Well known fact: conservative politicians favor male escorts and meth.

Go easy on him Tiana…Topper just skewered him on the Dow Down thread. And after the vicious skewering he got from you today…sometimes I wonder how the poor dear even continues to post here. He’s skewered on a daily basis.
How can we afford this? How is he going to pay for this? This is fiscally irresponsible. Damo, have you checked the white house website to see how he is going to pay for this? Or are you still over at the Clinton website trying to ferret out how she’s going to pay for health care?

increased revenues from increased economic activity. It's really sad that you can not grasp even the most fundemental of economic principles.
Go easy on him Tiana…Topper just skewered him on the Dow Down thread. And after the vicious skewering he got from you today…sometimes I wonder how the poor dear even continues to post here. He’s skewered on a daily basis.

I'll try to back off teh skewering of SF. I don't want to break the poor guy down any more than he's already broken. I had to school him earlier today.
I'll try to back off teh skewering of SF. I don't want to break the poor guy down any more than he's already broken. I had to school him earlier today.

He has seemed sort of…I’d have to say, almost shell-shocked lately. I guess when you are skewered and owned on a daily basis, it can feel like you have been in a battle and there were shells exploding all around you.
I kind of feel sorry for him.
increased revenues from increased economic activity. It's really sad that you can not grasp even the most fundemental of economic principles.

Yeah, that cut a few years ago really blew the roof off the economy.

You're such a friggin' idiot...
He has seemed sort of…I’d have to say, almost shell-shocked lately. I guess when you are skewered and owned on a daily basis, it can feel like you have been in a battle and there were shells exploding all around you.
I kind of feel sorry for him.

Especially the way Cypress has been skewering him left and right on the board lately. Good thing his AI is on. I think his head would explode if it weren't.


I'll lay off the skewering for now.....ummkay? Maybe we should talk about what kind of doilies you should get for your dining room instead huh? That'll be fun right?
I'll try to back off teh skewering of SF. I don't want to break the poor guy down any more than he's already broken. I had to school him earlier today.

By all means, keep at it. Everybody loves a cheerleader with no concept of right and wrong.
Especially the way Cypress has been skewering him left and right on the board lately. Good thing his AI is on. I think his head would explode if it weren't.


I'll lay off the skewering for now.....ummkay? Maybe we should talk about what kind of doilies you should get for your dining room instead huh? That'll be fun right?

You two are a friggin riot.... tell you what... while you play on here tonight, I'll be headed up to Vail for a nice long weekend skiing in powder. Have fun now.
You two are a friggin riot.... tell you what... while you play on here tonight, I'll be headed up to Vail for a nice long weekend skiing in powder. Have fun now.

Try not to pull a Sonny Bono. I'll be camping at the beach where I've seen several females without tops, flauting their ample bosom in the arena of mother nature.
In all seriousness though. I'm pretty much a moderate and could be swayed by either side. I mean if the republicans nominate a pro-choice, AA supporting, pro g @y marriage supporting, social service granting, peacenik who balances the budget and is fiscally responsible, I'd vote for a repubican.

How can we afford this? How is he going to pay for this? This is fiscally irresponsible. Damo, have you checked the white house website to see how he is going to pay for this? Or are you still over at the Clinton website trying to ferret out how she’s going to pay for health care?

What you don't realize is when we tax our people less, they buy more stuff and start businesses (which is the reason USA became prosperious in record short order). There is business tax and sales tax sir--and those taxes can increase the governments revenue more than taxing the middle class of 30,000 dollar earners 10,000 a person per year.

Do you have any idea how many low wage earners who pay 1/3rd of their disposable income for income taxes would love to kick off their own business and hire employees? I own my own business, and I don't want employees because of income taxes and SSN. How many bright low wage earners that are smart enough to develope some really clean energy--but can't kick it off because they don't have any disposable income and can not get a loan? Is that good?

We can't afford what we have because of taxes and low wages.
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I own one business and am working on starting up another one. I currently employ 4 full time employees and 2 interns plus my fulltime live on farm handyman and hhis wife works part time as my maid.
Taxes and stuff are just a part of doing business.

Darned whiney righties.