386,422 new voters registered without a photo ID in a single week (03/16/2024)

I would ask why you were banned from your "main site", but the ending makes that clear.

Where does all the rage come from? It is just plain weird.

The pattern I see on JPP with all the MAGAts is that they are bitter, elderly Euro-American males. All are obviously very unhappy in their lives. While some may still be married, I suspect most are drinking alone in their rooms or trailer home. All blame others for their problems. Example:
Leftist shitlords pissing me off! :mad:
That's not a valid reason for a ban, delusional shitlord tard.
It is if it crosses over to being a violent, harassing POS like you. Forums are privately owned and they are free to boot whomever they like. The fact you don’t understand this while you mooch your way through them is typical of low IQ drunks and poorly educated losers.
It is if it crosses over to being a violent, harassing POS like you. Forums are privately owned and they are free to boot whomever they like. The fact you don’t understand this while you mooch your way through them is typical of low IQ drunks and poorly educated losers.

Oh! Says that bastion of irrelevant content to anywhere Dutch, who can't post anywhere but here. Because he's banned from everywhere but here.

Do you take yourself seriously? :whoa:

You probably should be wondering why you can't post anywhere else but here, Dutch, and I'm only down 1 place out of 4.

I prefer here to even probably a more trafficked site. It's not bad here.
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The pattern I see on JPP with all the MAGAts is that they are bitter, elderly Euro-American males. All are obviously very unhappy in their lives. While some may still be married, I suspect most are drinking alone in their rooms or trailer home.

There is a transition happening in America, and the world, and they are mad about the transition. They are being left behind. I feel sorry for them.
There is a transition happening in America, and the world, and they are mad about the transition. They are being left behind. I feel sorry for them.
Partially agreed. Yes, some are mad about the transition. Just like the Industrial Age had Luddites, the American modern age has those who want to return to making jeans and hubcaps. OTOH, the Internet has brought the modern world into villages around the world and , they want what they see. Americans, IMO, are spoiled. They already have it but they're afraid of losing it.

The good news is that you and I are living to see history being made. The bad news is this shit takes time. What only takes a few paragraphs in the history books will take us a few decades.

How do we help those angry about transitioning to the modern world? I see it as mainly making quality education more accessible. This, too, can be done with the Internet through government-supported education programs; HS through the first two years of college at libraries across America would be a good start.
well, maybe not Desh.........you two are like, well not two peas in a pod.......more like two pees in a toilet.......
Claims to have two Masters degrees; one in theology, the other as a lawyer.

Does anyone believe this? If it was true, what happened to him? Alcoholism? Stroke? Dementia? I'm curious.
Oh! Says that bastion of irrelevant content to anywhere Dutch, who can't post anywhere but here. Because he's banned from everywhere but here.

Do you take yourself seriously? :whoa:

You probably should be wondering why you can't post anywhere else but here, Dutch, and I'm only down 1 place out of 4.

I prefer here to even probably a more trafficked site. It's not bad here.
If I'm so irrelevant, why do you keep following me around, Matt? You're free to lie about me being banned everywhere but here. I see it as a form of jealousy on your part. Sad.

Still, this doesn't explain why you are so violently abusive and prone to drinking. Why is that, Matt?
The good news is that you and I are living to see history being made. The bad news is this shit takes time. What only takes a few paragraphs in the history books will take us a few decades.

Will it take time? You are probably right, but let me layout the way you might be wrong:

From the Paleolithic era until the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, the world GDP doubled on average every 250,000 years, After the Neolithic Agricultural Revolution, the world GDP doubled on average every 900 years. After the Industrial Revolution, the world GDP doubled on average every 15 years.

If we say there is a new revolution coming, we should expect a speed up of 60 to 300 times. So we could talk about the world economy doubling every 2 to 13 weeks. You could see the equivalent of thousands of years history go by in much less than a year.

We are already seeing history fly by very quickly. Most of our ancestors saw few if any technological advancements over their lives. We have seen an insane amount.

