40 million people in poverty, USA.

I suggested you post one that shows my racism; but I can see how you would want to change the parameters of the bet.

Arabic is not a race. :D

You really are a moronic waste of space. You denigrate Arabs- because they are Arabs- and really do believe that you ain't a common-or-garden racist.

You'd best check the correct definition of ' racism' , monkey- because you're headed for a self-imposed perma-ban.
You really are a moronic waste of space. You denigrate Arabs- because they are Arabs- and really do believe that you ain't a common-or-garden racist.

You'd best check the correct definition of ' racism' , monkey- because you're headed for a self-imposed perma-ban.

You can cry about it all you want; but there can be White Arabs, Black Arabs, Yellow (Asian) Arabs, Red (Native American) Arabs, a whole rainbow of Arabs and they're still not a race.
Ergo: no racism.

I see you have agreed to the bet; even after I said I would ask Grind to resurrect any of my posts, that even suggest racism.
Why is that??
You're just a feeble-minded prosemitic tosser. NO WAY would I let one of my top prosemitic tossers take leave of this dump. You're a valuable recruiting sergeant for anti-Zionism.

Wriggle- lie your fool head off- we love it.
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You're just a feeble-minded prosemitic tosser. NO WAY would I let one of my top prosemitic tossers take leave of this dump. You're a valuable recruiting sergeant for anti-Zionism.

Wriggle- lie your fool head off- we love it.

Thanks for proving that not only are you a liar; but that you're also a coward, just like the Palasimians you admire. :D
Lovely- keep it up, tosser.

And you're a LYING COWARD. :D

OH - If you don't agree to the bet, within the next 24 hours, then it's withdrawn; because 24 hours should be plenty of time for you to find what you've said that I've posted.

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Prosemitism is racist.

What is Prosemitism? Is it being partial to Semitic people like Jews and Arabs?

That would depend upon whether you considered the term ' anti-Semitism ' to be a misnomer if used with regard to Jews exclusively. Of course, Arabs are Semitic peoples as well as Jews indigenous to the Middle East. European ' Jews ' ? Not so much.

' Prosemitism ' is a term used to counter ' antisemitism ' when used in the exclusively anti-Jewish sense. ' Prosemitism ' is just as racist as ' antisemitism ' Being biased towards Jews is just as unfair as being biased against Jews.
And you're a LYING COWARD. :D

OH - If you don't agree to the bet, within the next 24 hours, then it's withdrawn; because 24 hours should be plenty of time for you to find what you've said that I've posted.


Well; it looks like your 24 hours have come and gone and you weren't able to provide a single post of mine, that would support your fucked up accusation.

Just face facts, moon2012, and finally admit that you're just a bag of wind, you lying coward.

Your posts are loaded with racist rhetoric. You think that attacking Muslims is not racist. You're clearly out of your skull. Please don't ban yourself though. Decency needs you as an example of its opposite.
Your posts are loaded with racist rhetoric. You think that attacking Muslims is not racist. You're clearly out of your skull. Please don't ban yourself though. Decency needs you as an example of its opposite.

You've had your chance to prove your accusations and have failed miserably; but then, you're such a racist that it was to be expected. :palm:
Muslims are not a race, you fucking idgit.

I told you to revisit your own definition of ' racism ', masochist troll. You're clearly too immersed in your own ignorance to bother.
Your humiliation is hereby extended- as you requested.
I told you to revisit your own definition of ' racism ', masochist troll. You're clearly too immersed in your own ignorance to bother.
Your humiliation is hereby extended- as you requested.

Why are you trying to deflect from the racism that you have blatantly shown in your postings??
But I never said "...doing God's work is the same as "accepting Him"..."; but what I did say is "It's just not believing in God; but also doing your best to follow His word." and now that it appears that you've found the need to fabricate things, that hopefully will support your comments.

And since the start of your post is based on the lie you created, it makes the rest of your opinion inconsequential.

So where do you get: "It's just not believing in God; but also doing your best to follow His word." ?

Did you just make that up or did you take a verse from the Bible and twist it to support your argument?

And what does it mean to "follow His word"? That's kinda ambiguous. What is God's "word"? Have you talked to Him about it for clarification?
So where do you get: "It's just not believing in God; but also doing your best to follow His word." ?

Did you just make that up or did you take a verse from the Bible and twist it to support your argument?

And what does it mean to "follow His word"? That's kinda ambiguous. What is God's "word"? Have you talked to Him about it for clarification?

My belief and what His word teaches.

The rest of course, is just you looking for another excuse or complaign.