386,422 new voters registered without a photo ID in a single week (03/16/2024)

There was no election in 2020, Sock. The election faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Several 2022 elections also faulted due to election fraud by Democrats.
Democrats are already trying to muck with the 2024 election.

If it defaulted how come Biden was inagurated and trump told to hit the road?
That's not all you need... Is they cross check several ways with signatures and addresses... at a Specific location... Have you never voted in person?

I have always voted in person. At a specific location and after I give my name. They check it off on a list and I vote. If my name were not on the list I don't vote and if someone else uses my name and it's checked off they don't vote. No need whatsoever for a photo ID.
Didn't say anything about a Driver's license. Everyone should have a photo I.D... Why are people too lazy to go vote in person? Unless you're disabled or physically unable you should be voting in person... We don't have to talk about this anymore.I see that you're upset and it's too early to be swearing...lol

I see, you now think everyone should also be voting in person. Ain't gonna happen.
You diverted, so what's the difference? You failed to answer my question. And yep, you failed to hand my ass to me in any shape or form, dickhead.

Not once, fucktard. I post the actual reality rather than the type of bullshit that is rampant from the right on this forum.

Bottom line, cumstain, the presidential election in 2020 was solid. ACROSS THE BOARD. Every fucking smokescreen, X twitter, conspiracy theory you fuckers try to throw against the wall doesn’t stick. EVER. NOT A ONE.

But you idiots keep trying as if you’re going to overturn the election. Like you tried on Jan. 6.

A fucking bevy of fools.
And they are free to do that, but I am becoming tired of hearing them claim to have some evidence. There clearly is no evidence.

If they did, now is the time to produce it -- seven months from the election. Or are they planning a Comey and going to spring it at the last minute?
Truely. To think we would have a system that could so easily be cheated is truely insane.

Knowing your background, it occurred to me that you and I might as well be talking about LC or GC tandem mass spec. That’s a subject they know just as much about as this one.
You can't register to vote with someone elses name and number or it won't work. Even if you knew someone else's name and number and they have not registered how do you get the ballot? Are you going to give them your address? So you are going to commit a federal crime and give them your address to send the ballot? Someone will soon be knocking on your door looking for the dumbshit who tried to commit voter fraud.

MAGATs sure put a lot of thought into how to commit voter fraud, don't they? Makes you wonder what they're plotting this time.

The shithead knows he is going to lose so is already trying to stir up his clan. It won't work, I don't know what he expects they are going to do.
The right is constantly losing votes because they are constantly standing for things the majority of voters do not want. The only way they can win anything is gerrymander voting precincts or prevent persons who are valid voters from voting. If they can force everyone to get a drivers license to vote they just got rid of a whole bunch of votes.

That's an interesting scenario. The majority of their voters are elderly ppl. Often elderly ppl are no longer able to renew their drivers licenses due to poor vision or other health issues. Wouldn't requiring a drivers license to vote tend to disenfranchise this group?
That's not all you need... Is they cross check several ways with signatures and addresses... at a Specific location... Have you never voted in person?

Poor "teacher," drunk already. How will you ever manage to get today's community service in? :rofl2:

Idiot child, it works like this: Our voting authority (the township) sends everyone an application to fill out if they want to vote by mail. You fill it out, sign it, and send it back. The election clerk checks it against your registration -- the name, date of birth, address, and signature. When an election rolls around, you receive your ballot in the mail. You fill it out, put it in the envelope provided, and sign the outside of it. You can then either mail it or drop it off in a secure locked box. On election day, the ballots are compared to the voter registration books. If you screwed up and didn't sign it, your ballot is set aside. Some jurisdictions give you a chance to fix that error, if they can get in touch with you. Otherwise, the ballot is discarded.

Let us know when you figure out how this process can be corrupted. We'll wait. And wait. And wait.
Knowing your background, it occurred to me that you and I might as well be talking about LC or GC tandem mass spec. That’s a subject they know just as much about as this one.

True. I ran about 8 triple quad sequences yesterday, All MRM. One other compound I'm trying to make a method for is not behaving. Tried harsher Ionization with an APCI source without luck. I have the parent ion and 3 products but the background is running about 4000k and can't figure out why and can't reach my LOQ of 50.0 ppt. Tried the same thing on another triple quad with the same result. The compound is a terpine and I'm thinking that is the reason. Then the study director tells me it's so volatile that it must be kept in methanol with no headspace! I then ask why on earth do you bring it to me instead of taking it to the GC guys? I sometimes wonder where they get these people.
How do you identify who isn't already not registered and not voting? How do you get their SS# and their address? How do retrieve that absentee or mail in ballot when it is sent to their address? Are you going to plug in the same address for those 47,000 absentee ballots? You register with your name, address and SSN# and all 3 are verified before you are registered. Even if you were able to identify 47,000 people who don't vote and their address and SSN#, how the fuck do you get them to send you the 47,000 absentee or mail in ballots to fill out and put in that drop box? Even if those 47,000 don't vote none of them better have registered to vote in the past or they would be caught. None of them better change their mind and decide to register or they would be caught. There is no way you could accomplish the first step in your scheme without being caught much less all of them..

are you serious?......
how do you get their name and SS#?....

how do you identify who is not registered?....
if you're the head of voting records for Fulton County? you look at your records.....

how do you get their address?....
you don't....do you think anyone checks to see if a person registered to vote on Fulton County actually lives, is registered to vote and votes in Des Moines, Iowa?........you use an address you can control...you mail the absentee ballots there, have people ready to receive them, fill them out, sign them with the signature you used to register them, stick them in a cardboard box and empty it into a drop box at 3am......

without being caught?.....
if the person who is supposed to do the catching is the one doing the fraud, what are the chances?.....
You can't register to vote with someone elses name and number or it won't work. Even if you knew someone else's name and number and they have not registered how do you get the ballot? Are you going to give them your address? So you are going to commit a federal crime and give them your address to send the ballot? Someone will soon be knocking on your door looking for the dumbshit who tried to commit voter fraud.

who's going to knock?.....the prosecutor for Fulton County?.......who got elected in that unconstitutional election?......
who's going to knock?.....the prosecutor for Fulton County?.......who got elected in that unconstitutional election?......

Do you actually think if they identify a number of ballots all coming from the same person/SSN that they aren't going to check all the addresses provided? You are an idiot. None of those ballots will be certified until some questions are answered.
True. I ran about 8 triple quad sequences yesterday, All MRM. One other compound I'm trying to make a method for is not behaving. Tried harsher Ionization with an APCI source without luck. I have the parent ion and 3 products but the background is running about 4000k and can't figure out why and can't reach my LOQ of 50.0 ppt. Tried the same thing on another triple quad with the same result. The compound is a terpine and I'm thinking that is the reason. Then the study director tells me it's so volatile that it must be kept in methanol with no headspace! I then ask why on earth do you bring it to me instead of taking it to the GC guys? I sometimes wonder where they get these people.

Perhaps our RW friends can weigh in on this problem. I’m sure they’ll have an informed opinion.