I think it is good, but I keep remembering the ancient Chinese curse: may you live in interesting times.

How do we help those angry about transitioning to the modern world? I see it as mainly making quality education more accessible. This, too, can be done with the Internet through government-supported education programs; HS through the first two years of college at libraries across America would be a good start.

I agree with all that... But I also worry that they are lashing out. Look at what happened to nurses during the pandemic. Nurses were working hard to save lives, and were being attacked on the streets by alt right terrorists for their efforts. When you try to help angry people, often you get hurt in return.

Even a universal basic income can backfire. Basically, Social Security is a universal basic income for the older Americans. I look at the hatred being spewed by some Social Security recipients here, and worry that universal basic income might build an army of lazy people who commit treason as a hobby.
When I registered to vote as a twenty-one-year-old in 1967,
a Massachusetts driver's license was a piece of pale yellow cardboard with no photo or lamination.

There was no photo on a draft card or socially security card.
I didn't have a passport then.
One didn't need one to go to Canada or Bermuda in 1967, the only foreign nations I'd seen to that point..

I did have one laminated photo ID--my college student ID--
but for some inexplicable reason, going to college wasn't a requisite for voting.

Thus, from 1789, which frankly, I don't remember at all, even a little,
to 2024, we in Massachusetts have been able to vote without a photo ID.

What makes it so important now?
Will it take time?...

I agree with all that... But I also worry that they are lashing out. Look at what happened to nurses during the pandemic. Nurses were working hard to save lives, and were being attacked on the streets by alt right terrorists for their efforts. When you try to help angry people, often you get hurt in return.

Even a universal basic income can backfire. Basically, Social Security is a universal basic income for the older Americans. I look at the hatred being spewed by some Social Security recipients here, and worry that universal basic income might build an army of lazy people who commit treason as a hobby.
It'll take as long as it takes. Cultural changes take time and vary depending upon the culture itself. Those that embrace science and advancement move faster than those that embrace a nostalgic past.

Agreed on lashing out. It's important to understand why they lash out. Mostly it's a fear response borne from ignorance. Consider the immigration narrative. Biden has let the Republicans run with it without speaking on it. "Nature abhors a vacuum" and Biden has let the Republicans fill the Immigration vacuum.

Human nature is that, yes, there are a lot of people who would be happy to be given a basic income, a room and food then sit around playing guitar and smoking pot for the rest of their lives. It's unknown where the line is drawn between nurture and nature on this, but it certainly exists. While LBJ's Welfare State has saved a lot of lives, it's also created a negative culture of entitlement. There are those who want more and those who feel their work is subsidizing lazy people.
Whether I'd admit it or not, deep down,
I was always happy that my hard work subsidized lazy people
due to my admiration for them.

I've always stood in awe of people who could mange an acceptable existence
without having to expend any sweat for it.

Essentially, not counting military service,
I managed to get away with less than thirty years of full time gainful employment, up to age 55,
which, if I say so myself, was considered an impressive achievement in my day.

Calvinist Work Ethic is in some ways a more grave illness than even terminal cancer
because it usually kills you more slowly.
Claims to have two Masters degrees; one in theology, the other as a lawyer.

Does anyone believe this? If it was true, what happened to him? Alcoholism? Stroke? Dementia? I'm curious.

mindless, hateful sluts like you and your twin sister, Desh, will never believe it..........I believe its because you're both fucking idiots.....
mindless, hateful sluts like you and your twin sister, Desh, will never believe it..........I believe its because you're both fucking idiots.....
I believe in results, minion. :)

Your results say, if you really do have two master's degrees, you should ask for your money back. Where did you graduate? Online in the 1990s?
I believe in results, minion. :)

Your results say, if you really do have two master's degrees, you should ask for your money back. Where did you graduate? Online in the 1990s?

no, you only believe in being a moron......the results are obvious to everyone......I know more about the law and about religion than all the other posters here combined......its just that you fall for the stupid shit they post here which isn't true.....sucks to be a moron, but that's the way your life rolls.......