“3 dead in mass shooting at Arkansas grocery store”

Because of Democrats.
A gun cannot load itself. Someone must load it, aim it, and fire it.

It is DEMOCRATS that push mutilation of children.
It is DEMOCRATS that push psychoquackery.
It is DEMOCRATS that push the Catch and Release program for criminals.
It is DEMOCRATS that invited open invasion of the United States, bringing with it criminals, fentanyl and other drugs, and all the associated gang activity with it.

It is unconstitutional to ban or limit any weapon, including any gun, or any accessory to any weapon, including any accessory for any gun.

The mass shooters are fucked up individuals that got fucked up because of DEMOCRAT policies.
You can’t rebuttal a point by employing deflections and whataboutisms, and proven fact, Babe Ruth couldn’t have hit all those home runs without a bat
White liberals are not prolific gun owners nor do they tend to use them for violent criminal purposes.

White redneck Trumpers and black thugs OTOH.....🤔 🙄
White libs that own guns are extremely dangerous!

And most shooters are "compassionate" white millenial libs. Yet, white libs want to disarm law-abiding Black Americans.
Look up the Mulford Act.

When Reagan was governor of California, he was all for open carry of guns. That is, until the Black Panthers started carrying them.

His quote? He saw "no reason why on the street today a citizen should be carrying loaded weapons“. LOL
I am not a big fan of Reagan.

"Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols"

The bill limited open carry in California. It was not a gun confiscation bill.
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Here you go, racist Joe Stalinist scum ...

African Americans and the New Deal
Digital History - UH
https://www.digitalhistory.uh.edu › disp_textbook

... American history had occurred. In 1936, some 75 percent of black voters supported the Democrats.

A sign of the times, rightwing conservative campaign poster ...


Now, what are you going to do? :dunno:
I am not a big fan of Reagan.

"Black Panthers protested on the steps of the California statehouse armed with .357 Magnums, 12-gauge shotguns and .45-caliber pistols"

The bill limited open carry in California. It was not a gun confiscation bill.
California has no authority to prevent people from carrying guns.
Gangsta ghetto thug hood rats first, then ultra right-wing Trumper lunatics, then ignorant Confederate flag flying rednecks.
You forgot Asians, Hispanics, Pacific Islanders, Trans, and Native Americans.

But yeah, Black Americans are the only race you want to target.
SO people that don't agree with you are on MEDS?


THIS IS WHY YOU ARE DUMBER-THAN-SHIT instead of being Smarter than anyone else!

But do keep running your mouth and exposing yourself!
you're worse than a teenage girl. I think you're just arguing to argue and using idiot talking points and left wing insults to do it.