3 Nations With Right Wing Leaders Have The Most COVID

Brazil blows us away with new cases:

Nation ............New Cases ...........New Deaths
USA ............... +33,539 ..............+719
Brazil ..............+55,209 ........... +1,221

That darn right wing leadership is failing to handle the pandemic very well.

The WHO said it is an alarming rise in new cases, and most of them in the Americas.
The premise of this thread is nothing but a massive logical fallacy. It argues that a leader that is "Right wing" is somehow responsible for the results of COVID 19 in their country. It by definition eliminates any other possible causes.

For example, Brazil is listed. Is the results of COVID 19 there the fault of Bolsonaro or, is it the fault of his predecessors? Temer, the President Bolsonaro replaced was a Leftist impeached for corruption. His predecessor was Rousseff, a Communist who was also impeached for corruption. Her predecessor was Lula da Silva, a Leftist union boss who was convicted of corruption and barred from holding public office ever again....

Kinda argues that the problem didn't start with Bolsonaro.

Of course, there is also the likelihood that many countries don't have a good grasp on how many people really got COVID 19, or their death rate from it. Others, like China as a glaring example, have grossly understated the severity of their COVID 19 situation. So, the original thread premise is now largely invalidated because it cherry picks data from an incomplete or corrupted set of data.

I could go on, but it's not necessary. The intent of this thread was simply to bash the Right politically rather than an honest attempt to point out some rational argument or position.
Same thing again yesterday.

Brazil, at 2/3 our size, and with a very far right wing denier president, had more new cases and more new deaths than the USA:

Country ... New Cases ......New Deaths

USA ............ +20,578 ...... +1,083
Brazil .......... +27,312 ...... +1,269

It's Winter there, dopey cunt!! Sao Paulo is on the Tropic of Capricorn ffs,
Hello T. A. Gardner,

The premise of this thread is nothing but a massive logical fallacy. It argues that a leader that is "Right wing" is somehow responsible for the results of COVID 19 in their country. It by definition eliminates any other possible causes.

For example, Brazil is listed. Is the results of COVID 19 there the fault of Bolsonaro or, is it the fault of his predecessors? Temer, the President Bolsonaro replaced was a Leftist impeached for corruption. His predecessor was Rousseff, a Communist who was also impeached for corruption. Her predecessor was Lula da Silva, a Leftist union boss who was convicted of corruption and barred from holding public office ever again....

Kinda argues that the problem didn't start with Bolsonaro.

Of course, there is also the likelihood that many countries don't have a good grasp on how many people really got COVID 19, or their death rate from it. Others, like China as a glaring example, have grossly understated the severity of their COVID 19 situation. So, the original thread premise is now largely invalidated because it cherry picks data from an incomplete or corrupted set of data.

I could go on, but it's not necessary. The intent of this thread was simply to bash the Right politically rather than an honest attempt to point out some rational argument or position.

Bolsonaro has routinely refused to take known proactive steps to fight the spread.

Now he's getting what he had coming with that approach.

The pandemic did not hit during previous administrations, it hit during this one.

I heard an expert today that said if Brazil keeps going at this pace they could surpass the nation with the most deaths by fall. That would be us.

And that would be a pretty big fail if their right wing leader does so badly that they pass us with our right wing leader.

We certainly have terrible leadership. We could have done so much better, with so many people still alive who didn't have to die.

It's terrible to have this crisis and this need for really good leadership and to be stuck with DT instead.
Hello T. A. Gardner,

Bolsonaro has routinely refused to take known proactive steps to fight the spread.

Now he's getting what he had coming with that approach.

The pandemic did not hit during previous administrations, it hit during this one.

I heard an expert today that said if Brazil keeps going at this pace they could surpass the nation with the most deaths by fall. That would be us.

And that would be a pretty big fail if their right wing leader does so badly that they pass us with our right wing leader.

We certainly have terrible leadership. We could have done so much better, with so many people still alive who didn't have to die.

It's terrible to have this crisis and this need for really good leadership and to be stuck with DT instead.

None of that changes that he inherited a nation that had had hard Leftist, corrupt, leadership for decades. Something like this isn't a thing a nation deals with on the fly alone. Given that Brazil has very high rates of poverty and crime, its likely they'll be hard hit regardless of what the government does.
# of Cases:

1 ... USA ... 1,724,209
2 ... Brazil ... 391,222
3 ... Russia ... 362,342


Calling them right wing is a bit mild...

Bolsoanro is an outspoken admirer of a military dictatorship, Putin is s full-fledged dictator and Sweet Potato Hitler is an admirer of dictators and a dictator wannabe.
None of that changes that he inherited a nation that had had hard Leftist, corrupt, leadership for decades. Something like this isn't a thing a nation deals with on the fly alone. Given that Brazil has very high rates of poverty and crime, its likely they'll be hard hit regardless of what the government does.

These are the nations with the highest deaths per million, PoliShitTalker is a bullshitter!!

Belgium 837
UK 628
Spain 606
Italy 573
France 500
USA 369
Hello T. A. Gardner,

None of that changes that he inherited a nation that had had hard Leftist, corrupt, leadership for decades. Something like this isn't a thing a nation deals with on the fly alone. Given that Brazil has very high rates of poverty and crime, its likely they'll be hard hit regardless of what the government does.

That's a good point. Wealth inequality is very extreme in Brazil. Many of the most impoverished citizens live in shameful normally disease-ridden tightly packed shanty towns as people like Bolsonaro enjoy luxury. There has been a well-conducted war on the poor there for eons. And if we don't turn the USA around, we could end up just like that. Wealth inequality in the USA has been growing steadily. I can't imagine what the powerful think out future will look like unless something is done to turn this troubling trend around. Already, we have many street people and homeless who cannot simply stay home during a shut down situation because they have no home to stay in. If people are too messed up mentally to work, our most common response to that is our prison system. This is only made worse by recalcitrant right wing politics.
3 ... Russia ... 362,342

I ordered a Volstok Watch from Russia, and it has been shipping for months now. Talking to friends of mine in Russia, and Russia has really cut itself off from the world. Putin has proven himself to be a regular trump.