40 million people in poverty, USA.

If you are cajoled into buying something by advertising that you don't need, I don't think it is the capitalist that is the moron. If you can resist buying most of the products you see advertised, you can resist the others.

The art of advertisers working for capitalist morons is to cajole you into thinking that you do , in fact, need the product when you don't. Of course, people resist the bulk of the products offered to them but often succumb .

It is a person unwilling to take responsibility for his actions that blames advertising for unnecessary purchases--he needs some evil force to blame for his lack of self control.

Blaming the gullible for succumbing to pressure from advertising professionals ? Your attitude appears to be to treat the public as morons for buying your goods.

And, it cannot be blamed on capitalists since that same advertising leads people to purchase TVs, cars, cell phones, etc. in socialist and communist countries.

Some do- there's always an overlap- but that will be because the advertisers are skilled at judging their market. The outcome is the same though- the moronic capitalist profits .
Some might say that they can't be ' moronic' if they are profiting- but wealthy morons are far from being an endangered species.
You're clearly a depressed piss-head who thinks he is expressing an opinion, Richard.

You're clearly an arrogant POS raghead that thinks you can make decisions on what is and isn't good for someone else. Maybe that's why you're sub human and 2nd class.
You're clearly an arrogant POS raghead that thinks you can make decisions on what is and isn't good for someone else. Maybe that's why you're sub human and 2nd class.

Maybe you'd best not have that second quart, Richard.
The art of advertisers working for capitalist morons is to cajole you into thinking that you do , in fact, need the product when you don't. Of course, people resist the bulk of the products offered to them but often succumb .

Blaming the gullible for succumbing to pressure from advertising professionals ? Your attitude appears to be to treat the public as morons for buying your goods.

Some do- there's always an overlap- but that will be because the advertisers are skilled at judging their market. The outcome is the same though- the moronic capitalist profits .
Some might say that they can't be ' moronic' if they are profiting- but wealthy morons are far from being an endangered species.

Do you own a TV, car, cell phone, video game, computer, eat at restaurants, etc. If so, does that make you gullible? Get some backbone, Moon. I want you to quit spending money on useless items and invest that money. Ooops, we can't do that, stock brokers might make a profit. Keep it under your pillow and show those capitalist morons you will be not be duped by their evil advertising. In fact, you will not even see that advertising because you will refuse to watch TV, attend movies, or drive past those billboards. You were probably duped into voting for Clinton or Trump.

We have complete control over those capitalists--just don't buy their products and they are out of business (we could name many corporations no longer with us).

You are the one treating the public as morons for buying goods. I am saying they choose to buy those things. The capitalist is producing products the public wants, demands, or needs. Put away your cell phone for a month--it is one of those useless purchases capitalists duped you into buying--show them you don't need that damn cell phone. Be an example for the American public.
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You think I'm dumb enough to carry a cell ?

You're a pretty naive sort, flash. Let's leave it there.

40 million were in poverty when the thread began. I don't see that you pimping for capitalism has changed that.
You think I'm dumb enough to carry a cell ?

You're a pretty naive sort, flash. Let's leave it there.

40 million were in poverty when the thread began. I don't see that you pimping for capitalism has changed that.

Which would mean that approx. 285 million weren't in poverty.
You think I'm dumb enough to carry a cell ?

You're a pretty naive sort, flash. Let's leave it there.

40 million were in poverty when the thread began. I don't see that you pimping for capitalism has changed that.

You obviously have some device on which you are writing these messages. How did the capitalist who sold you that device and Just Plain Politics dupe you into using their products?

Only those in poverty (except the children) have the power to change their status--the help is there if they choose to take advantage of it---92 federal anti-poverty programs.

I wasn't pimping for capitalism--only wondering why those who attack it are so anxious to use all the products and services it produces and then act like it is being forced upon them.
Not for the leaders of the "resistance" though. They take in billions of dollars. None seem to make it too the people in need though. Go figure.

True and then, this is what happens when they take the majority of the money being given to them and spend it on weapons.

Looks like moon and the rest of the palasimians, don't really care about their children. :palm:
True and then, this is what happens when they take the majority of the money being given to them and spend it on weapons.

Looks like moon and the rest of the palasimians, don't really care about their children. :palm:

Very true. All of it. People like Moon should do more than just try to make the quasi terrorists richer.