40 million people in poverty, USA.

I think he's a piece of shit that deserved the death penalty.

But...but...but I thought you were pro-life. Make up your fucking mind, Gomer.

But...but...but I thought you were pro-life. Make up your fucking mind, Gomer.


Show me where I said I was pro life. I'm anti abortion and pro death penalty. I can make the distinction. Idiots like you can't. The innocent should live and the POS like Roof deserved the death penalty.
Isn't that ' the American Dream'- to own everything while everybody else shares nothing ?

It's not my responsibility to take care of those unwilling to take care of themselves. If you won't do for yourself and your family, that doesn't, by default, place it someone else.

Interesting how those that support programs funded by mandates equate that to sharing. Sharing involves a choice by the one doing the giving, not a mandate by the one doing the taking. I don't expect a socialist POS like you to understand the difference. Anyone that thinks a person that won't do for him/herself deserves anything they haven't earned is a born loser.

By the way, the U.S. has WASTED $22 trillion over the last 50 years trying to eradicate something by handing one group a portion of what another group earned thinking a lack of money was the cause of the inequality. It's time those having lived on the dole and passing down that mindset that it's OK to do so to their descendants either shit or get off the pot.
^Another ignorant leftist dumbfuck that thinks the economy is a zero sum game.

Are you a simple mouthpiece for capitalist morons or do you really believe that people's lives and welfare can be reduced to a mathematical representation .

Rhetorical question. Fuck off and rob somebody.
Are you a simple mouthpiece for capitalist morons or do you really believe that people's lives and welfare can be reduced to a mathematical representation .

Are you a simple minded dumbfuck on steroids and believe that people's lives are improved through Government dependency?

Rhetorical question. Fuck off and rob somebody.

Rhetorical question; shove your head between your legs and jump you whacked out repugnant lunatic.
Are you a simple mouthpiece for capitalist morons or do you really believe that people's lives and welfare can be reduced to a mathematical representation .

Rhetorical question. Fuck off and rob somebody.

Did a capitalist moron rob you to take the money to pay for your cell phone, computer, TV, car, housing; or, did you willingly pay because you want those products?
Did a capitalist moron rob you to take the money to pay for your cell phone, computer, TV, car, housing; or, did you willingly pay because you want those products?

That's a very bizarre enquiry- but I'll enter into it for the sake of argument..

Firstly- we're not necessarily better off with some products. We have them because , for one reason, we are cajoled into buying them by advertisers- who work for capitalist morons.
That's a very bizarre enquiry- but I'll enter into it for the sake of argument..

Firstly- we're not necessarily better off with some products. We have them because , for one reason, we are cajoled into buying them by advertisers- who work for capitalist morons.

I don't recall but one person for which you can make the determination of what is and isn't betters. That's you raghead.
I don't recall but one person for which you can make the determination of what is and isn't betters. That's you raghead.

You're clearly a depressed piss-head who thinks he is expressing an opinion, Richard.
That's a very bizarre enquiry- but I'll enter into it for the sake of argument..

Firstly- we're not necessarily better off with some products. We have them because , for one reason, we are cajoled into buying them by advertisers- who work for capitalist morons.

If you are cajoled into buying something by advertising that you don't need, I don't think it is the capitalist that is the moron. If you can resist buying most of the products you see advertised, you can resist the others.

It is a person unwilling to take responsibility for his actions that blames advertising for unnecessary purchases--he needs some evil force to blame for his lack of self control.

And, it cannot be blamed on capitalists since that same advertising leads people to purchase TVs, cars, cell phones, etc. in socialist and communist countries.