3 Nations With Right Wing Leaders Have The Most COVID

Brazil had almost as many New Cases yesterday as the USA.

Brazil has 2/3 the population of the USA.

Brazil has very little testing.

Brazil's leader is possibly even further right than DT, and also refuses to wear a mask.
Yet to hear the cultists on JPP tell us, only the blue states are overwhelmed with cases. :rolleyes:

According to Worldometer, Brazil's testing level is very poor. If they were testing as many ppl as we are, their infection rate likely would surpass ours.
San Marino 1238 deaths per million
Belgium 808
Andorra 660
Spain 580
UK 546
Italy 545
France 437
Sweden 418
Sint Maarten 350
Netherlands 343
Ireland 327
US 304
Not even close.
Everything depends on how you count, and the different countries don't use the same methods. Belgium, for instance, counts everyone who might have the lurgy, whereas the UK, until recently, counted only the cases in hospital. I think that reactionary governments inevitably produce more deaths, because they care more for profits than people, but they also fix the figures as far as they can
# of Cases:

1 ... USA ... 1,724,209
2 ... Brazil ... 391,222
3 ... Russia ... 362,342

false construct.
Russia is unfortunate to have China on it's Siberian border -how the virus came in

Brazil's leadership actually will not wear a mask of use social distancing -or do a shut down
They are stupid and brought this upon themselves

The US was a victim of the Wu-flu -but we've done mitigation
Yet to hear the cultists on JPP tell us, only the blue states are overwhelmed with cases. :rolleyes:

According to Worldometer, Brazil's testing level is very poor. If they were testing as many ppl as we are, their infection rate likely would surpass ours.
it's not the testing, it's their lack of a mitigation strategy
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

Yet to hear the cultists on JPP tell us, only the blue states are overwhelmed with cases. :rolleyes:

According to Worldometer, Brazil's testing level is very poor. If they were testing as many ppl as we are, their infection rate likely would surpass ours.

It is only logical that when a problem is recognized and steps are taken to deal with it, then better results are had.

Likewise, the opposite is true.

If a problem is denied, and nothing is done to deal with it, then the results are disastrous.

That's what Brazil is rapidly moving towards, and the USA already has.

A disaster.

That can be reduced to a mathematical equation.

[Terrible leadership] + [a Bad Problem which requires good leadership] = [a Disaster]
it's not the testing, it's their lack of a mitigation strategy

The testing merely shows how many active cases there are, that's true. Brazil's actual numbers are far higher than what is being reported. Ours, less so.

Neither Brazil nor the U.S. had any cohesive, national-level mitigation plans. #COVID45 pretty much left it up to the states which is why we have the piecemeal mess and 100,000 dead that we have.
Hello ThatOwlWoman,

It is only logical that when a problem is recognized and steps are taken to deal with it, then better results are had.

Likewise, the opposite is true.

If a problem is denied, and nothing is done to deal with it, then the results are disastrous.

That's what Brazil is rapidly moving towards, and the USA already has.

A disaster.

That can be reduced to a mathematical equation.

[Terrible leadership] + [a Bad Problem which requires good leadership] = [a Disaster]

The only math test that #COVID45 ever passed.