Zombie plans

I'll do the same thing I did for Y2K.

Someone asked me if I was stockpiling food, water, and supplies and I told them know. They showed me all the stuff they had stored. When I asked what weapons they had, they said they had none.

I stockpile weapons and ammo. That will get me the rest of what I need. My house gets its water from a well, there is a generator to assure power outages are minimal, and my wife keeps the pantry stocked with at least a month or two of food.

I live in the boonies. My neighbors will likely pop the zombies before I even see them.

You'd need a lot of stored gas to operate the well. It can't operate on a permanent basis. At the very least you'd need to know where you'd get water after you ran out of gas. And if everyone turns to hunting as their sole means of sustenance, it will eliminate the local wildlife, causing everyone to starve.
You'd need a lot of stored gas to operate the well. It can't operate on a permanent basis. At the very least you'd need to know where you'd get water after you ran out of gas. And if everyone turns to hunting as their sole means of sustenance, it will eliminate the local wildlife, causing everyone to starve.

The gas would last long enough to hookup hand pumps to the well. It won't fill a swimming pool, but we would have water.

As for everyone hunting game, most of the people will die in the initial collapse. Of the rest, many won't have the skills to successfully hunt game.

Those of us who do will live.
It would make more sense, I think, to stockpile seeds and lean farming methods, try to figure out how much land you need to farm to support your family, and ensure that it can be readily farmed. There's a reason why civilization moved from hunting to farming; it brings in food more consistently and requires less work.

Of course, you're going to need to stockpile either bullets for hunting or food to keep you over until the harvest.
It would make more sense, I think, to stockpile seeds and lean farming methods, try to figure out how much land you need to farm to support your family, and ensure that it can be readily farmed. There's a reason why civilization moved from hunting to farming; it brings in food more consistently and requires less work.

Of course, you're going to need to stockpile either bullets for hunting or food to keep you over until the harvest.

the weapons and ammo would be used less for food than it would for defending your stores from looters.
Stockpiling wise, ammo is the easiest, and smallest, item to store. It has a shelf life of decades and even a large quantity (say 20,000 rounds) takes up about as much space as a few gallons of water. Hunting, however, would not become much easier. Millions of people go out every year hunting, but not always are they successful. Hell I've been deer hunting since I was 14 every year, and so far only managed to bag 3 deer myself. Now I will grant that currently hunting is regulated to certain seasons, size limits, genders, Etc. But that still does not make it an easy prospect. So WM farming would be a much better alternative. That and fishing (which is significantly easier).
In Fallout 3 they had this rich guy who built a hotel, and he'd sit in the top tower and just aim and shoot random people with his sniper rifle.
You'd need a lot of stored gas to operate the well. It can't operate on a permanent basis. At the very least you'd need to know where you'd get water after you ran out of gas. And if everyone turns to hunting as their sole means of sustenance, it will eliminate the local wildlife, causing everyone to starve.

A handpump for the well and soylent green for food.
The gas would last long enough to hookup hand pumps to the well. It won't fill a swimming pool, but we would have water.

As for everyone hunting game, most of the people will die in the initial collapse. Of the rest, many won't have the skills to successfully hunt game.

Those of us who do will live.

I"ve always held to the theory that after the initial disaster, 50% of those left will die within 45 days; because they're to stupid and squeamish to take care of themselves.
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It would make more sense, I think, to stockpile seeds and lean farming methods, try to figure out how much land you need to farm to support your family, and ensure that it can be readily farmed. There's a reason why civilization moved from hunting to farming; it brings in food more consistently and requires less work.

Of course, you're going to need to stockpile either bullets for hunting or food to keep you over until the harvest.

Good, then I just have to last until you grow and harvest those crops.
I'm sure there will be enough to hold me through the winter. :cof1:
OH, I know it can be done.
And then, my posse and I can swoop in and take what we need.

An army marches on it's stomach and serfs are good for growing food. :good4u:

I have an alliance with Billy, the Intergalactic Imperial Federation, and he'll back me up. No way you can penetrate both Watmark's Tower of Darkness and the Billian Empire.