Zombie plans

Why 50%? Why 45 days?

Because a human can surived 4 weeks without food and the extra 2 weeks is the cushion for those that a little bit of food in their possession.

50% is because that's approx. how many citizens are liberals and heaven knows that they can't take care of themselves. :cof1:
20% of the population is liberal.

They are concentrated in the city, though, and of course if you live in the city your chances of survival in an apocalypse aren't high.
Rubbish. You have to put more work into getting meat for what you put into it. Meat is essentially a luxury in that it's much more costly to produce than plants.
Rubbish. You have to put more work into getting meat for what you put into it. Meat is essentially a luxury in that it's much more costly to produce than plants.

Go back and re-read my post; because you failed to understand it.
It might help, if this time you put your emo feelings in check first.
Planting crops will be a requirement to survive long term. But not until the initial collapse and chaos is over. As long as any significant number of people are roaming the countryside in search of food, a field crop is not going to be successful.
Planting crops will be a requirement to survive long term. But not until the initial collapse and chaos is over. As long as any significant number of people are roaming the countryside in search of food, a field crop is not going to be successful.
Good solid walls would help. Good fences make good neighbors.
Planting crops will be a requirement to survive long term. But not until the initial collapse and chaos is over. As long as any significant number of people are roaming the countryside in search of food, a field crop is not going to be successful.
That depends on your area. If we use my example of the train station, the roof has decent soil on it (people love growing pot up there), and access to sunlight. The sheer size of it means I can grow a healthy crop for my initial group.