personal plan is to wait it out in my house for up to a month. I have enough food and water, and a generator for occasional power. Fire power is a foregone conclusion. That way the city will be good and deserted, filled mostly with zombies (who, while wanting to feast upon me, will not be competing with me for supplies). The vast majority of the people will have fled, further decreasing competition.

After a month or so, if no one (I.E. the military) has cleared the situation up, I'll move to a better, more secure location. The old Detroit train station. I picked that location for several reasons. First, it's relatively close by. It's a very large building, and it's centrally located, so I have access to pretty much everywhere with equal ease. It has a very large open field all the way around it, and virtually no choke points on the inside. Also, the size of the building would make it perfect for a larger group of people, should they show up.
I like that. I'm going to ride alongside Dagny Taggert on her private locomotive!!

I just figure that it would be a good way to get around, there's enough power to pull a small support (camping) vehicle, and if yoiu get to an area where the track is out, you can always use the truck tires to drive around the problem area.
I'll probably just stay inside my house. In this rural area its unlikely many zombies are going to randomly stumble to my house, and I can easily dispatch the ones that walk out of the forest. My five member family can easily afford to keep at least one of us on guard with a shotgun at all times, and they can alert us if multiple zombies appear, in which case we'd probably climb onto the roof and use up our stock of ammunition. If all of them weren't gone by then we could just wait for them to run out of any energy supply they were using, since the perpetual motion devices that apparently power zombies in movies movies obviously defy the laws of physics and don't exist in nature.
Why, oh, why couldn't Brady have just died on March 30, 1981? Up until then he had done a lot of good for America, but after that date he just became an evil zombie, and a net loss for America.
I'll probably just stay inside my house. In this rural area its unlikely many zombies are going to randomly stumble to my house, and I can easily dispatch the ones that walk out of the forest. My five member family can easily afford to keep at least one of us on guard with a shotgun at all times, and they can alert us if multiple zombies appear, in which case we'd probably climb onto the roof and use up our stock of ammunition. If all of them weren't gone by then we could just wait for them to run out of any energy supply they were using, since the perpetual motion devices that apparently power zombies in movies movies obviously defy the laws of physics and don't exist in nature.

You don't have to worry; because zombies survive by eating brains and your's wouldn't provide enough substance to keep a gnat alive!! :cof1:
I'll do the same thing I did for Y2K.

Someone asked me if I was stockpiling food, water, and supplies and I told them know. They showed me all the stuff they had stored. When I asked what weapons they had, they said they had none.

I stockpile weapons and ammo. That will get me the rest of what I need. My house gets its water from a well, there is a generator to assure power outages are minimal, and my wife keeps the pantry stocked with at least a month or two of food.

I live in the boonies. My neighbors will likely pop the zombies before I even see them.
I'll do the same thing I did for Y2K.

Someone asked me if I was stockpiling food, water, and supplies and I told them know. They showed me all the stuff they had stored. When I asked what weapons they had, they said they had none.

I stockpile weapons and ammo. That will get me the rest of what I need. My house gets its water from a well, there is a generator to assure power outages are minimal, and my wife keeps the pantry stocked with at least a month or two of food.

I live in the boonies. My neighbors will likely pop the zombies before I even see them.

A little lead will always get you all the gold you need; HUH!! :cof1:
I'll do the same thing I did for Y2K.

Someone asked me if I was stockpiling food, water, and supplies and I told them know. They showed me all the stuff they had stored. When I asked what weapons they had, they said they had none.
i'm curious as to what their response was when they answered that.