3 Nations With Right Wing Leaders Have The Most COVID

Did you see the mass graves in Brazil? Brazil's president call the corona virus a little flu?!! He is a Trump clone and ass-wipe and just as stupid too as Trump too?!!

The revelations come as chilling aerial images emerged of mass burial sites being prepared at the biggest cemetery in Latin America.


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Hello Darth,

But without our Democrat run cities where would we be lol?

How many deaths is Cuomo personally responsible for with his bone-headed policy of sending COVID victims back to nursing homes?

We would be far better off if we had simply used the WHO testing protocol which was released on January 10th instead of wasting over a month trying to come up with our own, and then giving up and using the WHO protocol anyway, like we should have done in the first place. Wasting even a few days is critical when you have a pandemic which is spreading exponentially, but wasting over a month is why we have such a disaster on our hands, and why we had to shut down the economy. It didn't have to happen like that.
Hello Darth,

We would be far better off if we had simply used the WHO testing protocol which was released on January 10th instead of wasting over a month trying to come up with our own, and then giving up and using the WHO protocol anyway, like we should have done in the first place. Wasting even a few days is critical when you have a pandemic which is spreading exponentially, but wasting over a month is why we have such a disaster on our hands, and why we had to shut down the economy. It didn't have to happen like that.
classic bureaucratic SNAFU
The FDA and the CDC FUBAR'd the entire screw up
Hello Cohort,

YOU LITERALLY MADE THE PREMISE OF YOUR OP that conservative leaders have the most covid. I then point out to you that the areas for most covid in our country are LIBERAL areas and then you deflect.

I pointed out the 3 NATIONS with the most COVID. You made an excuse for one nation, the USA, but can offer no defense for Brazil or Russia. And your excuse for the USA is a politically loaded blame-game attempt to shift the responsibility for bad news away to anybody but DT. We get it. Anything good, HE gets the credit, if it's bad, blame somebody else. Same old same old. And I'm sure it's got to be tough to hang tight and try to defend him from such an indefensible position, it really is admirable how dedicated you are to that. But the bottom line is what you yourself have already admitted. He's toast. The nation is holding him accountable for the COVID fiasco and that will be on their minds when they vote in November. His polls have fallen and understandably so. Throwing gasoline on a sparking race war will not make him more popular.

I looked at his RCP job approval history. In the weeks after Charlottesville, his approval polling hovered in the high 30's. He didn't climb much above 40% until he finally passed something through Congress, the greed-laden tax cut for the rich. He's been stuck in the low 40's since then with only a short bump for the rally-round-the-flag moment when he finally publicly took the Coronavirus seriously and declared a national emergency which shut down the economy.

I don't see sparking off another battle in the race war as a game-changer for him. If he thinks it will shift the news cycle away from the pandemic, OK, the headlines changed for a few days, but the pandemic is far from done and bound to remain a top news item as long as cases and deaths remain high. Likely that will be the case through to election day and beyond.
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I looked at his RCP job approval history. In the weeks after Charlottesville, his approval polling hovered in the high 30's. He didn't climb much above 40% until he finally passed something through Congress, the greed-laden tax cut for the rich. He's been stuck in the low 40's since then with only a short bump for the rally-round-the-flag moment when he finally publicly took the Coronavirus seriously and declared a national emergency which shut down the economy.
that tax cut and de-regs gave minorities their historical best ever economy

I don't see sparking off another battle in the race war as a game-changer for him.
Trump's "race war" <-disgusting
RW blowhard Bolsonaro is leading Brazil into disaster.

Brazil topped the USA yesterday in New Cases and New Deaths

Country ... New Cases ... New Deaths

USA .......... +21,882 ..... +1,134
Brazil ......... +27,263 ..... +1,232

Brazil has just 2/3 of the population of the USA.
In the UK we have an end to Lockdown that is simply an attempt to distract attention from the Cummings fiasco. It is utterly muddled and incoherent, divides England from the other countries and is likely to set off many new cases. Long live Conservatism - rather than people!
Same thing again yesterday.

Brazil, at 2/3 our size, and with a very far right wing denier president, had more new cases and more new deaths than the USA:

Country ... New Cases ......New Deaths

USA ............ +20,578 ...... +1,083
Brazil .......... +27,312 ...... +1,269
false construct.
Russia is unfortunate to have China on it's Siberian border -how the virus came in

Brazil's leadership actually will not wear a mask of use social distancing -or do a shut down
They are stupid and brought this upon themselves

The US was a victim of the Wu-flu -but we've done mitigation

what does Trump's mask look like?
Wow, look at this for Thursday 6-4-20:

Country ... New Cases ... New Deaths
USA ..........+22,268 ........+1,031
Brazil ........+31,890 .........+1,492

Right wing Brazil, 2/3 of our population, again leads us in New Cases and New Deaths.

A shocking number of New Cases in one day for them, over 30 thousand.
It happened again.

Right Wing Brazil again had more new cases and more new deaths than the USA yesterday, Saturday 5-6-20:

Country .....New Cases ....... New Deaths
USA ...........+22,836 ........... +706
Brazil ..........+27,581 ........... +910

Right wing leadership is not doing very well for Brazil!

(.....and it's not doing very well for the USA, either...)
It happened again.

Right Wing Brazil again had more new cases and more new deaths than the USA yesterday, Saturday 5-6-20:

Country .....New Cases ....... New Deaths
USA ...........+22,836 ........... +706
Brazil ..........+27,581 ........... +910

Right wing leadership is not doing very well for Brazil!

(.....and it's not doing very well for the USA, either...)
Shouldn’t you be cheering, again, the economic loss to millions of Americans and their families caused by the virus from China that China failed to contain?

“Go, go, go.”

“Dive, dive, dive.”
Chile had the most New Deaths in the world yesterday.

Chile also has a right wing president. He is very unpopular.

He once (badly) joked:

Piñera said: "When a lady says "no" it means maybe, when she says maybe it means yes, and when she says yes she is not a lady."
Brazil again leads the USA in New Cases and New Deaths:


Country .....New Cases ....... New Deaths
USA ...........+20,852 .............+982
Brazil ......... +33,100 .......... +1,300